Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1716: Tyrannical force of death

In the next moment, Chen Feng knew why, the gray fish that turned into the power of nirvana smashed directly into the martial sky and into the power of the little diamond.

Then, the gray fish exudes endless meaning of death, and this meaning of death instantly diffuses.

The manifestation form is that, in an instant, the power of the little diamonds around the gray fish turned gray, and was turned into a similar nature to the force of annihilation, but the quality was far lower than that of Ji. A force of destruction.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng was shocked.

This power of extinguishment has such an ability, that is pollution.

To put it nicely, it is transformation!

Chen Feng was horrified: "This kind of power is so terrifying, and the power of Little King Kong is also a very high-level power. After using it, it is enough to increase my strength tenfold, and now, can the power of Nirvana transform it?"

Chen Feng was still very reluctant. He didn't want the power of Little King Kong to be transformed.

But he suddenly thought that the utterly devastating and incomparable feeling brought about by the use of the power of nirvana on the sword technique is also extremely good, even better than improving strength.

So Chen Feng's heart became clear, and he ignored it.

Instead, he just sat and watched this scene happen. He wanted to see who could have the upper hand with the power of Little King Kong and the power of Nirvana!

The power of Little King Kong was contaminated by the power of Annihilation, and it was very chaotic at the beginning. The waves swept one after another, retreating steadily, and there was no power to fight back.

As a result, the scope of contamination is getting bigger and wider.

At this moment, the Great Asura Faxiang, who had been meditating at the end of Chen Feng's martial arts, suddenly opened his eyes.

An extremely fierce and murderous color flashed in his eyes, and suddenly he let out a silent roar.

It was a mental roar, and Chen Feng heard it clearly: "Who is it that dares to disturb my sleep?"

"Who is it that dare to insult my domain?"

The sound is invisible, spreading out layer by layer.

Then the next moment, his body floated up suddenly, flying up to the sky above the power of Little King Kong and the power of Nirvana.

Then, stretch out your finger and tap it lightly.

At this point, he didn't have any special power poured into the power of King Kong, but it was like opening up the power of King Kong and giving him an IQ.

Huh, the power of these little diamonds originally had an instinctive fear of the power of nirvana, but now they seem to have the consciousness of resistance and the thinking of resistance.

In fact, their power is not inferior to the power of nirvana, but the power of nirvana has been suppressed from the level of the power source.

This suppression is still there, but they can overcome it!

So the next moment, the power of these little diamonds rushed up with their teeth and claws, and in a blink of an eye, the power of nirvana was suppressed in that small area.

The power of nirvana can no longer advance, although it has not regained the power of the little diamonds transformed by the power of nirvana, but after all, it is still held!

Chen Feng was very surprised. He didn't expect the great Ashura Faxiang to have such a magical effect.

He cast his gaze on the Great Asura Faxiang, but found that at this time, around the body of the Great Asura Faxiang, the power of the Little King Kong was surging, flying up and down around him.

A smile suddenly appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth, and he continued to absorb the force of silence inside.

At this time, after his realization of the meaning of nirvana reached a sufficient height, it became very easy to absorb the power of nirvana.

Whoosh whoosh, those gray fish-like dying powers flowed into Chen Feng's body one after another.

In a blink of an eye, the power of extinguishment in Chen Feng's body expanded tenfold, one hundred times, until Chen Feng felt an extremely bulging feeling, which could no longer be absorbed, and he stopped his hand!

At this time, Chen Feng's martial arts Tianhe once again set off turbulent waves, the force of nirvana was supported, and he began a crazy counterattack.

After all, he was a higher level power, and he started to increase in quantity, so the power of Little King Kong couldn't resist at all.

In a blink of an eye, the force of nirvana set off an offensive frantically, and the power of large-scale small diamonds was transformed by them, and the power of small diamonds, under the command of the great Asura Faxiang, was systematically resisted by layers.

It's just that it can only be resisted, and there is no counterattack!

Chen Feng had been observing very carefully, and after watching it for a long time, he sighed softly and relaxed.

In fact, he has always been quite jealous of the Great Asura's Faxiang. This existence depends on his control and his drive, but it seems that it is always a little bit off.

Perhaps it was his ontological consciousness that was too strong, and the temperament of Asura was too violent and fierce, which made Chen Feng feel a little uncontrollable and uncontrollable!

It now appears that he does not have a particularly strong power, so Chen Feng is relieved.

In the end, the power of Little King Kong was transformed by the power of nirvana by half, and the two also formed a balance at this time, and the power of nirvana could not expand further!

The next morning, Chen Feng was walking slowly in this garden, walking while feeling the dying power of wandering between heaven and earth.

It seems that his absorption of the power of death has reached a bottleneck, and it is temporarily unable to absorb it.

However, he could feel the desire of those extinguishing forces in the air for his body, as if desperately wanting to enter his dantian.

When Chen Feng was awakened by a quarrel, he raised his head and couldn't help but smile.

It turned out that he had already gone to the place where he had practiced with Duan Wanqing two days ago.

Chen Feng smiled bitterly and shook his head. He seemed to have forgotten that he didn't need to come again, and turned around to leave.

But at this moment, he suddenly heard a crisp voice, which was full of anger: "I don't allow you to insult Chen Feng like this!"

Chen Feng?

Hearing these two words, Chen Feng immediately raised his brows and turned to look.

I saw that beside the small building in Duan Wanqing, Su Meng Qin Lan and the little girl who liked to blush and shy were confronting a man in white robe.

This white-robed man seemed to be only about 30 years old, very young, and there were four purple ripples on his white robe.

Chen Feng's pupils shrank suddenly, but at the age of about 30, he turned out to be a disciple of a generation!

This is an extremely rare situation in the nirvana knife gate, Chen Feng has never seen it before!

At this time, Qin Lan's pretty face was flushed, and after he said this, the younger generation disciple showed extreme disdain, watching him tilt his mouth, and said proudly:

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