Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1643: sad

Apart from other things, the drop of high-level dragon blood dripped in the wine is extremely rare, and it can even be said that buying a city is no exaggeration.

That is a high-level dragon clan, not a low-level dragon clan such as a red dragon and a white dragon. It is rare to the extreme.

This altar of wine has been brewed for fifty years. In fact, it has been brewed ten years ago. Dragon God Hou has always been very greedy. There have been several major festivals. When he was happy, he said he wanted to take it. I came out to drink, but in the end I put it back again.

Because he was reluctant, he always said that he would wait for the happiest and proudest time to drink.

Long Shenhou looked at the sky in the distance and whispered to himself: "It's now."

The dragon **** Hou Wei hurriedly responded and strode down, and soon he walked in with a huge clay jar in his hand.

No matter how precious the material is, the fine wine is not as good as the clay jar. This is the taste passed down by the ancient ancestors.

Suddenly, the main hall door was pushed open, Zhou Yang walked in, his face was full of joy.

He looked at Dragon God Hou, laughed loudly, and said loudly: "Master, Junior Brother is overjoyed, I will come to have a drink with you."

"Good, good!" Long Shen Hou laughed openly, stroked his beard and said: "You are here just right, this wine is going to be drunk with the master and apprentice to taste."

At this time, a charming voice sounded next to him: "Since the master and apprentice drink together, can the master count me as one?"

It was Shen Yanbing who spoke.

Dragon God Hou quickly hugged the wine jar in his arms and made a painful look: "Oh, this guy is here, and my wine will be divided a lot. I really can't bear it."

Zhou Yang shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Shen Yanbing raised his willow eyebrows, pinched his waist and said angrily: "Master, are you reluctant?"

Long Shenhou hurriedly laughed with him: "How dare, how dare?"

He was very cute to Shen Yanbing and was eaten to death by this little apprentice.

Shen Yanbing smiled and said, "It's pretty much the same."

The Dragon God Hou laughed and said: "How can you be less than you, Chen Feng has made such a contribution, and his strength has grown to such a terrible state. After hearing this news, you must be happier than I am?"

As he said, he squeezed his eyes to Shen Yanbing!

Shen Yanbing has always been generous, but when he was teased at this time, he couldn't help but blush.

She stomped her feet slightly and said, "Master, what are you talking about?"

Long Shen Hou was in a good mood, stroked his beard and smiled: "Hahaha, let's not talk about it, let's master and apprentice three people, go to the terrace."

The terrace is in the center of the mansion, which is thousands of meters high and is pure metal casting.

The top of the terrace is covered with cobblestones, surrounded by jade pond fairy grasses, and various rare and mysterious plants.

Here, the cool breeze is blowing, the breeze is very elegant, the bamboo leaves are whirling.

Although it is night time, by the moonlight, you can also overlook the surrounding embankment of thousands of miles, and the vision is wide, making people feel happy.

The three masters and apprentices drank heavily. At the end, Dragon God Hou suddenly raised his wine glass and stared at the ground blankly without saying a word.

Zhou Yang quickly asked, "Master, what's the matter with you?"

When Long Shenhou raised his head, both of them were taken aback.

It turned out that Dragon God Hou was already in tears at this time.

He sniffed, a look of embarrassment appeared on his face: "It makes you laugh!"

Although there were tears in his eyes, there was no trace of sorrow on his face. Instead, he was full of joy.

He laughed loudly: "I am happy. I shed tears because I am happy."

"My Dragon God Mansion has another generation of talents. I dare to conclude that the Dragon God Hou Mansion will be carried forward in his hands, and the inheritance of the Patriarch will finally not be broken."

"Furthermore, he may even have greater achievements than your ancestor master."

At this time, it was also in the Dragon God Hou Mansion.

In the small courtyard where Chen Feng lived, Chong Yuxiu and Luo Zilan were sitting opposite each other for a drink, a very simple drink and food, but both of them were greeted with a touch of joy between their eyebrows.

It's just that the joy of Luo Zilan's eyebrows contained a bit of sadness.

Suddenly she put down her wine glass, looked at Zhong Yuxiu and said, "He has become so powerful now, and he has made such a contribution in Dongjiang. Then, he should be back here soon, right?"

Zhong Yuxiu nodded and said: "Mostly yes, I heard that he has regained all the land occupied by the rebels in Eastern Xinjiang, then the matter over there should be almost finished."

"After I'm done, I will naturally come back quickly."

After hearing this sentence, Luo Zilan's face was even more melancholy and inexplicably sad.

"This time, if he comes back again, he should be able to rescue Han Yuer with great confidence."

"Yes." Zhong Yuxiu nodded again: "What's wrong?"

She suddenly realized, "I know, you must be worried that Han Yuer will not be able to tolerate you when he comes back, right?"

She clenched her fist and said indignantly: "Don't worry, Sister Luo, I will definitely stand by your side. If Han Yuer comes back and dares to bully you, I will settle accounts with Chen Feng!"

"You are so kind to him, how can he be sorry for you?"

Luo Zilan shook her head and smiled bitterly. There was a trace of sadness in her smile. Zhong Yuxiu wanted to say it again. Luo Zilan waved her hand gently and said, "Okay, stop talking."

"Don't worry, I'm fine, come, let's drink."

After talking about drinking a cup of wine, he has something to worry about tomorrow, why Chongxiu asked him but he didn't say anything. Chongyuxiu couldn't help but had to accompany him to drink cup by cup.

In the depths of this grey and vast strange mountain range, beside a big lake.

The water of this big lake also showed a gray color, and the rough waves hit the shore, bringing up countless gray bubbles.

It looked as if it was a lake completely filled with venom, giving off a fishy stench.

And as the lake rippling, the lake water did not split, revealing the true faces of some giant beasts in the lake, which looked quite horrible, each look hideous and terrifying.

A stream of gray air rushed in the air. Whenever the lake water surging up on the shore, the lake suddenly cracked, and several gray air currents gushed out of it.

These gray air currents rushed madly towards Chen Feng. Above Chen Feng's body, the power of Little King Kong kept surging, and kept going around his body.

Above Chen Feng's body, golden light flickered, but this golden light did not flicker all the time, but when there was a gray air current rushing through, there was a little diamond power rushing there.

Then with a bang, it directly smashed the gray airflow, which was so efficient and labor-saving.

At this time, Chen Feng's use of the power of the Little King Kong has greatly improved, and he is countless times more proficient than before.

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