Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1686: Vow revenge!

Chen Feng walked into the battlefield, walking among the wounded and weeping soldiers,

He passed by a wounded soldier, and a huge wound was cut on the wounded soldier's knee, almost cutting off his entire leg, and his body was injured in more than one place.

He was lying on the ground, but gritted his teeth and said nothing, let alone crying and screaming, he didn't even hum.

Chen Feng knelt down beside him and said softly: "You are a tough guy, I admire you!"

Hearing what Chen Feng said, this tough guy who was so injured and so painful before did not shed a single tear, but his eyes were red in an instant, and tears fell down!

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Great boy, why cry?"

As he said, a green light flashed on his hand, and strong vitality came out, pressing on his wound.

Chen Feng's original strength of the Azure Wood Inner Pill, the strength of the Azure Dragon, has been merged into the three-color real dragon martial soul, but it still has an effect.

It was impossible for these vigorous auras to heal the serious injuries he suffered, but it was more than enough to heal the wounds of a sergeant who was only the first rank of the Martial King realm.

As the green light poured into his wound, the wound suddenly exploded, and the blood, congestion, and even broken and necrotic muscles, meridians, and blood vessels were all driven out by the green power.

Then I saw that his spewing blood stopped instantly, his muscles were reborn, the broken bones were reborn, and the injuries healed in a blink of an eye.

Then, Chen Feng popped out a few green brilliances one after another, falling on Ya's body, and all his injuries healed.

The sergeant looked at his wound in disbelief, his face was stunned.

The next moment, the whole person turned into extreme ecstasy. He suddenly fell to his knees, kowtow to Chen Feng, and said loudly, "Thank you, Sir, thank you!"

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Thank me for what I did? You call me an adult to be born and die for me. Isn't it right for me to do this?"

This sergeant and the sergeants next to him looked at Chen Feng with extremely respectful eyes, died for him, and would not blink!

Chen Feng walked to another wounded person and healed him in the same way.

So Chen Feng walked here like this, and when he met the soldiers who were still crying and twitching sad, he patted them on the shoulders and whispered a few words of comfort.

Chen Feng can easily heal anyone who is injured, no matter whether it is minor or serious.

It took an entire afternoon and finally all the wounded were healed, but there were still a total of 10,70 soldiers, and they couldn't open their eyes anymore.

They have all died in battle, and Chen Feng is also weak.

All the corpses were placed outside Zhanlong City. Chen Feng's eyes slowly swept across their faces. Many people, Chen Feng knew, were familiar.

At this time, the original vivid face has become a cold corpse.

Chen Feng suddenly raised his head, his gaze swept across in front of the soldiers of the army, everyone was exposed to this gaze, and their hearts were awe-inspiring.

This gaze, like a sharp sword out of its sheath, is extremely sharp and radiant.

Chen Feng's voice was firm and powerful: "The wounded, I can heal, and the dead cannot come back to life!"

"But today, I am making this great vision before your spirits!"

Chen Feng's voice is extremely majestic, echoing in this world!

"I, Chen Feng, will definitely take revenge for you!"

"I, Chen Feng, will kill Tian without blame!"

"I, Chen Feng, will destroy Qi State!"

"Qi will be destroyed!" When these four words fell, everyone was shocked.

Everyone showed an expression of disbelief. Chen Feng said that he would avenge these soldiers. They understood that Chen Feng said that he would kill Tian but he believed that Chen Feng could do it.

But at this time, Chen Feng actually said that he would destroy the Qi State, God, this is Qi State, this is a huge country that says with Da Qin that its national strength is not weaker than Da Qin!

With a population of tens of billions and an army of tens of millions, Chen Feng dare to say that he wants to destroy Qi country?

But everyone is clearly aware that Chen Feng is definitely not joking, they can see Chen Feng's tightly pressed lips. That face of incomparable determination, the firm light in those eyes!

In the next moment, this disbelief turned into a blind obedience and trust.

They just believed in Chen Feng, and they knew that since Chen Feng had said so, he would surely be able to do it, and he would surely be able to destroy Qi State!

They brandished their weapons and shouted enthusiastically: "Mie Qi! Mie Qi! Mie Qi!"

The invincible army quickly returned to the Battle Dragon City, and all the corpses were put on their makeup, cleaned, and then put on clean clothes and buried outside the city.

Outside the Battle Dragon City, under the West Mountain, there were already thousands of tombs at this time.

There will be more than 10,000 tombs there today.

All the tombs are made of large stones, solemn and solemn, with very high specifications. Each tomb has tombstones in front of which are carved with the names of the deceased, his birthplace, years of birth and death, and life stories.

It is worth mentioning that all the epitaphs of the tombstones are written by Chen Feng, without exception.

In the night of the same day, in the mansion of the city lord of Battle Dragon City, Chen Feng was leaning against a big case, struggling to write.

On his right hand, there is already a thick pile.

Each piece of paper is an epitaph, corresponding to a soldier who died in battle!

Chen Feng has written for three hours, but still only one tenth.

Suddenly, Chen Feng said indifferently: "Since everything is here, come out."

"The deputy commander of the dignified royal guard, why do you like to hide your head and show your tail so much?"

When Chen Feng said this, his subordinates still kept moving, and the whole person seemed very relaxed.

As his voice fell, a figure slowly emerged from the corner, and it was Yan Yupuan.

He looked a little ugly at this time, staring at Chen Feng with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

Because Chen Feng dared to speak to him in that tone just now, which made him very unhappy.

However, Chen Feng seemed to have not seen him, and ignored him at all, still struggling to write. Suddenly, his writing speed became faster and harder, and in the end, his whole body even trembled.

Originally it was only driven by an arm, but at this time, the whole body was shaking greatly.

Obviously, he could no longer control his emotions.

Suddenly, with a snap, he slammed the pen in his hand on the big case.

The soft brush was hardened by the divine gang he poured into it. It actually penetrated the big case and was nailed to the bluestone ground fiercely.

Then, Chen Feng suddenly turned around, gritted his teeth, and stared at Yan Yuxun angrily.

Yan Yuxun was also taken aback by him, and said in shock and anger: "Chen Feng, what are you doing? Why are you looking at me with such a look?"

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