Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1741: Enlightenment! Eight Desolation Killing the World!

And if the enlightenment fails, then Chen Feng's continuous efforts over the past few months are not only in vain, but also very likely to die.

Naturally, what he wanted to comprehend was the scroll obtained from the depths of the nirvana sword gate, in the tomb of Emperor Yin and Yang. At this time, Chen Feng already knew what was recorded in the scroll.

This is a martial skill, a sword technique!

There is no level in this martial skill, but Chen Feng guessed that at least it has reached the heaven level, surpassed the ninth rank of the earth level, and is at the same level as the nine-yin and nine-yang magic arts!

The martial skill is called: Eight Desolation Silence Slash!

Eight Desolation and Silence Slash, it is strange to say that this book is not directly poured into the mind like other high-level martial arts, but still exists in the form of a book.

When Chen Feng opened the first page of the booklet, he saw a few big words written on it: "If you don't have a root of wisdom, practice this sword technique and become crazy, don't blame others!"

Chen Feng was awe-inspiring. He didn't know if his Huigen could be. All he could do was to adjust his mood to the best!

When Chen Feng finally made up his mind, he took the Bahuang Ji Mie Zhan Book Book in his hand and opened it gently.

At this time, above the book, a ray of light suddenly radiated into the dust and wind, directly reaching Chen Feng's heart.

Then the next moment, this book seemed to perceive Chen Feng's determination, and also understood his preparations. More importantly, at this time, he felt Chen Feng's heart clear.

So, this light suddenly collected and returned to the scroll.

The next moment, the whole book banged, a violent hum, and the gray light exploded.

Then this scroll turned into a giant dragon directly. This giant dragon is very similar to the dragon of the Nine Yin and Nine Yang magic arts, but it is not of that color, but a gray dragon.

The gray dragon reveals a strong power of extinguishment. His eyes are cold and full of faint murderous intent. It seems to be with contempt for everything. He doesn't care about all life at all, kills as he pleases, whatever he wants!

Chen Feng looked at each other with his gaze, and immediately felt cold in his heart, and couldn't help but shudder.

He was shocked, what kind of gaze was this? So tyrannical?

At this moment, Chen Feng immediately comprehended the essence of the Eight Desolation Silence Slash, the fundamental meaning!

Then the next moment, the dragon of extinction suddenly roared, swished, and directly rushed towards Chen Feng.

But Chen Feng was not overthrown by him. When he came into contact with Chen Feng, he went directly into Chen Feng's body.

In an instant, this dragon of extinction entered Chen Feng's body as a whole. Chen Feng felt his body shook and his brain trembled.

Countless information, countless powerful and extremely mysterious profound meanings, abruptly stuffed into his mind, causing him to have a splitting headache. The painful Chen Feng could not help but cover his head and let out a screaming scream. Roll up and down.

But at this moment, his clear mind saved him.

Under the comfort of this state of mind, the sharp pain in Chen Feng's mind gradually disappeared.

Finally, in the end, the turbulent waves subsided, and Chen Feng returned to normal.

He sensed it carefully, and then lightly moved in his heart, the infinite mystery came out of his heart.

Chen Feng closed his eyes and realized it carefully. After a long time, he only breathed out slightly, his face was full of surprise and shock.

"It turns out that Bahuang Ji Mie Zhan is so, so powerful! So domineering!"

He laughed loudly: "With the Eight Desolation Silence Slash, after refining it, in the Martial King Realm, I can be invincible!"

Chen Feng, why did you say such domineering words?

Because at this time, he had already learned the profound meaning of the cultivation of the entire Martial King realm, and even the magical powers of Bahuang Ji Mie Zhan Ji Mie Zhan.

The biggest difference between Martial King Realm and Martial King Realm is that there is a Nascent Soul.

Yuan Ying is transformed by inner alchemy!

When the half-step Martial King realm is strong enough, the inner core is extremely condensed, and it can absorb a lot of power from the world.

This power of heaven and earth is not aura at all, nor is it a source of energy, but a tyrannical force called Xuanhuang Qi.

The mysterious yellow energy is said to be the beginning of the chaos. When the heaven and the earth were in the beginning, the purest power between the heaven and the earth was not known how many levels higher than the spiritual energy and vitality.

Very rare, but as long as you absorb a tiny bit of it, you can get great benefits and your strength will be greatly improved!

Moreover, only the aura of Xuanhuang can make the inner alchemy evolve into an infant!

Of course, when the inner alchemy transforms into the Nascent Soul, it will attract the tribulation of heaven and earth!

The warrior is fighting against the sky and going against the sky.

The more the warrior goes up, the more intolerable this world is!

One hundred strong men who want to step into the realm of King Martial Arts, can have one successfully survive the thunder tribulation, it is not bad.

The stronger the Heaven and Land Mine Tribulation, the greater the chance of death, but if it can survive, the potential for future development will be even more endless!

Once Yuan Ying is successfully condensed, he will officially enter the Martial King Realm. In addition to the crazy improvement of his own strength and will, one of the biggest benefits of Yuan Ying is that it can attract heavenly thunder!

The reason why the body of the Wuwang realm powerhouse is so tyrannical is because of the sky thunder!

Tianlei tempered body!

Nine levels of the Martial King Realm, each level is a certain part of the body for tempering.

One-star Wu Wang, the inner alchemy became the Nascent Soul.

Two-star Martial King, Yuan Ying draws the sky thunder to train skin, and can defeat three one-star Martial Kings.

The three-star martial king, Yuan Ying draws the thunder to practice meat, and can defeat six or seven one-star martial kings.

The four-star martial king, Yuan Ying draws the sky thunder to train the muscles, and can defeat more than ten one-star martial kings.

Five-star Martial King, Yuan Ying draws the sky thunder to practice the film, can be surrounded by dozens of one-star Martial Kings and can be defeated.

Six-star Martial King, Yuan Ying draws the thunder to train bones, and can defeat one hundred one-star Martial Kings.

Seven-star Martial King, Yuan Ying draws the sky thunder to practice viscera, and is able to defeat hundreds of one-star Martial Kings.

Eight-star Martial King: Yuan Ying draws the sky thunder to practice his marrow, and is able to defeat a thousand one-star Martial King!

Jiuxing Wuwang: Yuan Ying drew sky thunder to exchange blood. Can beat ten thousand one-star Wuwang.

Yuan Ying Lei Jie tempered the flesh, and the flesh became extremely powerful. By relying solely on the body, countless martial masters can be killed.

Chen Feng had long known the power of the Wuwang realm.

At this time, a wry smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth, thinking of the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle King. The Golden Winged Thunder Eagle King didn't have any moves, relying on his body to beat Chen Feng to death.

Chen Feng's Dragon Slaying Sword slashed out, unable to break the defense at all, leaving only a small blood mark.

He thought of Meng Zhenren, he cut out the Dragon Slaying Knife himself, only torn a bit!

It seems that the King of Martial Realm is strong, physically tyrannical, unable to cut through!

However, the Eight Desolation and Annihilation of the World Zhan is an expert who specializes in breaking the Martial King realm!

The Eight Desolation and Annihilation Kill the World Zhan, a total of eight layers, each one corresponds to a knife!

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