Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1694: Give birth to a white dragon!

Soon, the water level of this big river, hundreds of meters wide, dropped a full one or two meters!

The amount and intensity of the fire poison in Chen Feng's body is really shocking!

At this time, Ziyue also recovered sober, he smiled bitterly and said: "I was really messed up just now!"

As she said, she kept pushing out her hands, pushing the water flow, and the water flow plus its propelling force pushed Chen Feng away quickly.

Soon it drifted out for hundreds of miles, and this big river also came to an end. At the end was a lake with a radius of forty or fifty miles.

This lake is not large, but there is also a huge amount of water inside, and the water in this lake is very cold, and there are even small icebergs floating on the surface of the lake.

After Chen Feng came here, even if he was in a coma, he sighed comfortably, the endless cold power poured into his body, pulling out the fire poison from his body.

To what extent is the fire poison in his body already huge?

After about an hour, this lake actually started to boil!

The whole big lake is like a big pot being boiled!

At this time, the water temperature here has reached a very high temperature, and even countless fish and shrimps have been boiled directly, turning their white belly and appearing on the lake.

Chen Feng also felt an unspeakable coldness and comfort in the coma at this time, which made him let out a sigh of foul breath.

This muddy air was actually filled with the power of countless flames.

Chen Feng was finally pulled out of the state of being seriously injured and dying. Originally, in his condition, he would die if he couldn't support it for an hour, but now he is back to a state of being seriously injured and dying!

Ziyue pondered in the air next to her, wringing her brows, anxiously: "What should I do? In my memory, there is no way to deal with this kind of thing."

"If there is, it is also a stupid way. For example, there is a powerful person who used his skills to force his fire poison out or even **** it into his body, so that it can be resolved."

"However, this requires at least one expert at or above the Samsung Martial King. Where can I find such an expert now?"

At this time, Chen Feng was ups and downs in the big lake, like he was throwing a hot soldering iron into the lake.

Although Chen Feng was in a coma, his instinct was to keep him swimming towards the center of the lake, because he felt that it was the coldest place there, which could relieve his pain the most!

But at this moment.

Suddenly, a roar of anger came from the deepest part of the lake, and a loud voice full of killing intent suddenly sounded: "Who is it? Who is spying on my territory? Who dares to invade my territory?"

Then, with a bang, the entire lake was exploded, and a huge white figure flew directly into the air.

The body keeps circling around, and his eyes are swimming in the lake with cold eyes. This is actually a huge white dragon!

This white dragon was a kilometer long, about the same size as the fire dragon that Chen Feng killed for the first time.

On his body, there are countless white scales, all of which are exuding a thick chill.

Even with his appearance, the air was exposed to countless ice, and the aura radiating from his body was quite huge.

It hasn't reached the realm of the Demon King, but it is already a Ninth Stage Profound Beast!

This is a white dragon!

He quickly found Chen Feng, and then let out a violent roar, full of anger and murder: "You humble human, dare to come to my territory? How can I spare you such a deadly sin?"

At this time, Chen Feng was seriously injured, and he did not feel how strong Chen Feng was.

Otherwise, with his ten courage, he would not dare to talk to Chen Feng like this.

I'm afraid that I will run away desperately when I see Chen Feng.

He let out a roar and rushed directly towards Chen Feng, his huge body poured into the lake, and the huge mouth bit towards Chen Feng bitterly.

It feels like it will kill Chen Feng in the next moment.

Ziyue was beside her, her face full of anxiety, she wanted to go up and help, but at this moment, Chen Feng suddenly moved.

Although he was in a coma at this time, Chen Feng's physical instincts were still there. At this time, Bai Long rushed towards Chen Feng, and Chen Feng felt like a block of ice rushing towards him.

Not only did Chen Feng not be afraid of fear, but his heart was full of joy. He stretched out his hands and tore at Bai Long fiercely.

He grasped Bai Long's body with great accuracy, and then let out a loud roar.

Even if Chen Feng was seriously injured now, this 9th-rank profound beast could not be offended. Following his roar, Bai Long let out a miserable scream, which was directly torn into two pieces by Chen Feng!

He let out a screaming scream and struggled wildly, but he couldn't get away.

Chen Feng felt an incomparable icy power pouring into his body, and stimulated by this icy power, the nine-yin and nine-yang magic arts that had been dead in his dantian were also restored to life.

Suddenly, huge suction power came, sucking the cold air from the white dragon into the dantian.

Soon, Bai Long was sucked into a corpse, and Chen Feng's Dan Tian had an extra icy white power.

At this time, Chen Feng finally woke up slowly and opened his eyes.

Ziyue shouted in surprise: "Chen Feng!"

Chen Feng's eyes were a little blank at first, as if thinking about what happened before he was unconscious, but soon became Qingming.

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He looked at Ziyue and said with gratitude, "Ziyue, thank you very much."

Ziyue glared at him angrily: "What are you talking about? Is it necessary for the relationship between the two of us to say such things?"

Chen Feng laughed and said, "I said the wrong thing, don't mind!"

"Okay, okay," Ziyue said, "I didn't really take it to heart. You can quickly check the injuries in your body!"

Chen Feng nodded and checked himself. At this time, he had the icy power in his body.

This ice-cold power was drawn by Chen Feng from the body of the white dragon, but the power in the white dragon was also limited, his essence and blood could only be transformed into so much.

These can even cure only one-tenth of the fire poison in Chen Feng's body.

Chen Feng faces a choice at this time, where is he going to treat?

Treat internal organs, or cure appearance?

Chen Feng gritted his teeth and finally made up his mind.

The icy **** surfaced towards the surface of his body, and soon this power penetrated into the musculoskeletal surface of Chen Feng's skin.

The surface of Chen Feng's body was originally scorched black and a large area of ​​festering. The whole person was like a monster, looking extremely ugly.

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