Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1688: Damn you too!

Every time he said something, his aura became gloomy.

In the end, the sound was like a knife and gun hit, and there was a sound.

He looked at Chen Feng, and even a trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes, because now the time limit Chen Feng gave him has passed! He thinks Chen Feng has not done what he promised!

Chen Feng looked at him. He hadn't planned to tell Yan Yu about the entrance to the Tomb of the Great Emperor Yin and Yang, but at this time, Chen Feng suddenly moved in his heart.

"Now the situation is different from the past, and the situation is different. What I tell him now will not have the slightest impact on me, but will bring me even greater benefits."

So, facing his aggressive expression, that look full of murderous intent, Chen Feng said softly: "I have found the entrance to the tomb of Emperor Yin and Yang."

"What? You have found the entrance to the tomb of the Great Emperor Yin and Yang?" Yan Yu Punished both eyebrows immediately, staring at Chen Feng, his eyes flashed, as if he wanted to see if he was lying.

Chen Feng looked at him with a slightly ridiculous smile at the corner of his mouth, and said lightly: "You don't need to look at me like this. Since I told you, then naturally I won't lie!"

He said in a deep voice, "The entrance to the tomb of the Great Emperor Yin and Yang is at the Gate of Nirvana!"

"What? At the gate of the nirvana knife?" Even if Yan Yu was well-informed, he couldn't help being completely shocked when he heard Chen Feng say this.

It was like when Chen Feng first learned of this shocking secret.

Chen Feng smiled and said, "The first time I knew it, it was like you."

"According to the clues provided by the princess, I searched all the way in the vast mountains. After all the hardships, I finally found the Gate of Nirvana. I found that it was the entrance to the tomb."

Yan Yuxun had already awakened from the huge shock at this time, and he muttered to himself: "Yes, yes, it must be so."

"In this case, everything makes sense. If it weren't for discovering the secret of the Great Emperor Yin and Yang's tomb, how could the Nirvana Sword Gate rise so quickly? How could Han Tianya, a cowherd baby, suddenly become a master-level master? "

"Sure enough, why didn't I think about it before?" He patted his head in annoyance.

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Well, now I have provided this clue, and I have successfully completed the task of the third princess, right?"

"Yes, you completed it successfully."

Yan Yuxun suddenly raised his head, his voice was weird, jumping out word by word.

The expression on his face suddenly became very weird, he grinned suddenly, his face immediately became hideous and terrifying, and his murderous intention rose suddenly.

He looked at Chen Feng and said softly: "Now that the secret is known, you should die!"

Having said that, his figure violent, he was ready to kill Chen Feng.

Because the reverberations in his mind at this time were full of words the Three Princesses said to him.

He remembered the words of the third princess clearly, and it was not bad: "This trip, if Chen Feng did not complete the task, you can take a look at his performance for the time being. If he really does things for me, let him live for another two months. "

"And if he is imaginary, you will kill him immediately!"

"At the same time, if he has found the secret of the tomb of the Great Emperor Yin and Yang, then you will even kill him!"

At this point, the three princesses showed murderous intent on their faces!

He never violated the words of the third princess, and now that he knew the secret, he would naturally not keep Chen Feng.

When his murderous intent was violent, Chen Feng's expression was extremely calm, without the slightest fear or surprise.

Because Chen Feng had long thought of such a scene.

Yan Yuxun couldn't help but admired secretly, and said, "Chen Feng, you are really amazing, so you don't panic at this time."

Chen Feng spread his hands and said leisurely, "Why are you panicking?"

"Anyway, if I die, you will never get this secret..."

"What?" Yan Yupu's already violent figure stopped abruptly, and the move he was about to send back abruptly, which was equivalent to blasting himself with this move, and he immediately spouted blood.

And he was very embarrassed, looked at Chen Feng in shock and anger, and said, "What did you say?"

Chen Feng hugged his arms and said leisurely: "Haven't you thought about it? I already knew that you would kill me after I got the news. I dared to tell the news. Why?"

Yan Yu punished and said grimly: "Do you have reservations?"

"No, I don't have any reservations."

Chen Feng said lightly: "It's just that I have one more in my hand now."

With that said, he took out the token given to him by Miss Duan Wanqing.

"what is this?"

Chen Feng threw the token to him.

Yanyu Xuncheng held it in his hand and looked over and over for a while, before asking in amazement, "This is the token of the Nirvana Sword Gate?"

"Yes, it is not only the token of the Nirvana Knife Gate, but also the second highest among all the tokens of the Nirvana Knife Gate!"

"The first highest thing is that the token is seen as the head of the house. With this token, I can go in and out of the Nirvana Knife Gate at will, except for the forbidden area. No one will question it."

Yan Yuxun was shocked!

The sect of the nirvana knife gate is comparable to Da Qin's strength, and Chen Feng has only gotten into it in just a few days, and he has already obtained such a token?

Chen Feng smiled and said: "If you kill me, the three princesses may not be able to get the secrets of the Yin Yang mausoleum. Then naturally you can find the secret!"

"It's just, how many years will it take?" Chen Feng said with a mocking smile, "Thirty years, fifty years? Is it enough? Or, eighty years, a hundred years?"

He looked at Yan Yuxun and smiled and said, "Commander Yan, you answer this question!"

Yan Yu was so embarrassed that he didn't even know what to do with his hands and feet.

He was going to kill Chen Feng just now, but now he immediately realized that Chen Feng was obviously incapable of killing!

As if not seeing his expression, Chen Feng continued: "If I am not dead, then you can see my abilities now."

"I can get to this point in a few days. I am sure that within a month I will be able to get what the princess wants."

"So now, how do you choose?" He smiled and looked at Yan Yu punishment!

Yan Yu coughed twice, and a smile came out on his face, and said, "Brother Chen Feng, misunderstanding, everything is a misunderstanding."

Chen Feng laughed, "Of course, it's a misunderstanding."

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