Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1684: You are dead!

This gun pierced out, forming overlapping shadows in the air, just like tens of thousands of spears pierced together, forming a huge mountain.

Due to the extremely fast speed, these tens of thousands of long spears almost hit Qing Rongyue at the same time.

The long sword in Qing Rongyue's hand was pierced, and a chill was filled, countless frost appeared in an instant, condensing a few hundred meters nearby, and the offensive like a gun mountain was directly eliminated by half.

But the remaining half was not eliminated, but stabbed fiercely on the long sword.

Qing Rongyue let out a stern scream, and was directly picked up and flew out several hundred meters, the long sword shot out, spurting blood.

More than a dozen wounds were pierced from her body, and she was already seriously injured!

Tian Bugui laughed and said, "You invincible remnant, today I will kill you!"

Qing Rongyue fell heavily to the ground, unable to get up, and blood was constantly flowing out from the corner of her mouth.

She turned her head to the side at this time, but did not look at Tian Bugui, but looked in the direction where Chen Feng was leaving. There was no trace of fear in her eyes, just a calmness and calmness.

She whispered softly, "Chen Feng, I did not live up to your expectations, nor did I live up to your entrustment. What you asked me to do, I did it!"

"I am not weak, I am not running away, the invincible army is here, I am here, and I live and die together with the invincible army!"

"Even if the Invincible Army is wiped out today, I am not sorry for you!"

"Haha, you bastard, didn't you have a hard mouth just now? Now? Are you counting on Chen Feng to save you?"

"Tell you, you are dreaming! Chen Fengfeng still doesn't know where it is! No one can save you today!"

With that, he leaped down into the air and the spear pierced out, Yao Jiao was like a poisonous dragon.

Seeing that this gun was stabbed, Qing Rongyue could be killed directly.

At the same time, he roared: "Today, you are going to die here!"

Before he finished his words, suddenly a cold voice suddenly sounded in the distance: "It is not her who died today, but you!"

When this sound first sounded, it was still very far away, but every time a word was spoken, it approached a long way forward.

When it came to the last word, this figure had already come before his eyes.

He was tall and straight with a handsome face, but at this time his face was full of Mori cold murderous intent. Holding a huge black blade in his hand, he slashed at Tian Bugui with a volley.

No nonsense!

Tian Bugui let out a horrified roar, his eyes widened: "Chen Feng? Are you Chen Feng?"

"Yes, it's me!" Chen Feng drank coldly.

At this moment, when he saw this scene, the killing intent in his heart was almost beyond control.

His invincible army suffered heavy losses, and Qing Rongyue, who he cared about, was seriously injured!

All this, how can Chen Feng not be furious?

At this time, the point of the spear was only three or four feet away from Qing Rongyue's chest. Qing Rongyue had already closed his eyes and was waiting to die.

But when she heard this voice, she suddenly opened her eyes, and her eyes were full of surprises and disbelief. She shouted: "Chen Feng? Chen Feng? Are you back?"

Chen Feng's knife was extremely fierce and swift, and it was cut down fiercely, making Tian Bujiao forced to take it!

If he doesn't pick up, Chen Feng will directly kill him.

His spear abruptly changed its direction and stabbed fiercely towards Chen Feng. The spear and the Dragon Sword slammed into each other fiercely, with a bang, making a loud noise like the sky.

Within a few kilometers around, the entire ground seemed to float upwards, and the qualitative and invisible shock waves waved wildly in the distance.

All the soldiers who were hit were screamed and beaten directly into the air.

Chen Feng laughed loudly: "Pick me again!"

His figure flashed, and the whole person fell like a milky way, the Tianhe rolled up, and directly from top to bottom, the white dragon fell across the river and the sea with one move!

At this time, Chen Feng is already in the state of possessed by the spirit of martial arts, and using the white dragon under the possession of the spirit of martial arts is already his strongest move now. The fall of this sword is full of the power of the middle stage of the two-star Martial King. Extremely powerful!

Tian Bujiao let out a horrified howl: "How is it possible? How can your strength grow so fast? You have reached the middle stage of the Second Star Martial King!"

Chen Feng sneered: "This question, go down and ask your nephew of the dead ghost!"

Tian Bujiu gritted his teeth and yelled ferociously, "Chen Feng, don't think I am annoying!"

As he said, he shot it out.

This gun also used his strongest trick. Between the sky and the earth, a huge spear with a length of 10,000 meters suddenly formed. It was full of gold and lay in the sky. It was extremely powerful and tyrannical, and directed at Chen Feng. Slashing away fiercely.

Chen Feng's Dragon Slaying Sword was not afraid, and it slammed into this huge spear fiercely.

At the moment of impact, suddenly, Chen Feng's hand, on the Dragon Slaying Sword, trembled violently five times in succession.

Shaking five times in a row was exactly the hint of death that Chen Feng had comprehended in the door of the Silence Blade.

He blended the meaning of dying into the white dragon turning the river and pinging the four seas, just such a few slight tremors, seemingly simple, but in fact, the arc of the heavens and the earth to the truth is drawn, and the tyrannical power of the white dragon turning the river and ping the four seas actually It is directly mentioned up a section, the power is even more increased!

Boom fiercely on the spear!

Following those slight vibrations, the entire long spear was blasted open with a bang.

Bailong smashed the spear directly across the river and smashed the spear to pieces. A loud and earth-shaking noise spread within hundreds of miles, making all the soldiers in the center of the battlefield deaf in an instant.

Many people even ruptured their eardrums, and two blood streams came out of their ears. For a moment, they couldn't hear anything. They just stared blankly at the scene above the sky.

After Chen Feng's Bailong turned the river and leveled the world and smashed Tian Bujiao's strongest move, he still had more than half of the power and slashed towards Tian Bujiao.

Tian Bugui screamed in horror: "How could this be possible? How could my most powerful decisive battle be solved so easily by you?"

"My move is also the power of the second-star Wuwang mid-stage!"

Chen Feng coldly spit out three words: "Die to death!"

Bailong turned over Jiangping and hit Tian Bujiao heavily.

Tian Bujiao let out a screaming scream, his bones burst out, dozens of **** springs burst out of his body, and blood shot out like a javelin.

He spurted blood and fell heavily to the ground. Chen Feng's knife had already seriously injured him.

The second-star Wuwang mid-term powerhouse Tian Bugui, was cut by Chen Feng!

Chen Feng came with an invincible attitude!

Seeing this scene, all the soldiers of the Invincible Army roared excitedly: "Our adults are back, the commander of the Invincible Army is back!"

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