Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1750: Go away, or die!

There were thousands of people, but no one spoke. They all clenched the weapon in their hands and looked at the distance. They seemed to be afraid of something coming. No one spoke.

But they are very nervous and can hear a cooing sound from time to time, which is the sound of their swallowing saliva.

The air was almost stagnant, and although the weather was very cool, there was still profuse sweat dripping down their foreheads, almost suffocating!

But there was a glimmer of expectation between their eyes. They weren't really expecting, but they had been tortured crazy.

Outside the mansion gate, on the streets on both sides, tens of thousands of people were watching.

These tens of thousands of people were basically sent by the major forces in Wuyang City, and even some of the patriarchs of various families and families came in person. They all wanted to see how Chen Feng’s battle with the Lie’s family today is. how is it!

This can be said to be one of the most significant events in Wuyang City this year, and they are naturally very concerned!

The atmosphere became more and more frozen. Suddenly, a guard threw the weapon in his hand and shouted loudly: "Come on, **** it!"

"Even if you kill me, it's better than being immortal here!"

He sat down on the ground, gasping for breath, as if he could not breathe until then.

Many people beside him showed the same look as him, and many people also threw down their weapons and sat on the ground. They have been waiting here for more than two hours, and the tremendous pressure has been About to torture them crazy.

A guard leader had a cold look and whispered, "Get out and see what you are like now? Are you still the guards of the Lie family?"

"Yes, that's right! We are the guards of the Lie's family!" The guard who sat down first gave a sneer and said, "If we were not the guards of the Lie's family, we don't need to be tortured like this now!"

"Now, the entire Wuyang City, the entire Daqin, who doesn't know that just today, Chen Feng will come to the door and destroy all my Lie's family, not the chickens and dogs!"

"We people must die!" He was desperate.

Many other people also showed hopelessness on their faces.

No one doubted the authenticity of what Chen Feng said, because Chen Feng had just killed a three-star martial king peak powerhouse two days ago!

How can they be compared with Samsung Do not forget? It's easy to be beheaded!

Everyone said: "Yes, we are all going to die, so what are we afraid of?"

There was a touch of despair on the guard leader's face.

At this moment, suddenly a guard pointed to the distance and screamed: "Chen Feng, it is Chen Feng who is here!"

His voice trembled, and it was full of fear, but there was still a hint of relief.

Everyone looked in the direction he was pointing, and then they saw a tall and straight figure slowly approaching here.

The setting sun shone out from behind him, so that they couldn't see his appearance, but they could feel the huge and awful aura, which was as deep as the sea of ​​abyss, and at the same time as sharp as a knife!

It seems that a touch with that momentum is enough to cut them into pieces!

The crowd around the audience also exclaimed, all their eyes were cast on the tall figure that slowly walked, and their eyes were full of awe.

Wherever he walked, many people even slightly bent over, expressing their respect and surrender!

"Chen Feng, really is Chen Feng?" The guard commander let out a sharp scream like a chicken.

Chen Feng dragged the Dragon Slaying Knife backwards and walked slowly toward this side.

He stopped a hundred meters away and finally raised his head. His eyes were calm, but under the calm it was like a volcano about to erupt, and his eyes were ice cold.

He slowly spit out four words: "Kneel and don't kill!"

"Kneel down and don't kill!" When these four words were spit out, the air instantly solidified.

Then it became easy immediately.

In the next moment, almost all the guards threw out their weapons and shouted: "We surrender, we surrender!"

They thought that this time Chen Feng would kill them regardless of whether they surrendered or not, but they did not expect that if they surrendered, they would not die.

So they surrendered one after another.

They no longer have any urgency to resist!

They threw down their weapons one after another, knelt to the ground, and begged Chen Feng in pain.

The onlookers around were all in an uproar, and no one thought that the Lie family didn't know that these thousands of guards were useless at all.

When Chen Feng came, he immediately surrendered!

"The Lie family's **** is not even a decoration!"

"Don't say such big talk, if you change it to you, knowing that you may be facing a four-star martial king, do you still have the spirit to fight?"

The person who spoke before and despised Lie's family was refuted dumb, and shook his head angrily.

Chen Feng didn't have any expressions, he was still cold and cold. He slowly walked through the crowd and came outside the gate of Lie's house.

At this time, suddenly, he felt a huge momentum approaching here.

A cold smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth: "It has been a group of shrimps just now, but now there is finally a fish, but it's just a small fish."

In a blink of an eye, a huge momentum came to the front.

Zhenren Meng appeared in front of Chen Feng. He stared at Chen Feng, his eyes were arrogant, his voice was cold, and he reprimanded loudly: "Chen Feng, go back! Lie's house is not your place to go wild!"

Chen Feng stared at him with a weird look in his eyes, and said softly: "The surname is Meng, you really have such a big tone, now you dare to talk to me in this tone?"

It turned out that Zhenren Meng had beaten Chen Feng so miserably before. When he faced Chen Feng, he was still full of confidence.

In his opinion, the current rumors must be exaggerated. In fact, Chen Feng is absolutely impossible to be his opponent!

He smiled coldly and said proudly: "I'll say it one last time, hurry up and go back!"

Chen Feng stared at him, and spit out two words: "Get away!"

"What? You let me go away? You dare to talk to me like this?" Meng Zhenren's face first showed an expression of disbelief, and then he was furious, staring at Chen Feng and roaring: "Little boy, you are looking for death! "

"You bastard, if you dare to talk to me like this, I will kill you with one blow!"

He waved his palm and said, "Believe it or not, if you slap it, I will kill you directly?"

Chen Feng shook his head, with a pity in his eyes: "This real Meng is really arrogant, he doesn't know how much stronger my strength is now!"

Chen Feng said slowly: "I'll give you one last chance, get out, or die, choose one yourself!"

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