Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1670: Nine Yin and Nine Yang, evolution!

Now, Chen Feng also knows the name of the middle-aged man in the white robe, Qi Ye, a very strange name.

But he asked others to call him that, no matter how old they were, he asked them to call him Qiye, and he would not be old next year.

Chen Feng felt that it was almost the same as Qige or Qishu.

Soon everyone in the entire Yuhua Palace knew that there was a new handyman disciple Feng Chen who was very good at taking care of flowers.

A few days passed quickly, and Chen Feng didn't have any chance to come into contact with the secrets of the core of the Nirvana Blade, but he was not in a hurry.

Chen Feng is also very clear now that the so-called goal of finding the entrance to the tomb of the Great Emperor Yin and Yang within one month was actually very ridiculous.

Let alone a month, it would be nice to find it in a year.

So now Chen Feng has completely settled down and is doing it steadily.

He doesn't think of himself as Chen Feng now, he just thinks of himself as that handyman disciple Feng Chen, so what he does is so meticulous.

Chen Feng knew that the high-ranking level of Nirvana Knife Gate was not a fool. If he was very impetuous, it would be difficult to get access to the true core secrets. Only when he believed in his identity would others not doubt at all.

The night is as cool as water, and the entire Imperial Flower Hall has fallen into a quiet state, only the moonlight is falling, and the flowers are blooming in the moonlight, blooming their own light.

In Chen Feng's wooden house, he was sitting cross-legged, the surface of his body, faintly blooming, it was the light of the power of Little King Kong.

After a long time, Chen Feng opened his eyes and sighed softly, the power of the little diamond on his body dissipated.

The power of the little diamond in his body is already very full, and all of it has been transformed into the red color in the pure gold, which is very pure.

After completing his training, Chen Feng took out a booklet, which was exactly the nameless mental method he issued when he first started!

This nameless mental method is upright and magnificent. Although low-level, Chen Feng also wants to practice, and it might be useful to him.

With his current strength, cultivating this is naturally easy.

He was meditating, and profound meaning slowly flowed through his heart. Soon, Chen Feng broke through all the way and cultivated to the highest level.

So I saw that on the surface of Chen Feng's body, a faint gray breath slowly flowed out, revealing a sense of death!

Then after a while, this breath of death began to condense on Chen Feng's chest, and finally condensed into a gray badge.

This badge is very complicated, with a strong aura of death!

A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Fengfeng's mouth. He opened his eyes, looked at the gray badge, and said softly: "I have reached the highest level in one night!"

Suddenly, in Chen Feng's dantian, the nine-yin and nine-yang divine art directly appeared without his driving, and then exuded powerful suction.

After swiping it, the gray badge was directly absorbed by the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Divine Art, and after a while, it was integrated into it.

All the gray aura disappeared without a trace, and the meaning of death also disappeared directly.

However, Chen Feng discovered that the Qi Wheel of the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Divine Art had become completely solidified from the previous dilution.

Chen Feng was overjoyed: "After I have penetrated the mind, my nine-yin and nine-yang divine art has actually improved again. It used to be in the cyclone state, but now it has reached the Qilun state and stabilized in the Qilun state. ..."

"No, troops, I can feel that the Nine Yin and Nine Yang magic arts have reached the pinnacle of the Qi Wheel Realm!"

This is really a surprise, now the suction power of the nine-yin and nine-yang magic arts has doubled compared to before!

"Feng Chen, now I have helped you in, and it has stabilized, should I be rewarded?"

The next day, Chi Tong found Chen Feng and said in a low voice.

"Of course." Chen Feng did not hesitate.

It was his long-awaited plan to give Chitong the benefits. Only when one side threatened the other to give benefits, could Chitong not betray him.

When Chen Feng was about to speak, Chi Tong suddenly said, "Feng Chen, I know that you are very strong and have a high level. You must have a lot of good things. Don't fool me with those messy things."

Chen Feng laughed and shook his head: "Am I the one who is waiting to do something next? If I tell you, I won't treat you badly."

Chen Feng asked, "Do you want martial arts or exercises?"

"Martial skill." Chitong said without hesitation: "I already have the technique. That nameless mind technique hides the avenue. You can practice with great concentration and your achievements will not be low."

Chen Feng nodded, moved in his heart, and suddenly said: "What I want to give you is an Earth-level fifth-grade martial skill."

"What? Prefectural level five?" Chitong was shocked upon hearing this.

Originally, what she thought in her heart was that it would be enough to obtain an Earth-level martial art, but she did not expect that Chen Fengfeng would actually give him an Earth-level fifth-grade martial art of such a high level.

You should know that there are not many martial arts in the fifth-rank martial arts at the prefecture level, I am afraid that there are not many in the nirvana sword gate, and the highest martial arts he can come into contact with in a small town is only the third rank of the mysterious level, which can be said to be inferior to the martial arts at the precinct level. A hundred thousand miles away.

The prefecture-level martial arts was already the best possible she could think of before, and she didn't think Chen Feng would give it!

She trembled and said, "Is this true?"

Chen Feng smiled: "Of course."

With that said, he imparted part of the profound meaning of the Little King Kong Art to her. Of course, Chen Feng only gave it about one-third, and he still had reservations.

However, with this one-third of the profound meaning, it is possible to cultivate the power of the little diamond.

Of course, Chen Feng doesn't think she can do this. She is only in the Martial Sovereign Realm now. If she wants to cultivate the power of the Little King Kong, that is a foolish dream!

Chi Tong heard these profound meanings and stood still, muttering to himself.

She still has the most basic discrimination ability, and she knew that Chen Feng had not fooled herself. This was definitely a very high-level martial arts mentality.

When she touched this way, it was as if she was obsessed with madness, and this mental method brought her a strong attraction.

She looked at Chen Feng with a touch of gratitude in her eyes, and said, "Chen Feng, thank you very much, you really didn't say to me, you have completely fulfilled your promise."

She suddenly smiled softly: "In this case, I can keep this thing."

With that, she took out a small scroll.

"What is this?" Chen Feng frowned and asked.

Chi pupil raised his chin: "You will know when you open it."

When Chen Feng opened the scroll, his face immediately turned pale. It turned out that what was written in the scroll was his true origin.

In it, Chi Tong explained his details clearly, and even guessed that Chen Feng came to kill the sword gate, don't have a plan, maybe it is to get a certain treasure in the sword gate.

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