Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1625: One knife! Destroy King Wu! Destroy the Three Armies!

The spear pierced out of his hand, and countless spear flowers suddenly flashed out, and each spear flower was powerful, and it was the power of the pinnacle of the One-Star Martial King!

A total of ninety-nine spear flowers, Chen Feng couldn't even catch a spear spear in the words just now.

But at this moment, all the spears and all the defenses had no effect in front of Chen Feng.

He cut them down with a single knife, and directly chopped these spears into pieces.

Then, the knife fell fiercely on the top of Tian Cheng's head.

The whole world seemed to be quiet, and everyone seemed to freeze.

At this moment, countless people watched this decisive battle above the sky, and the 90,000 armies on both sides were waiting with great expectations for the result of the decisive battle, praying for their commander in chief.

Then I saw that their expressions changed.

The rebel soldiers who had come from full of faith suddenly turned into panic, then fear, and finally despair.

On the side of the Invincible Army, the soldiers' faces were full of joy and excitement.

Those generals who had some doubts in their minds also disappeared and turned into intense excitement and joy.

In the next moment, everyone returned to normal.

The stillness between the world and the earth disappeared in an instant.

Then, everyone heard a thunderous bang.

Everyone saw that Tian Cheng's body was like a crushed tomato, with a bang, directly exploded and disappeared without a trace.

His long spear made of precious metal was also directly shattered.

But after Chen Feng's knife killed him, it fell down fiercely and hit the ground.

The five thousand rebels engulfed by this knife disappeared without a trace, not even the broken flesh and blood mist.

The Dragon Sword slammed on the ground, sending out a powerful shock wave.

This shock wave enveloped all the 30,000 rebels.

So the next moment, in the horrified eyes of these rebels, their bodies quickly swelled, and their faces showed extreme horror. They opened their mouths as if they wanted to shout, but they couldn't shout anything.

In the next moment, their bodies exploded into pieces, shattering into blood mist!

When the wind disappeared, only one person stood proudly on the battlefield where the 30,000 army was.

He stood there, his back was as towering as a mountain, like a god!

Everyone in the Invincible Army had unbelievable expressions on their faces. Even if they knew that Chen Feng was very powerful and their commander was very powerful, no one would have thought that he was so powerful.

The opponent commander of the two-star Wuwang realm was directly killed by him!

The 30,000 army was also beheaded by him!

Kill the two-star Wuwang with one slash, and slaughter the 30,000 strong army with one slash!

"God!" I don't know how many people gave out unbelievable figures: "Is this still a human? This is as powerful as a god!"

These generals thought so in their hearts, but those invincible sergeants were much more simple.

They only know that they are happy for Chen Feng, they only know that their commander is extremely powerful.

All the invincible army sergeants raised their weapons high and screamed frantically.

If they don't yell, they feel that they will be blown by the excitement and excitement in their chests.

In the end, all the voices converged into two words: "Invincible!"



This time, their invincibility is shouting for Chen Feng!

Chen Feng, invincible!

A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth. He looked at the ground, where there was a pile of minced meat that was no longer human.

"Tian Cheng, what I said, I will kill you!"

He turned around, raised the Dragon Slaying Blade high, and shouted, "Invincible!"

"Invincible! Invincible!"

The sound of invincibility resounded across the sky.

On the eleventh day of Chen Feng's offensive, he was a thousand miles west of Zhanlongcheng, against Tian Cheng's 30,000 army.

In this campaign, Chen Feng smashed the two-star Wu Wang Tian Cheng with a single blow, and slaughtered his 30,000 army!

Then, Chen Feng led the army to move eastward and occupied the Lord of Battle Dragon City in the evening of the second day!

Zhanlongcheng, the former largest city in Eastern Xinjiang, has a population of tens of millions and millions of troops stationed there.

It's just that now this city is also broken. After being ravaged by the rebels, it can be said that there are ruins everywhere.

Here is the territory of Chen Feng.

In the backyard of the City Lord's Mansion, a small garden has been renovated.

And here, now is Chen Feng's residence, at this time, he is slowly pacing in the garden.

He is very slow, looks very weak, and even his aura is very low, which is very different from his invincible appearance in front of outsiders.

In fact, Chen Feng was very weak at this time.

Chen Feng inspected it carefully, and then a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "This time, I will possess the martial soul first, and then use the power of the little diamond."

"Indeed, it is powerful, but the price is really huge. Now, my martial soul is so weak that I can't raise it in half a month. I'm afraid it will take a month."

"The Dantian is completely empty, which is different from the original."

"Originally, the consumption of the pubic area was too great, and there is always a little room to recover relatively quickly. It can be recovered this time within a few days and a half. I am afraid it will take one or two months to use up the strength."

"Of course, if there is a large amount of primordial stone to supplement, it will be different. I can directly absorb the primordial stone to restore it. If there is no primordial stone, it will be miserable!"

Chen Feng suddenly felt a sharp pain in his mind, his body shook violently, and his body was also very soft, and he fell directly to the ground.

Chen Feng was not like a warrior at this time. The martial arts gods and the power of Xiaojingang in his body all disappeared without a shadow, and his dantian was empty.

And his martial soul couldn't be summoned at all.

"It seems that I need at least one month to two months to rest, otherwise I won't be able to fight at all." Chen Feng frowned slightly.

He whispered to himself: "I just don't know if Tian Bugui will give me this time. I don't know if my strategy will work."

Behind him was the sound of cat-like footsteps.

When Chen Feng turned around, Qing Rongyue walked over slowly.

She looked at Chen Feng with an unstoppable fear in her expression. She was afraid of Chen Feng, very scared.

Perhaps, since Chen Feng yelled at her, this kind of root has been planted in her heart.

Chen Feng looked at her, but a smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Qing Rongyue was stunned. This was the first time Chen Feng smiled at her. She didn't even know what happened.

For a while, I was very flattered, even a little appalled, not knowing if I did something wrong.

Chen Feng walked up to her, stared into her eyes, and said softly: "Qing Rongyue, in the past day, you did very well, very well, so I can take you seriously."

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