Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1735: Lose

In fact, with his strength, there is no problem even painting five purple ripples, but Senior Zongmen was afraid that he would be too arrogant and too high would not be good, so he deliberately suppressed it.

At that time, Duan Fusheng, the young leader, was overwhelmed by his pride, so he was secretly framed.

Ten years ago, he contacted many people to set up a trap and introduce it into it, causing him to make a big mistake in front of Senior Zongmen.

As a result, Qi Ye was disqualified from all qualifications and sent directly to the Palace of Royal Flowers.

In this palace of flowers, one stayed for ten years until today.

After hearing these secrets, Chen Feng knew why Qi Ye looked glum all day, which also explained why his strength was so powerful.

It is not surprising that the first genius of the sect, after ten years of precipitation, can reach this state!

Qi Ye yelled frantically, telling his grievances back then, while making tyrannical moves.

When he finished telling the story of the year, he already didn't know how many moves he made, so Duan Fusheng could only parry.

Suddenly, Qi Ye yelled again: "The debt you owed me back then will be paid back today. I am not interested in the nirvana knife gate at all. What I want to do now is to kill you!"

With that said, a dozen punches were blasted frantically, and each punch had a strong pressure like a mountain.

These dozens of punches slammed Duan Fusheng together.

With a bang, Duan Fusheng was beaten back dozens of steps, and a mouthful of blood came out!

Next, he was not even an opponent, he was beaten to vomit blood one after another.

Seeing this scene, Duan Wanqing and Mrs. Duan both showed pain on their faces. Let out an exclamation.

Duan Wanqing screamed: "Qiye, how can you be like this? How can you treat your father like this? How can you betray the sect?"

Qi Ye took a deep look at her, his eyes were full of spoiling colors, but his actions did not stop at all!

Mrs. Duan noticed the look in his eyes beside her, and she suddenly moved her heart, lowered her head, as if thinking about something there!

Duan Wanqing was going crazy, tears rushed out of her eyes, and she never felt so powerless.

She almost pleaded: "Stop your hands, if my father is killed, my mother and I will be killed by them!"

At this time, Duan Fusheng spoke.

His reaction at this time was very unusual. It seemed that he was extremely dissatisfied with his daughter's behavior. He shouted in an almost furious manner: "Qing'er, shut up! Don't ask for this rebellion!"

The muscles on his face were beating suddenly, and his face was full of hideous colors, just like a lunatic.

Duan Wanqing was shocked by him, and she couldn't help but shrink back.

At this time, Qi Ye looked at her with a smile and calmly said, "Qing'er, don't worry, don't worry, after killing this dog, I will naturally protect you and your mother."

With that said, he looked at the four great elders and said coldly: "Our previous agreement should still count?"

"It counts, of course it counts!" Qiu Nutao said with a smile on his face: "Before we said outside that we were going to kill both of them, mother and daughter, in fact, it was just to make an excuse."

"As long as you can kill Duan Fusheng, then the two of them naturally don't have to die."

"Good!" Qi Ye nodded slowly.

And hearing this conversation between Qi Ye and Qiu Nutao, Madam Duan rolled her eyes, her eyes flashed, as if she had made some decision!

It seems that the conversation just now made Duan Fusheng even more furious. He felt that his majesty had been offended, and he yelled: "I'm not dead yet. You are just discussing things after my death in such a grand manner. Is it too early? ?"

With that said, his aura increased crazily, and he made powerful moves one after another to bring the situation back.

But even so, it was just a draw with Qi Ye.

Seventh Master laughed up to the sky: "Duan Fusheng, I am a genius, a genius stronger than you. Even if I don't have any resources in the past ten years, and you have countless resources, I can still dominate you!"

Duan Fusheng's face showed extreme shame and anger, but there was no way!

At this time, the four elders did not stare at the two of them, but kept staring at the volume in Duan Fusheng's hands.

This book cannot be stored in a mustard bag, it can only be placed on the body or held in the hand.

The eyes of all four of them were extremely greedy: "This is the foundation of the nirvana knife gate!"

The four of them looked at each other, nodded, and then rushed towards Duan Fusheng at the same time.

All four of them are desperate, using their strongest moves to bombard Duan Fusheng frantically.

The combined strength of the four of them is roughly equivalent to a half of Duan Fusheng's, and at this time, with the presence of Seventh Master, it was suddenly overwhelming.

Suddenly, Duan Fusheng fell completely downwind.

After a while, he was hit successively.

Boom boom boom, like defeat in the middle.

Duan Fusheng sprayed blood, his figure receding constantly.

When he avoided Qiu Nutao with a slash, he revealed the empty door. When Qi Ye saw the opportunity, his figure flashed, bullying him in, and punching his chest and abdomen.

There was a loud bang, a huge aperture burst out, his chest and abdomen were directly hit and collapsed, and his bones made a burst of noise.

A hole the size of a sea bowl appeared in the entire chest, and blood poured out frantically from it. This was the first time his brother had suffered such a serious injury today, and he had already reached the level of serious injury.

Seeing this scene, Qi Ye and the four great elders were even more courageous, killing him fiercely.

After another moment, Qi Ye hit him in the knee with a punch, and Qiu Nutao slashed on it.

With a crisp sound, his knee was directly discounted, leaving only a trace of flesh sticking to it, which was no different from being chopped off.

At this time, Duan Fusheng fell directly to the ground.

With the firmness of his mind, he couldn't help but let out a scream.

At this moment, he no longer had the power to fight back. Everyone knew that Qi Ye could kill him without using five moves.

The four great elders all walked aside very wittily, and Qi Ye walked slowly towards Duan Fusheng alone.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and he said softly: "Duan Fusheng, have you regretted what happened ten years ago?"

A jealous smile appeared at the corner of Duan Fusheng's mouth: "Regret? I, Duan Fusheng, never know why I regret it!"

Qi Ye sneered: "Are you still stubborn? Okay, then wait until you are seriously injured and dying, can you still be so stubborn!"

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