Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1721: Who died?

Qu Changfeng showed extreme regret in his eyes, and a voice in his heart yelled frantically: "Why should I provoke him?"

He regretted it to the extreme, and pleaded: "Chen Feng, don't kill me, don't kill me!"

As he said, he actually knelt directly to the ground, kowtow frantically, begging for mercy: "Chen Feng, don't kill me, don't kill me!"

Chen Feng laughed loudly: "Didn't you let me come out and die? Now, I am out! Then you, die!"

The voice fell, and the Dragon Sword also fell.

Qu Changfeng's body stood still for a moment, and the next moment, a little bit of starlight appeared from his body, with a bang, and suddenly burst.

The whole body, except for the head, was completely shattered and disappeared directly into this world.

Chen Feng took the sword and stood, suddenly facing the three hundred thousand Qi army, he shouted: "Didn't you let me come out and die? I came out, then, who is dying now?"

"In the end, who was killed?"

The three-star Wu Wang realm powerhouse, Qu Changfeng, was beheaded by Chen Feng!

His voice is extremely domineering!

The army of 300,000 Qi was silent.

Even, they dared not face Chen Feng's eyes or stare at him.

Those Qi Jun were going crazy, their faces were all in disbelief, each of them was dumbfounded and full of shock.

"God, Qu Changfeng is the three-star martial king, and the dignified three-star martial king was killed by Chen Feng like this?"

"Furthermore, Chen Feng used only three knives, how strong is he now? Three knives can kill the three-star martial king!"

After the shock, there was extreme fear.

They looked at Chen Feng, each of them pale and trembling.

Tian Bugui looked at Chen Feng, and his face was even more frightened. The arrogance he had just now disappeared, and Chen Feng's horror came to her again, leaving him without any fighting spirit.

He let out a stern roar, and when he turned around, he fleeed madly into the distance.

He chose to escape again, but how could Chen Feng let him run this time?

A sneer was outlined at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth: "Want to run? Dreaming!"

The Haifeng Zidianbao was launched instantly, and the speed was extremely fast, and several flashes appeared several kilometers away.

Then slashed.

With a loud bang, Tian Bujiao was directly cut to pieces, and the sword aura spread downward, sending thousands of Qi troops into hell. A deep ravine was exhibited on the ground, tearing several kilometers long. !

The two-star martial king, Tian Bugui, was beheaded by Chen Feng!

Then Chen Feng smiled at the Qi Jun.

All of these Qi Jun were frightened and frightened, turned around, screamed sternly, and ran away frantically!

The Qi state army completely collapsed.

After Qu Changfeng and Tian Bugui died, they no longer had any fighting spirit, fleeing frantically, shouting in horror.

Some even threw away their weapons and took off their armor in order to escape faster.

At this time, the Invincible Army came out of the Battle Dragon City, chasing them all the way, chasing them for thousands of miles, and chasing them to the border of Qin and Qi before they stopped.

And so far, the Qi State’s 300,000 troops have almost been wiped out, and no more than one-tenth of them have fled back!

This battle shocked the entire State of Qin and Qi!

Linshui City is a big city in the western border of Qi State, three thousand miles away from the border between Qin State and Qi State.

The position here in Qi is roughly equivalent to the position of Dragon City in Qin!

At this time, in the city, in front of a luxurious mansion, the sound of popping hoofs suddenly sounded.

Then, a team of knights rushed in and stopped in front of the gate.

The monster beasts they rode were quite rare, and they knew that they were very powerful.

These dozens of knights are also powerful and powerful. They turned over from the monster beasts and strode into the mansion. The leading young man in his thirties looked worried.

They ran all the way, and finally came outside a hall.

Just standing outside the hall, a voice came from inside: "As the guards of my Tian family, in Daqi, besides the royal guards, the most powerful group of warriors, in such a panic, how proper are you? "

It turned out that this house was the branch of the Tian family in Linshui City, at the same time. It is also the resident of Tian's high-level after arriving in Linshui City.

The young man took a deep breath, calmed his emotions a bit, and said respectfully: "My lord, there is a frontline military report. It is very urgent, so the subordinates and others are very anxious. Please forgive me!"

There was a cold snort in the hall, and then the door of the hall suddenly opened, and a middle-aged man in a water-green robe was walking in the hall.

On the walls of the main hall, there are more than a dozen famous paintings, each of which is an authentic masterpiece, passed down for thousands of years.

He carried his hands on his back and looked at ease, admiring these famous paintings.

The samurai of the Tian family didn't dare to bother seeing him like this, they all held their breath and waited in the hall.

After a while, this talent turned around. He was in his forties and looked thin, with three long beards in his lower jaw. It was the trusted Tian Buyou.

Tian Buyou looked at them with his beard and smiled and said, "What the **** is it? Speak slowly, calmly!"

He looked extremely proud, because he had guessed that the military newspaper this time must be good news, and it was still great news.

He had guessed the content of the military report, it must be Qu Changfeng beheading Chen Feng, and then Tian Bujiao led the army to annihilate the Invincible Army, re-occupy Zhanlongcheng, and even set up thousands of miles to make a contribution.

His heart is full of smiles. If it weren't for the demeanor of the family's children, he would have laughed a lot at this time!

A voice echoed in his heart: "This time, Tian Bugui made great contributions under my supervision. The first work must be mine. After I go back, your majesty, in front of the ancestors of the Tian family, I must have a lot of face."

"This time, I will get a great reward, and it will even completely establish the position of the future heir of our Tian family!"

Hearing that Tian Buyou was finally questioning, the Tian family samurai leader hurriedly opened his mouth.

But at this time, Tian Buyou suddenly frowned, and then reprimanded: "Look at you, what do you look like now? What's the hurry?"

"I once told you that no matter how anxious things are, you must be gentle and calm on your face, so that no one else can see it!"

The head of the Tian family samurai was almost spitting out a mouthful of old blood, he took a breath, slowed down his voice as much as possible and said, "My lord, it's not good."

"What? Nothing?" Hearing these words, Tian Buyou's hands trembled, his eyes widened, and his whole body was shocked.

The Tian family warrior leader continued: "The frontline was defeated, Qu Changfeng was beheaded by Chen Feng, and even Master Tian Bugui was beheaded by Chen Feng."

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