Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1649: Seven Swords Demon King!

But he didn't expect that this **** golden light would appear in bursts, making his wounds not only bad, but getting worse and worse. He was very helpless to torture, and there was no way.

After venting for a long time, he sat back listlessly, and stretched the injured leg into the pool. The water was cold, which slightly reduced his pain.

At this time, he was tortured with pain and had no time to observe his surroundings.

So much so that he didn't notice, just when he turned around, a small figure appeared quietly.

A hundred meters away from him, hiding behind a big rock, that figure is Chen Feng.

He saw this scene with a sneer at the corner of his mouth. He had known it would end like this a long time ago.

The power of Little King Kong is very annoying, the wounds cut by him are difficult to heal, and Chen Feng can perceive the power of Little King Kong.

Although Chen Feng's Little Diamond Power and Martial Soul Possession were used separately, in fact, since he became the Little Diamond Power, every attack or attack he made would carry a trace of Little Diamond Power.

It's just a deliberate or unintentional difference, if deliberately, it will increase strength tenfold.

Like his martial soul possessed, he didn't deliberately, the power of Little King Kong would also exist, but he didn't have that great power.

Of course, it will not bring too much burden to his body!

Therefore, he hated smoothly found here.

Just when the mountain swallowing violent ape pulled out his right leg from the pool of water, turned sideways and was about to turn around.

Chen Feng suddenly attacked!

His figure flashed, leaped into the sky, and let out a violent roar!

In an instant, the power of Little King Kong was activated, and the golden light filled his body, and the Dragon Saber bitterly toward the war zone where the mountain swallowing tyrant ape's knee broke!

The wound on the right leg was split open with a loud bang!

Rotten meat, broken muscles, broken bones!

In the scream of the mountain swallowing tyrant, his right calf was completely separated, and his right knee became a huge wound, and blood poured out frantically from it!

At this time, the mountain swallowing violent ape hadn't even recovered, he felt severe pain.

Then all his senses were surrounded by pain. In an instant, he was extremely angry, his eyes were blood red, and he attacked Chen Feng bitterly.

But he had forgotten that he had lost his right calf, and his body couldn't even stand firmly, let alone attack.

With a bang, he fell heavily to the ground, and his head plunged directly into the cold lake.

Of course, Chen Feng wouldn't let this opportunity go. He roared and fell directly on the back of the Mountain-Swallowing Ape.

The Dragon Saber cut out seven knives one after another!

Seven knives, every knife was cut on the neck of the mountain swallowing tyrant ape.

Kaka Kaka, seven knives fell madly on it, each cutting out a huge wound.

And the next cut was in the wound cut by the previous cut.

Every time a knife fell, blood was flying, bone scum was chopped up and splashed everywhere, I don't know how many large blood vessels were cut off alive.

The blood was sprayed hundreds of meters into the sky like a fountain, and Chen Feng had already been sprayed into a blood man.

But he never stopped. When Chen Feng's seventh sword fell, the whole world seemed to be quiet.

Space and time seem to have stagnated, and it seems that even the wind has stopped in the air for a moment.

Chen Feng's knife was so clear that it seemed to fall slowly, and then the whole world returned to normal in the next moment.

Chen Feng's knife slashed swiftly and fiercely on the already deep wound.

Then, he heard a miserable scream from the mouth of the mountain swallowing violent ape, and it stopped abruptly.

Because, with a loud bang, the huge bone that supported the head and body of the mountain swallowing ape was directly smashed by Chen Feng.

This huge head with a radius of several tens of meters directly collapsed and flew out, slamming heavily into the pool water.

The blood in the broken neck cavity, under the huge pressure of the heart, a huge blood column with a diameter of several tens of meters rushed out frantically.

In an instant, the pool of water was stained blood red.

Two-star demon king, mountain swallowing violent ape!

Beheaded by Chen Feng with seven swords!

With seven knives, Chen Feng used seven knives to kill a two-star demon king! Equivalent to the two-star Wuwang powerhouse!

Chen Feng stood on the body of the mountain-swallowing violent ape, and laughed, happily to the extreme!

Chen Feng laughed loudly: "Beast, when you chased me in such embarrassment yesterday, did you think about today?"

"I, Chen Feng, will avenge any grudges, of course you are no exception!"

Mountain Swallowing Storm Ape's body is still twitching, which means that his body is extremely powerful. Although he is dead, his body's instincts are still there, and even his heart is still beating.

And that head, floating above the pool, had two big eyes, hollow and staring at the sky, full of unwillingness.

He didn't expect that he would die in Chen Fengfeng's hands. The gray air flow suddenly gushed out, attacking Chen Feng, and was easily crushed by Chen Feng with the power of Little King Kong!

Then Chen Feng immediately performed the nine-yin and nine-yang magic.

The weakened Qi Wheel of the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Divine Art suddenly appeared, exuding incomparable suction power. The blood that was still spraying into the lake water was suddenly changed by this powerful suction force and rushed into Chen Feng's body madly. !

Chen Feng frowned, feeling that the current suction power of the Jiuyin and Nine Yang magical art could not keep up with his own strength.

"You have to think of a way to see how to improve the cultivation of the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Divine Art." Chen Feng thought secretly.

This time, Chen Feng knew that he could kill the Mountain-Swallowing Wild Ape, which was actually very lucky.

If it was a frontal attack, even if it was a mountain-swallowing tyrannical ape with a broken leg, he would not be his opponent, but the moment the mountain-swallowing tyrannical ape’s head plunged into the pool water, he seized the opportunity and cut seven swords.

Moreover, it was cut at such a fragile part of the neck, even if the Two-Star Demon King was hit in the neck one after another, he would definitely not be able to hold it!

But Chen Feng knew that this kind of opportunity was rare, and it was the truth to practice hard.

At this time, in the palace hall.

His Majesty the Emperor Qin stood high on the throne, looking down at Yan Yupu who was kneeling below.

It's just that the look on his face at this time is no longer as cold as before, but very calm.

He looked at Yan Yuxun indifferently, and said, "I went there, and all the people who should be met? Have all the things that should be done?"

Yan Yu nodded and said loudly: "I met Chen Feng and asked him questions too."

"Oh, what did Chen Feng say?" The Emperor Qin leaned forward slightly, and he was still a little nervous at this time. After all, Chen Feng has won more than a dozen cities and made great contributions. He has no excuses to deal with Chen Feng.

To be more serious, if he dared to kill Chen Feng at this time, I am afraid that no one would agree.

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