Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1668: Liwei!

The short and chubby boy laughed so much that tears were about to come out: "This trash, what does he think he is? Just him, dare to say such threats?"

"Don't talk about you, the boss, even if it's me, it's enough to destroy him easily!"

Brother Kun suddenly changed his face and said grimly: "Don't talk nonsense with this little brat, just kill him!"

With that, the three rushed towards Chen Feng.

Chen Feng sat up slowly from the bed, looked at them, and said faintly: "I didn't want your life, but you are really seeking your own death!"

Brother Kun showed a sneer on his face, and just wanted to talk, but suddenly Chen Feng's aura suddenly stood up and pressed against the three of them fiercely.

Bang Bang Bang, the three of them were directly overwhelmed by this momentum and fell to their knees.

They felt as if there was a big mountain under pressure in front of them, making it extremely difficult for them to even breathe.

Chen Feng's momentum soared, giving them a feeling of extreme despair.

A look of disbelief appeared on Brother Kun's face: "How can your strength be? Your strength is so huge?"

They are not fools, and Chen Feng can make the three of them breathless with his momentum, which shows how strong Chen Feng is!

Chen Feng looked at them lightly, and said slowly: "You still think you can easily kill me, right?"

"You still think I am a soft persimmon, don't you?"

"You still think I am a trash, don't you?"

With every sentence, Chen Feng's momentum increased.

When they said the first sentence, the three of them were already crushed to the ground.

When they said the second sentence, the three of them were already crushed by the bones with a burst of sound, and countless blood beads leaked from the surface of their bodies.

When they said the third sentence, the three of them had already been crushed to spit blood, their bodies were flat for more than half, and they were about to be crushed into meat sauce.

Brother Na Kun showed extreme despair on his face, screamed miserably, begging frantically for mercy: "Grandpa, grandpa, dare not, we never dare anymore."

"My lord, we have no eyes and have offended you. You can spare our lives..."

The three of them cried out and begged for mercy.

Chen Feng looked at them and said coldly: "Spare you? When you just wanted to kill me, did you ever want to spare me?"

He sneered: "Remember, in the next life, keep your eyes bright and don't offend someone you can't afford to offend!"

After talking, there was a cold snort without any movement. Following Chen Feng's cold snort, the three of them slammed into the door.

With a bang, the door was directly knocked open, and the three of them hit the ground outside, and the three bodies twisted and fell to the ground directly, and they lost their breath.

The corpse fell to the ground with three loud noises, and these three loud noises also caused people in the other rooms to exclaim and push the door to look.

Then they saw this scene.

At the same time, Chen Feng shook his sleeves and walked out of the house slowly!

Seeing this scene, everyone's faces were shocked.

The surrounding people suddenly whispered: "Isn't this Liu Kun and the three of them? The three of them are not top-notch among us, but they are also intermediate in the exam. All three of them died?"

"Yes, and it seems that the three of them were done by this kid named Feng Chen. It turns out that Feng Chen is so strong? Just kill the three of them easily!"

"We looked down on him before and thought he was a trash. Fortunately, we didn't offend him."

Someone slapped their chests and rejoiced!

At this time, everyone looked at Chen Feng's gaze, no longer with contempt and disdain, but with a little more awe.

At this moment, another door was suddenly slammed open. It was the house where Chitong and Pan Li lived.

A figure walked out, it was Chitong, but in his left and right hands each mentioned a person.

She walked in front of the crowd and threw the two people on the ground. When everyone saw it, she was shocked. It turned out that these two people were actually two corpses.

One of the corpses was Pan Li, and the other was a tall and burly man! There were dozens of huge wounds on both of them, which directly penetrated their bodies, and their deaths were extremely miserable.

Everyone was shocked, their eyes turned to Chitong, and they murmured in their hearts: "Both of them are so powerful and so bloodthirsty, they have caused a tragedy of five lives."

"One killed three, the other was not outdone, and killed two!"

Chen Feng also looked at Chitong in surprise, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Chi Tong's complexion was indifferent: "This man is Pan Li's affection. This evening, Pan Li gave me medicine and fainted me, and then in the middle of the night, he brought in this man..."

Hearing this, many people showed curiosity on their faces.

Chitong continued: "It turns out that he wanted to adopt my virginity. The techniques he practiced are quite evil. If I adopt my virginity, his strength will be greatly improved."

Hearing this, Chen Feng's expression turned icy, and he said faintly: "Then you are like this, it is really cheap for him!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard it, but they didn't expect this to be the reason.

They looked at Chitong with a little fear in their eyes, not because of her strength, but because of her current tone.

Her voice was faint, without the slightest emotion, as if she was telling something that had nothing to do with her!

"These two people are both ruthless people! One is more cruel than the other!" They secretly said in their hearts, and they have classified Chen Feng into the ranks of those who can never offend.

Soon, what happened here spread out, a burst of screaming sound came from the sky, and a figure quickly approached here.

Hey, he appeared directly in front of everyone.

This person is tall and thin, and his eyes are like poisonous snakes, shining with the light of a dark bird. It is Liu Song.

He glanced over several corpses on the ground, his expression was extremely gloomy, and he said coldly, "Who did this?"

Chen Feng and Chi Tong said at the same time: "We did it."

Liu Song raised his brows, a little surprised.

He simply looked down on Chen Feng and Chi Tong, and didn't take them to heart. He didn't expect that the two of them were so powerful, and easily killed the disciple who seemed more powerful than them.

Liu Song asked coldly: "Why kill?"

Chen Feng said slowly: "Because the three of them want to kill me."

Speaking, is to say the whole process again.

Chen Feng didn't exaggerate any falsehood, all he said was the truth.

Then, Chitong also explained the process of the matter again.

Everyone knew what they two said was true.

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