Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1752: Great gold! Four-star King Wu!

Their faces were full of shock and horror. Jin Tai curled his lips in disdain, and hummed softly, "What a bunch of trash!"

As he said, his body was shaken, all the ice in the hall was shattered, and the people of the Lie Clan resumed their actions.

They all looked at Jin Taishang with horror. Jin Taishang seemed to enjoy such gazes. He laughed and said, "Do you know what a real strong man is? It's like me!"

Talking, Yang Tian laughed, and strode away!

After King Taishang left, Madam Lie suddenly stood up and said loudly, "Everyone, don't worry about it now!"

"With Jin Tai coming forward, you can naturally kill Chen Feng easily!"

"Yes!" everyone nodded and said.

Although they are all very angry at Jin Taishang's arrogance, they have to admit that Jin Taishang's strength is indeed extremely powerful!

"This time, as soon as Jin Taishang made a move, Chen Feng would be killed immediately. Chen Feng and Jin Taishang had a huge gap, and Jin Taishang would definitely kill him with a crushing gesture!"

Everyone reunited.

Mrs. Lie was extremely proud and giggled, because Jin Taishang was a master she invited from her own family.

She giggled and said: "Elder Jin Taishang, in my family, even among the few Taishang elders, they are extremely powerful."

"She killed Chen Feng this little bastard, naturally there is no problem! This is what I left behind!"

"Okay, let's not just stay here, let's go now!"

"Everything has been set up. Today is a great day to sample the blood and martial soul of Han Yuer's little bitch. Everyone, go and watch!"

Everyone nodded silently.

An old man in the corner was full of tears, but he dared not say a word.

Chen Feng strode forward, and behind him, tens of thousands of onlookers followed.

The black crowd stepped into Lie's house.

Everywhere Chen Feng went, Lie's house was destroyed. Every time he stepped into a door, he directly destroyed the door and the courtyard.

Soon, Lie’s house was completely destroyed!

In front of Chen Feng stood a huge gate archway. On the gate archway, four characters were written: loyal and bold.

Next to these four characters, there are two small characters inlaid with gold: Imperial gift.

Obviously, these four characters were bestowed on the Lie family by the Emperor Qin!

Everyone was silent, no one spoke, everyone watched Chen Feng's performance at this time, no one believed that Chen Feng dared to smash this gate tower, this was a reward from His Majesty the Emperor!

At this time, Chen Feng smiled coldly, the arrogant color in the smile, sure to show!

He roared, slashed out, and with a bang, the gate was directly broken into pieces, and those four characters were directly broken everywhere!

Everyone exclaimed: "This Chen Feng is so courageous, this is a gift from the gods, who would he dare to kill?"

"Yes, now it seems that Chen Feng is not afraid of the sky, and has no scruples!"

"This Chen Feng is really fierce and fierce in doing things, and he has never moved forward!"

At this moment, a violent roar came: "Little boy, you are a big burden!"

An extremely fierce, fierce and brutal momentum, pressed toward this side fiercely.

The tens of thousands of people onlookers suddenly felt that their heart seemed to miss a beat, beating heavily, which was absolutely different from the original frequency.

This beating is because of fear, because of the oppression of the momentum.

They couldn't help but dry their tongues, swallowed, and felt a sense of fear in their hearts.

Shocked expressions appeared on everyone's faces: "What kind of aura and strength is necessary to achieve this?"

At this time, Chen Feng also shrank his eyes. This momentum was something he had never touched before. It was extremely powerful and stronger than any opponent he had encountered before!

The figure soon came to the front, dressed in a golden robe, extremely domineering!

Chen Feng frowned and asked slowly: "Who are you?"

"Who am I? It's okay to tell you, at least let you be a ghost before you die!" Jin Taishang laughed loudly: "You can call me Jin Taishang, I am the master Mrs. Lie invited from her family!"

"I am one of the four great elders of the Jin Family of the Kingdom of Yan, and my strength is comparable to that of the Patriarch!"

Hearing this, the crowd around the audience made a huge exclamation: "What? He turned out to be a member of the Jin family of Yan Guo?"

"The Jin Family of the Yan Kingdom, that is the most powerful family in the Yan Kingdom besides the royal family, and the head of the Jin Family is the dignified county king!"

"That's right, the Jin family is stronger than any of our Daqin aristocratic families, and the head of the Jin family is also extremely powerful. His strength is comparable to that of the head of the family. Doesn't that mean that his strength has at least reached the four-star Martial King?"

"Yes, at least it has reached the realm of the four-star martial king!"

Everyone looked at Jin Taishang with incomparable horror, with a strong look of awe in their eyes.

Elder Jin Taishang was even more proud when he heard the words of these people around him, laughing.

He stared at Chen Feng with a downward gaze, his face was full of disdain, and he said lightly: "Boy, you were so majestic just now, Jiang Lie's house was destroyed by half! But now it's over, everything is over!"

"Since I have arrived, then all you have left is this way!"

"Oh?" Chen Feng's expression remained unchanged, and said lightly: "You mean you want to catch me?"

"That's right!" Jin Taishang said lightly: "Now, the ceremony in Houshan has begun. Your senior sister is being tortured. The blood and martial arts in the body are stripped away and poured into someone else's body. in!"

"If you can't see these scenes, wouldn't it be a pity?"

With that said, he looked at Chen Feng with cold and playful eyes!

Chen Feng's eyes suddenly shrank, and his expression became extremely cold.

The world is his reverse scale, no one can move!

If anyone dares to move Senior Sister, Chen Feng must beheaded!

"Well, I am impatient to talk nonsense with you!"

Jin Taishang said coldly: "Now you quickly abolish your cultivation, kneel on the ground, let me catch, I can make you suffer less!"

Chen Feng looked cold and said, "What if I don't do this?"

Jin Taishangsen sneered, and his eyes flashed a hideous look: "If you don't do this, then I will catch you immediately, then break your limbs, repair your base, and abolish all your bones. Tortured you with the most ferocious torture, causing you to suffer all the pain, but you can't live or die!"

"At that time, you will know what it means to be unable to survive, not to die!"

"For you, death was a luxury at that time! Hahahaha..."

What he said was full of confidence, as if it was really just what he said, he could capture Chen Feng with just one move!

Chen Feng said lightly: "You are so confident that you can easily catch me?"

"Of course!" Jin Taishang proudly said: "What realm am I? I am a four-star Wuwang realm! And you?"

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