Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1675: Missy

It turns out that marigold heather is very picky about the living environment.

I like the shade, but I can't do without the sun, but I can't accept the too hot sun.

He likes to ventilate, but he can't blow it for too long, let alone a strong wind. A gust of wind can even break them.

It can be said that he is extremely difficult to serve. In order to be able to feed the calendula heather, Qi Ye has worked hard. He ordered people to make this white jade hut with the finest jade.

This white jade shed, shading and translucent, gives marigold heather a rather shady living environment, and at the same time allows it to accept the slight sunshine.

The above is full of holes, which is very windy, but it prevents the wind from being too big!

At this time, the white jade shed was brightly lit inside and outside, and several gardeners were standing there, guards strolling back and forth.

Inside, there are several gardeners staring at the calendula heather without blinking.

Chen Feng sighed slightly, his figure flashed, and he walked directly behind the gardeners outside, making a few inaudible noises, and they were knocked out by Chen Feng and fell softly to the ground. .

Then, Chen Feng's figure flashed again, and a phantom circled in the Palace of the Royal Flower.

The gardeners in the Palace of Flowers were also knocked to the ground.

Chen Feng clapped his hands and smiled slightly, just so relaxed.

Then, Chen Feng had time to look carefully at the calendula heather.

At this time, the calendula heather flower was not in full bloom, but just like a bud. Chen Feng had never seen its so-called dreamlike face, so he didn't have the slightest pity.

He just sneered, his palms blasted towards the calendula heather.

The calendula heather seemed to feel Chen Feng's killing intent, and it trembled violently, as if begging for mercy.

Chen Feng slowly shook his head and said softly, "I'm sorry, but don't worry, I will leave you a ray of life. When you bloom, you will still bloom!"

Before Chen Feng's words fell, the buds of the calendula heather suddenly split, thinking of Chen Feng's impact.

And from its big mouth, countless beautiful light green smoke was ejected.

Chen Feng felt that this kind of smoke changed slightly, and it turned out to be highly poisonous.

"What a calendula heather, it turns out that you have reached the level of the fourth-rank Xuan Zhi and you have begun to attack me, but unfortunately, your attack is nothing to me!"

Chen Feng burst out with his right palm, smashing the green smoke into pieces, pressing his left palm on the marigold lotus, and then the fierce metallic spirit poured into it frantically.

With a burst of toothy cutting sounds and a soft click, the calendula heather burst open.

Its huge flower buds, the size of a water tank, were cut into hundreds of thousands of pieces, scattered on the ground, and disappeared without a trace.

Calendula heather, destroyed!

Qi Ye's seven years of hard work was so ruined!

Qi Ye naturally took precautions, but what he was prepared for was mainly the abnormal conditions that would occur in the calendula heather itself, not that someone would destroy it.

To put it bluntly, it is mainly about the flowers and the wrong people.

Therefore, the guards he arranged were all experienced gardeners. As for combat effectiveness, they were very ordinary.

Qi Ye didn't expect that in this palace of the royal flower, in this nirvana sword gate, someone would dare to do such a thing.

And to say who he is worried about, That was for these handyman disciples, but the gardeners he arranged were not high in strength, but they were sufficient to deal with these handyman disciples.

But, in any case, he never thought that there would be such a existence as Chen Feng, the strength is terribly powerful!

Chen Feng smiled slightly, turned and left quickly.

Soon, it was the early morning of the next day.

When the morning sun began to rise, a jade nun came to the Palace of the Royal Flowers. The one carrying the jade nun was four delicate and beautiful maids, each of whom had great strength.

Above the jade, the light gauze is flying, and from time to time, people can see the figure sitting behind the light gauze.

Beautiful face.

Everyone bent over and said respectfully: "I have seen Missy."

Yu Nian landed slowly, and a figure slowly floated down from above.

A beautiful figure appeared in front of everyone.

This figure was exquisite and tall. Chen Feng was bent over and did not see her face. He only heard a very arrogant voice slowly sounding in the cold: "Hold up your head!"

Hearing this voice, Chen Feng added a bit of distaste to this young lady.

After he raised his head, he saw the person's face clearly.

This eldest lady, dressed in a green robe of lake water and bulging clothes, is extremely precious by looking at the material. He looks extremely glamorous, with slightly raised eye corners, oval face and willow eyebrows, adding very charming.

It feels like a stunner who has harmed the country and the people.

However, between her brows and eyes, a hint of arrogance and viciousness flashed from time to time, destroying this feeling.

And her lips are a little too thin, a little bit more mean.

At this time, Qi Ye quickly greeted him. He rubbed his fingers and smiled helplessly: "Miss, are you really here?"

"Today is the day when the calendula heathers are in full bloom, and the calendula heathers are as beautiful as dreams. You will not be disappointed!"

Chen Feng looked on with cold eyes, and found that his attitude towards the eldest lady was very strange, with a lot of doting in his eyes, a trace of guilt, but a trace of unspeakable affection.

Chen Feng was a little surprised, wondering why Qi Ye was like this.

When he thought of Qi Ye's performance yesterday, he was even more surprised.

Qi Ye was very enthusiastic and courteous, but the eldest lady was not. Her brows were raised slightly, and her voice was cold and arrogant: "I heard you say that this marigold heather is as beautiful as a dream, but today is about to open my eyes. "

"I want to see if the dreamlike flower in this rumor is worthy of my face!"

Qi Ye hurriedly smiled and said, "No matter how beautiful the calendula heather is, how can it be more beautiful than you, Miss you?"

The eldest girl chuckled, as expected, obviously he really thought he was extremely beautiful.

Chen Fengfeng had a very bad impression of her, and this young lady was very arrogant.

Qi Ye said: "Go, let's go and see."

The group soon came to the front of the white jade shack. When they saw the three or four comatose gardeners lying in front of the white jade shack, their faces were all shocked.

The seventh master shivered heavily, and the calmness and smile on his face disappeared suddenly, becoming extremely nervous, even a little frightened.

He obviously values ​​the eldest lady too much, and the flower viewing thing too much, so much so that he, who has always been calm, will become like this.

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