Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1690: found it

Chen Feng's thoughts moved slightly, the blue light flashed, and he appeared directly fifty meters away.

Now he can flash a full fifty meters in one flash!

"I am now, but I have just practiced three cyan cyclones. I already have this speed. If I reach the realm of Xiaocheng, what kind of speed would it be?"

"According to Shifeng Zidianbu, if you reach the Xiaocheng state, you need to form ninety-nine fist-sized cyan cyclones around your body, so that you can reach it!"

"As for the Dacheng realm, that is another extremely terrifying effect!"

Chen Feng sighed slightly, his face full of longing.

Next, he controlled the three smaller cyan cyclones and began to slowly approach and merge slowly.

Soon, these three small cyan cyclones were intertwined and began to penetrate each other's body.

This process was very slow and difficult. Chen Feng was a little anxious, and with a snap, all three cyclones disappeared.

Chen Feng shook his head, not discouraged, continued to refine three cyclones, and then began to merge again!

Finally, after failing so many times, the three cyan cyclones finally successfully merged into a fist-sized cyclone.

Chen Feng smiled bitterly at the corner of his mouth, shook his head and said: "This gust of wind purple electric step is really difficult to practice. In two days, I only completed one-99th of the Xiaocheng realm!"

Of course, this can't be said. For the first time, Chen Feng will merge with those larger fist cyclones and it will be much easier!

On a cliff that went deeper into the vast mountains, Chen Feng sat cross-legged.

Suddenly, his figure moved in the air. The next moment he was in the air, ten fist-sized cyclones suddenly appeared around Chen Feng's body.

Cyan power gushes out from these cyclones, like a cyan ribbon "wandering around Chen Feng's body.

The next moment, with a flash, Chen Feng appeared 100 meters away. He spent almost no time in the entire flashing process. It took about a tenth of an instant. It can be said that the speed is extremely fast!

Chen Feng flickered a few more times, and the light of the ten fist-sized cyan cyclones dimmed slightly.

Chen Feng whispered to himself: "Now, I can flash a hundred meters in a tenth of an instant, and I have reached the previous speed!"

"And now, I actually only reach one-tenth the speed of Xiaofeng Zidian Step!"

Chen Feng took a deep breath, and his heart was surging: "As long as you reach the Xiaocheng realm of Haifeng Zidian Step, your speed will be ten times faster than before. It is worthy of a rare martial art of the seventh rank of the prefecture level. It is really extremely powerful!"

During the next period of time, Chen Feng moved forward in the depths of the vast mountain range, while practising the Wind Purple Step.

His cultivation speed is very fast, after all, God-level talent is extraordinary.

Three days later, deep in the vast mountains, beside a large lake.

It has been tens of thousands of miles deep into the boundless mountain range, even deeper than the location of the Nirvana Sword Gate.

Chen Feng stood on the bank of the big lake, looking far away.

In the middle of the big lake is a rocky mountain, which formed naturally, but it is beautiful and superbly crafted. The whole shape is like a huge bamboo shoot.

On this sapphire bamboo shoots, there are countless yellow flowers clinging to them.

Each yellow flower is the size of a large tank, and it is extremely beautiful. If the calendula heather is a dreamy beauty, it is very complex and pure at the same time, it seems to be a combination of all kinds of beauty.

Then, there are only two words to describe this huge yellow flower, which is: gorgeous!

Showy to the extreme!

It's like a lady with heavy make-up, extremely white complexion, extremely thick makeup, extremely dark hair, extremely complicated hair accessories, extremely gorgeous clothes, extremely gorgeous!

It's not just one, but densely packed, layered on top of each other, circling the mountain peak like bamboo shoots all the way up, as if a gorgeous ribbon was woven on this azure jade mountain peak.

Chen Feng took a breath: "I finally found it!"

The beauty of this flower is not inferior to the calendula heather, each with its own merits!

Chen Feng uttered five words in a soft voice: "The wind and purple step."

Thirty fist-sized cyan cyclones suddenly appeared around him. These fist-sized cyan cyclones flew up and down Chen Feng's body, and cyan silk threads lightly surrounded Chen Feng.

It is not clear to the naked eye, but these threads are real, appearing from the cyan cyclone, and then lingering around Chen Feng.

There is a very mysterious exchange of energy between the silk threads. This energy exchange, the way of exchange, and the route of operation are exactly where the profound meaning of Haifeng Zidianbu lies.

These silk threads wrapped around Chen Feng's body, and suddenly Chen Feng's body floated, and then in the next instant, his whole person moved three hundred meters away.

Chen Feng can now reach three hundred meters away with every flash, and it only takes a tenth of an instant.

Chen Feng flashed dozens of times in succession. At this time, the fist-sized cyan cyclone next to his body had become extremely dimmed, and it even shattered with a snap.

Obviously, there is no more energy.

But at this time, Chen Feng had already come under the pine-like mountain!

When he reached the azure-colored mountain peak, Chen Feng found that the beauty of the yellow flowers was even more thrilling and shocking.

In his eyes, it was blooming like a sea of ​​flowers.

Closer, you can smell the rich and extremely aromatic, strong and enchanting, but not vulgar.

Chen Feng circled the mountain for a week, and then discovered that all the yellow flowers grew on a huge green vine.

The vines were hundreds of meters long and circled around the mountain. Chen Feng came to the roots of the vines, screamed, grabbed the roots, and dragged them upward.

With a loud bang, there was a huge root system over a hundred meters long, and a large piece of soil was torn out by Chen Feng.

Then Chen Feng pulled it again, grabbing all this huge ivy in his hand, and the yellow flowers were flying in the air like a dragon made of flowers.

Chen Feng quickly put it into the mustard bag.

Before coming over this time, Chen Feng specially took a larger mustard bag from Qing Rongyue, in order to conceal the fact that he had a golden dragon ring.

The capacity of this mustard bag is not small, even enough to contain these huge flowers.

After Chen Feng put all of them in the mustard bag, he turned and left.

The time he has opened the door of the nirvana knife is not short, and he must go back quickly, otherwise, he doesn't know what will happen.

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