Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1613: I am a pariah!

So, in just a few moments, with a scream, all these blood-clothed guards were killed!

After the commander killed all the blood-clothed guards, he suddenly ran out, came to the wooden poles, and knelt down in front of the hanging corpses.

He banged his head more than a dozen times and shouted loudly: "Brothers, I was incompetent when I was a elder brother, which made you die in front of me, but I didn't dare to put a fart."

As he said, slapped, a few big ears slapped his face fiercely.

Then he yelled: "Now my brother has avenged you, and if you know it, please feel at ease!"

Bump bump, snap his head one after another, tears slipped from his eyes!

This scene was staged in various barracks.

These soldiers hated the blood-clothed guards a lot, and they didn't show any mercy at all. In almost a moment, they killed all the blood-clothed guards.

At this time, the only blood-clothed guards left in the camp were those on the square.

Xue Chen, middle-aged scholar Chen and several half-step martial arts experts under them!

On the high platform, Xue Chen sat there, the middle-aged scribes stood beside him, and the four half-step king realm powerhouses stood on the four corners of the high platform, staring at everything around him.

As long as there is an abnormal change, they can immediately rush to suppress it.

Xue Chen sighed faintly, made a very melancholy look, and said to the middle-aged scribe: "Mr. Wen, you can kill all these rebellions today, and you can return to Wuyang City tomorrow."

Mr. Na Wen chuckled: "After spending a few days in this poor place where birds don’t shit, the whole person is going to be boring. After returning to Wuyang City, I’ll go to the outer building for a good drink."

Xue Chen laughed: "Mr. Wen went with me. I will invite you back."

Mr. Wen smiled and said, "Thank you very much, then."

After a while, Xue Chen frowned suddenly and said, "What's the matter? Why haven't the first group of prisoners come here yet?"

It stands to reason that it is time now.

As soon as his voice fell, suddenly, a long dragon chant came, and then there was a scream of killing from the barracks, like a loud noise all day.

Then, he suddenly saw seven or eight blood-clothed guards running staggeringly from the corner.

The seven or eight suspects were all covered in blood. The blood on their bodies became veritable blood-stained clothes. There were many wounds on their bodies, blood was flowing across their bodies, and all of them were seriously injured.

Xue Chen stood up suddenly: "What's the matter?"

Before the blood-clothed guards came to the high platform, they cried loudly: "My lord, it's not good, these untouchables are in trouble! They rebelled, and suddenly they started killing people in the barracks!"


Xue Chen was furious and shouted: "This bunch of untouchables, how dare to make trouble? I'll go kill them!"

These blood-clothed guards rely on these two one-star martial king powerhouses, their strength is enough to suppress everyone in the barracks.

When he suddenly got up, he suddenly heard a long laugh: "Xue Chen, your opponent is me!"

Then, six figures suddenly appeared.

After swiping it, he came to this square.

Xue Chen saw the dazzling young man in front of him at a glance, his brows furrowed, and his heart felt uneasy.

Xue Chen glared at Chen Feng, turned his eyes around him twice, and shouted with some uncertainty: "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

Chen Feng looked at him, held the Dragon Slaying Knife tightly in his hand, smiled and said, "Chen Feng, Lord Zhanlong, Lord Zhanlong!"

"What? It turned out to be Chen Feng?" After hearing these two words, everyone in Xueyiwei suddenly showed a look of shock on their faces.

And the blood-clothed guards in the half-step Martial King realm even showed a hint of horror on their faces.

Chen Feng can be said to be famous. In Wuyang City, almost no one knows and no one knows. They naturally know how powerful Chen Feng is.

"You are actually Chen Feng? Why did you come here?" Xue Chen also stared at Chen Feng and asked in a cold voice.

Chen Feng smiled and said, "I am entrusted by the Qingjun king to come here to take over this army."

"What? Are you entrusted by the Qingjun king? How dare you listen to the rebellious words and stand in the same boat with that rebellious?"

"You are against your Majesty, against Da Qin!" Xue Chen yelled, very powerfully: "You are a rebellion!"

If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that he will be frightened, but unfortunately, Chen Feng doesn't care about this.

He just smiled coldly and said: "I don't know what rebellion is not insurrection. I only know that I promised Qingjun King, I will keep this army, and since you dare to kill them, then I will count you all. Beheaded."

Xue Chen asked: "Why are you helping these untouchables? Don't forget, you are also a noble! You are betraying the noble!"

Xue Chen really didn't understand.

Chen Feng shouted violently: "Because, I have never regarded myself as a nobleman, I am a commoner, the untouchable in your mouth!"

"I have never forgotten my origin. I am going against the current and going against the sky. If you nobles want to stop me, I will kill you all. If the sky wants to stop me, I will tear the day apart!"

As he said, he raised the Dragon Slayer suddenly, and his killing intent surged, pressing towards Xue Chen fiercely.

When Xue Chen heard this, he was taken aback for a moment, then she and the middle-aged scribes next to each other looked at each other, and both burst into laughter, full of contempt and disdain.

"Mr. Wen, did you hear that? Did you hear what this kid said?" Xue Chen smiled and gasped, out of breath: "He actually said he wants to kill us, hahaha! "

Mr. Wen also laughed loudly: "This Chen Feng is really overwhelming. He said such a big deal, and he is not afraid of making people laugh."

The two obviously didn't believe what Chen Feng said at all, and both thought he was talking nonsense.

Suddenly, Xue Chen's smile closed, and he said coldly: "Chen Feng, I know you have a big name in Wuyang City. Maybe, that's why you think you can kill me."

"But, you are too arrogant. You are known as the first person under the Wuwang realm. It is a pity that I happen to be the kind of person you can't match. I am a magnificent one-star Wuwang peak powerhouse!"

"I want to kill you, as easy as crushing an ant!"

Mr. Wen next to him said in an interface: "My lord, where do you need to do it? I can deal with this little bastard. I can definitely kill him. I am an early master of the One-Star Martial King."

Chen Feng sneered: "Then, you might as well try."

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