Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1700: Sneak attack!

"Furthermore, this is given to you by the head, how can you easily give it to others?"

Duan Wanqing chuckled: "Uncle Kou, don't you need to control it? I want to give my things to whom, that's my freedom."

"Feng Chen's flowers are very good, I like them very much, so I have to reward him!"

Kou Gaoyang was anxious and shouted: "Resolutely not! I absolutely disagree!"

His face was full of anger, and Chen Feng could tell at a glance that his anger was not because Missy gave this thing to herself, but because she didn't give it to him, it was just that!

He muttered to himself: "It seems that Kou Gaoyang has coveted this first-grade king soldier for a long time!"

Although Chen Feng didn't know what the King's Soldier was, he knew very well that it definitely surpassed the existence of the spirit weapon. It was very powerful!

Duan Wanqing was also angry, and sternly shouted: "Kou Gaoyang, who do I want to give, that is my right, what right do you have to interfere?"

"Don't think I don't know that you have been coveting this Nirvana Zhaori Bow, wanting to take it for yourself!"

"But now, I just want to give it to Feng Chen!"

Kou Gaoyang looked cold, staring at Chen Feng, and said in a cold voice: "Feng Chen, if you dare to take it, I will kill you!"

Chen Feng looked at him, suddenly exaggerated, shivered violently, took a step back, with an exaggerated expression on his face, and shouted: "Ah, Lord Kou, I'm so scared. Give me your words. Scared to death!"

His exaggerated action caused the several maids beside him to laugh like silver bells, and snickered their mouths.

Kou Gaoyang hadn't noticed yet, thinking Chen Feng was telling the truth, he smiled coldly: "You count yourself as acquaintance."

As soon as the voice fell, Chen Feng's expression suddenly changed. He looked at him with some disdain, and said, "I'll take it, so what?"

With that said, he stepped forward, took the Nimbling Zhaori Bow in his hand, and said loudly, "Thank you, Miss!"

"Okay! You are fine!" Kou Gaoyang pointed at Chen Feng, with a grinning smile on his face: "You are fine!"

He didn't say anything next, and the team continued to move forward. When it came to the end through this grassland, it was already evening.

There is a small lake here, and there is a cliff beside the lake.

The lake is not big, but it is as clear as an emerald.

The scenery here is beautiful, there are mountains, flowers and trees, and you can even see the snow on the top of the mountains in the distance, so you can camp here.

The night was as cool as water, the camp was already quiet, and the maids and Duan Wanqing were all in a deep sleep.

It was late at night, and Chen Feng sat cross-legged in his tent.

Suddenly, a figure suddenly appeared in the tent. Before he appeared, without any warning, it appeared out of thin air, as if it had been drilled out of the space directly.

Chen Feng couldn't help being surprised, but he quickly returned to normal, because he had expected this scene a long time ago.

He smiled slightly and said, "Master Kou, I don't know if you are here, what's the matter?"

It was Kou Gaoyang who stared at Chen Feng sullenly, and said in a low voice, "Feng Chen, get acquainted, and quickly hand over the Nimie Zhaori Bow!"

Chen Feng smiled slightly, looked at him, and said lightly: "Why should I give it to you? This is my thing now!"

This attitude of Chen Feng even angered Kou Gaoyang. His voice Binghan said: "You humble slave, how dare you talk to me in this tone?"

Chen Feng smiled slightly and said, "Not only do I dare to talk to you in this tone, but what else do I dare to use?"

As he said, he suddenly shouted: "Miss, Kou Gaoyang is going to go wrong!"

The voice was so loud that it spread out several tens of meters in an instant, allowing the eldest to hear clearly.

Kou Gaoyang was furious. He didn't expect Chen Feng to come so out and shouted, "You humble slave, shut up for Lao Tzu!"

With that, a palm blasted towards Chen Feng.

Chen Feng just stood there, not evasive.

At the same time, a cold voice suddenly sounded from behind Kou Gaoyang: "Kou Gaoyang, do you want to kill my person?"

The voice was icy, full of bitter murderous intent.

Kou Gaoyang turned his head and saw Duan Wanqing standing at the door of the tent, looking at him coldly.

He quickly explained: "Miss, this is a misunderstanding."

"Is it a misunderstanding? I hope this is really a misunderstanding." Duan Wanqing said coldly.

A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth, knowing that his idea had succeeded.

In fact, he is still looking forward to Kou Gaoyang's coming tonight, because during the day today, Kou Gaoyang has already annoyed Duan Wanqing very upset. If Kou Gaoyang comes again tonight, Duan Wanqing will definitely be more annoyed.

Duan Wanqing will not let him move herself, but will be very disappointed with him, which will greatly affect the relationship between the two people.

Chen Feng's purpose is to drive Kou Gaoyang away from Duan Wanqing, so that he can take advantage of it!

Duan Wanqing took a deep breath and said softly: "Uncle Kou, this is the last time I call your uncle, and I hope that today is the last time."

"Remember your identity, you are not my master! I am your master!"

A blue qi flashed across Kou Gaoyang's face and he was extremely angry. Duan Wanqing's words were so unceremonious and made him very angry.

But he endured it and said softly, "Yes, Miss, I know."

And at this moment, suddenly, Chen Feng felt an extremely cold murderous intent spreading toward him.

And this murderous intention did not come from Kou Gaoyang, but from a distance.

This killing force is powerful and cold!

At almost the same moment, Duan Wanqing and Kou Gaoyang also felt it. Just as Chen Feng wanted to blurt out, he suddenly became alert and shut up quickly.

Kou Gaoyang showed a look of uncertainty on his face, looked at Duan Wanqing, and said in surprise: "Miss, do you feel it?"

Chen Fengfeng interrupted ignorantly beside him: "What's the matter, what's the matter with you two?"

Duan Wanqing looked solemnly: "I feel murderous."

Kou Gaoyang said: "More than that, I feel that someone is coming here, and some huge Qi machines have appeared nearby!"

Before the words fell, a heart-piercing scream suddenly sounded, and he swiftly approached here.

The huge momentum made Chen Feng's heart beat wildly, and this blow also had at least the strength of the second-star Wuwang peak, no weaker than the arrow shot by Duan Wanqing during the day!

Kou Gaoyang sneered: "Looking for death!"

He blasted out with a single punch and collided with the blow with a simple punch.

There was a loud noise, Kou Gaoyang stood there, unmoved, his expression relaxed, and the blow was directly shattered by him.

However, this blow also tore the tent directly into countless pieces.

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