Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1727: Sneak attack!

He was very familiar with this hall, he had never seen it, but there were paintings on the map.

Chen Feng had already remembered everything on the map. At this time, the picture immediately appeared in his mind. The palace painted in the upper left corner of the map was no different from the one in front of him, and the palace was impressively The starting point of the entire map.

In other words, the entrance to the tomb of the Great Emperor Yin and Yang is in this hall!

Just entering here, while everyone was still dazzled, Mrs. Duan suddenly yelled in a sad voice: "Husband, husband. Come out quickly, your wife and daughter will be killed!"

"These **** dog things are going to rebel, and we are going to take away our Duan family's foundation in the Silence Daomen!"

The four elders were frightened and angry, but soon calmed down. They used their skills and stared at the surroundings with guard, but they did not stop Madam Duan from screaming.

Because it was their plan to bring the head out!

Following Mrs. Duan's words, all of a sudden, everyone seemed to feel a bang in their hearts and broke directly.

The voice clearly didn't exist, but all of them felt it.

Then the next moment, they felt that a huge momentum suddenly rose.

In this hall, began to oppress everyone.

Many third-generation disciples and even second-generation disciples were directly kneeling on the ground under the pressure of this huge momentum.

Everyone was shocked, you know, they are all one-star and two-star martial arts, and they kneel on the ground so pressed!

Chen Feng's eyes narrowed: "How huge is this momentum? The person who gives off this momentum has at least four-star Wuwang or even higher level strength!"

"Could it be that this person is the head of the current nirvana swordsman, Duan Fusheng!"

This momentum became stronger and stronger, and in the end, everyone was already breathless.

Even the Big Four are short of breath and look nervous.

Suddenly, a rolling sound came, and on the side of the hall, the stone wall moved away, revealing a quiet hall.

In this hall, a white-robed man was cross-legged in the air, but his body slowly floated towards the outside.

He wore a white robe with five purple ripples on it, and among the purple ripples, there were countless stars dotted.

Seeing this person dressing up, everyone took a breath. This robe can be worn by the head!

This person is the contemporary head of the Nimbling Dao Sect, Duan Fusheng!

Duan Fusheng floated out slowly, his appearance was quite ordinary, at the age of forty or fifty years old, he wore long hair, half black and half white, but the familiar force of extinguishment lingering around his body made anyone I dare not look down upon him!

See him appear. The four elders glanced at each other, then knelt down one after another and said loudly, "I have seen the head."

Seeing them kneeling, everyone else also knelt on the ground and bowed their heads respectfully.

Chen Feng quietly hid in a sight that no one had seen!

Seeing the four elders kneeling and kowtow with respect, Duan Fusheng's mouth showed a smile, and the original anger on his face dissipated a lot.

He was in retreat, but was suddenly disturbed and awakened. He was about to break through a very terrifying state, but now he had to be forced to interrupt, and he heard the news that his wife and daughter were about to be killed, which made him How not to be furious?

But at this time, the anger dissipated a lot.

Because in his opinion, these elders are still very respectful to themselves, maybe there was some misunderstanding before!

He floated in front of the four great elders and slowly said: "What the **** is going on? Why is it like this?"

Just as Mrs. Duan was about to speak, he stopped her.

Qiu Nutao, the first person of the Four Great Elders, raised his head with a wry smile on his face, and said, "Master, we were forced to do this too helplessly. It is true that too much happened during your absence!"

"Oh? What happened?" Duan Fusheng asked, frowning.

He gave Madam Duan a fierce look. He always knew what virtue his wife was, and immediately realized that he was afraid that this disaster would have nothing to do with her!

Qiu Nutao's words immediately made him tremble.

Qiu Nutao said loudly: "Head, two-thirds of the masters in our sect have been killed!"

"What?" Hearing these words, Duan Fusheng's complexion suddenly changed, his whole body trembled, and his face was full of disbelief.

But he knew that if this sentence could be said from Qiu Nutao's mouth, it must be true.

So, at this moment, he lost his mind, and his whole body was unsettled.

There was also a violent fluctuation in his momentum. Qiu Nutao glanced at each other, and a sharp murderous intent flashed in his eyes: "It's now!"

He lost his mind, now is the best time!

So the next moment, the four of them roared in unison, issued their most powerful moves, and blasted towards Duan Fusheng!

The four great elders are all four-star martial arts masters. Among them, Qiu Nutao reached the peak of the four-star martial arts even later, and his strength is extremely powerful.

Four four-star Wuwang masters launched a tyrannical attack at the same time, and Duan Fusheng had no defense against them at all.

So the next moment, four extremely powerful moves bombarded him at the same time, making a loud noise.

The four major moves have caused the situation to change.

The whole mountain seemed to tremble violently.

With a loud bang, Duan Fusheng let out a muffled snort, with blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth, he was beaten out several hundred meters, and hit the mountain wall hard.

With a bang, the entire mountain range seemed to collapse.

Numerous boulders were knocked down, and that piece of rock wall directly shattered the boulder and fell down, burying Duan Fusheng in it!

It's just that Qiu Nutao and the others didn't have the slightest expression of excitement on their faces, but they still walked toward the pile of rocks very guarded.

Because everyone knows very well that Duan Fusheng is extremely powerful, and it is absolutely impossible to be killed so easily!

The four people approached towards the pile of rocks. At the same time, Qiu Nutao shouted loudly: "Kill Madam Duan and Duan Wanqing, these two bitches!"

"Yes!" The dozens of other masters of the nirvana swordsmen responded in unison, sending out powerful moves and killing Duan Wanqing's mother and daughter.

But Duan Wanqing and Madam Duan were completely stunned by the scene just now.

They did not expect that the four great elders who were very respectful to Duan Fusheng just now would suddenly launch a powerful attack.

Only then did they come to their senses.

Duan Wanqing screamed: "You traitors, I want to kill you all!"

Mrs. Duan's face changed drastically. She never thought that these people would really dare to rebel!

In a twinkling of an eye, dozens of masters of the nirvana swordsman were already in front of them. The eight mothers hurriedly got up to meet the enemy and formed a defensive circle, enclosing Duan Wanqing and Mrs. Duan.

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