Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1658: Extreme crisis

Chen Feng immediately felt his whole body loosened, and the cold and evil spirit also weakened a lot.

With a loud roar, the Dragon Slaying Sword slashed down fiercely.

With a loud bang, the Dragon Slaying Blade and the blue giant claw slammed together.

Chen Feng felt a cold and evil force, rushing towards him along the Dragon Sword.

In an instant, his right arm, as if being sealed by ice, even lost consciousness!

The power of Little King Kong suddenly surged, entered into the right arm, and the golden light flashed, which expelled this strange feeling.

Over there, the Blue Ghost took a step back.

On his right hand, a few blood stains shook out, dripping with blood!

He looked miserable, but he was actually not injured at all.

Chen Feng was awe-inspiring: "This blue ghost, if I try hard now, he is not his opponent."

"He is already a real two-star Do Not Forget, if I want to kill him, I must use the power of Little King Kong on the basis of the spirit possession!"

Thinking of this level, Chen Feng immediately expelled this idea. He couldn't bear the consequences. If he used the power of Little King Kong while possessing a martial spirit, he might have strength within half a month. All lost.

The strength was lost within half a month, and in this extremely dangerous place, it was tantamount to suicide.

Chen Feng dare not take this risk!

The blue ghost showed a strange look on his face, staring at Chen Feng, and let out a strange smile: "Unexpectedly, you are a **** who has some strength, and you can even pick me up!"

"However," he said with a cold, weird smile: "Do you think this is my full strength?"

"Tell you, this is just the tip of the iceberg, kid, die!"

When the word ‘death’ was spoken, he had already flashed his figure, as fast as electricity, he actually made six palm prints directly in the air!

And because of his speed, these six palm prints seemed to exist at the same time.

When he flashed every phantom, he launched a powerful attack on Chen Feng.

Thus, in Chen Feng's view, six phantoms attacked him at the same time.

With every move, a giant sea-blue palm slapped him fiercely, which was even more powerful than the offensive just now.

This is actually no longer a phantom, he is extremely fast, making six moves, so it is equivalent to six him, attacking Chen Feng at the same time.

The blue ghost's arrogant laughter sounded: "Hahaha, untouchable, feel it! Six strokes attack, see if you can move on!"

Chen Feng was shocked, his eyes shrank sharply, and he attacked him at the same time with six strokes of the two-star Wuwang's initial offensive!

Chen Feng let out a violent roar, and the power of Little King Kong surged wildly, covering the surface of his body with golden light.

The dragon slaying knife was even more surrounded by golden light, just like a golden giant knife, and then he cut out six knives in succession with speed and incompetence.

Keng Keng, Chen Feng's six knives and Blue Ghost's six attacks all collided together.

Six huge explosions suddenly sounded, and the tyrannical air current surged around, suddenly exploding six huge pits on the ground.

The lake next to it was shocked to a huge water column up to a hundred meters tall!

Chen Feng felt that six tyrannical forces smashed directly at him, and Chen Feng was hit hard, wow, and a big mouthful of blood spurted out.

Pupupupu, on his arms and on his body, countless tiny blood holes were exploded, all of which were directly shaken by the powerful force.

The Blue Ghost stepped back dozens of steps, and also let out a cold snort, blood oozing from the corner of his mouth.

His blood turned out to be blue as well, and it smelled like a faint blue light.

Chen Feng was seriously injured, but he was only slightly injured.

Obviously, Chen Feng is definitely not his opponent when he only uses the power of Xiaojingang!

Chen Feng smiled bitterly: "My current physical strength is too bad, and it's more than a star and a half short compared to the strong in the Martial King realm."

The blue ghost spit out a **** saliva on the ground nearby, and said in a negative way: "Untouchables, what do you have to do now?"

"I can see that your own strength is very average, only relying on this shining golden light power to be able to fight with me, but your golden light power has just become more and more powerful. The weaker, the dimmer."

"You should have exhausted this power? Haha, I see what you will do next!"

"Don't worry," he said sullenly, "After I catch you, I will never let you die so easily. I will catch you back and show me my master. What I have on the way is How to treat you well!"

With that said, he shouted again and attacked Chen Feng again.

And this time, his offensive was even stronger than before.

He just grabbed it with one hand, this time he grabbed it with both hands, ten huge fingers, stirred ten huge blue poisonous pythons in the air, and entangled them fiercely towards Chen Feng.

These ten blue poisonous pythons were originally entangled together, they looked like a rope tangled together, huge and huge, and they slammed into Chen Feng frantically.

Chen Feng was also ready for the battle, but just as these poisonous pythons were about to reach Chen Feng, suddenly ten blue giant pythons exploded!

In the next moment, these ten blue pythons attacked Chen Feng directly from ten directions, and their momentum was extremely fierce, reaching the extreme.

Chen Feng didn't expect his move at all, so that he couldn't even resist.

Wuhun hurriedly possessed his body, and the Dragon Slaying Sword slashed several times in succession, only to smash three of the blue giant pythons to pieces, and the remaining seven slammed into Chen Feng's body at the same time.

So the next moment, Chen Feng felt that the nine paths were extremely cold and fiercely powerful, violently walking through his body.

If it was just now, Chen Feng could naturally use the power of Little King Kong to dissolve it, but now his last bit of Little King Kong's power has already been used up.

Chen Feng felt like seven poisonous snakes had penetrated into his body, devouring his own flesh, skin, and bones, devouring his own soul, and destroying everything they could touch.

The intense pain came, making Chen Feng almost unable to control the screams.

But he still gritted his teeth and forcibly held back.

At the same time, the extreme cold and extreme cold made Chen Feng feel like he had fallen into an ice cellar. He was almost frozen.

There was even a thin layer of hoarfrost on his body, and he fell heavily to the ground, unable to control his body.

Chen Feng was shocked: "This trick has the strength of the second-star Wuwang mid-term!"

At this time, Chen Feng was in a great crisis.

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