Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1609: endure!

"Yes!" The blood-clothed guards responded in unison, taking out their weapons one after another, and beheading the dozens of people who were kneeling on the ground.

The dozen or so generals who were kneeling on the ground realized that they were already dead, and they still had time to resist. They had enough strength.

But they just didn't resist. They raised their heads to the sky and roared with extreme grief: "King Qingjun, why do you treat us like this?"

"Why let these little guys of unknown origin come to slaughter us? Ah..."

The screaming roar echoed in the air, and then stopped abruptly, their heads were severely chopped off, and a dozen heads fell to the ground!

After a while, more than a dozen generals and officials were brought here, and they were killed like pigs and sheep.

They still have the strength, but they have not resisted!

By the evening, a total of seven groups of generals had been brought here, and all of them were killed.

And these beheaded generals, the lowest strength can also reach the seventh or eighth level of the Martial Sovereign Realm!

Even, there are nine masters of the Martial Sovereign Realm, but there is no master of the Half-Step King Realm yet!

When the evening arrived, the middle-aged man in blood, Mr. Xue, waved his hand and said, "I will kill here today. Today, I will kill almost half of the centurion or higher generals. I will kill the remaining half tomorrow."

"Hahahaha," he was extremely proud and laughed up to the sky.

The middle-aged scribe ordered the blood-clothed guard to say: "You go deep into the barracks and supervise them, don't cause any trouble."

"Once someone dared to make trouble, they would carry out the Qingjun King's warrant and suppress them. These people dare not resist."

The hundreds of blood-clothed guards responded.

One of them smiled and said: "This Qingjunwang's warrant is really useful. When these clumsy uncles saw that we took out the Qingjunwang's warrant, they were immediately honest."

"Obviously his strength can easily kill me, but I let him kneel down, I let him lick my shoes, and he licked my shoes, I didn't dare to resist when I killed him, hahahaha..."

These blood-clothed guards all laughed triumphantly!

When they dispersed, in the shadow of a corner, a figure slowly stood up, it was Chen Feng.

At this moment, his face was full of anger, as if there was flame burning in his eyes.

The cold expression on his face was icy killing intent, and he gently spit out a word: "These dogs should be killed!"

Now, if he can't guess the truth anymore, he would be really stupid.

Obviously, these blood-clothed guards are royal power, but their strength should not be strong, at least the blood-clothed guards that Chen Feng saw were not too strong.

The most powerful is just the middle-aged man in the red armor, that is, the pinnacle of the one-star Wu Wang!

They were not strong enough, but they obviously had a warrant from the Qingjun King, and the soldiers of the Qingjun King's army did not dare to resist after seeing the warrant.

Although their strength is far better than these blood-clothed guards, they are allowed to slaughter them like pigs and sheep!

Chen Feng believed that King Qingjun never issued this warrant, nor did King Qingjun mention it to him, which shows that this warrant is definitely forged!

In Chen Feng's heart, he was also the highest commander of this army at this time, and there was a strong dissatisfaction and resentment against the commanders, even the daughter of the Qingjun king.

"Are these people dead? Damn, do these people eat plain rice? These blood-clothed guards in Gouri are killing your subordinates and your friends. Do you just sit back and watch?"

"I want you people to have a fart? At this time, you should stand up and stabilize the overall situation. When you climb up and shout, there is really a bunch of mud that can't support the wall! Waste!"

At this moment, Chen Feng felt that Qing Wudi's daughter, the commanders and generals in this army, were the most damned people.

He even wanted to kill even these people after killing the Blood Guard!

This is a barracks.

These blood-clothed guards were beating and scolding wantonly here. They slapped a person at random, slapped him, humiliated him frantically, and even stomped it under his feet, stomping his face and mouth with their feet. Laughing loudly!

There are hundreds of soldiers in this barracks, and there are more than a dozen officers in it, and the strength is absolutely no less than these blood-clothed guards.

However, when these blood-clothed guards were punishing the murderers, none of them dared to do it. All of them were sitting on the ground.

Although many of them were flushed with anger and clenched their fists, they almost couldn't help but stand up, but none of them stood up, and none of them did it.

They all suppressed themselves fiercely, even if their eyes were red with anger and breathing heavily.

But they are still enduring, they are enduring.

Because they are under the Qingjun King, they are soldiers who are devoted to Daqin. They always remember the vows they made when joining this army, and always remember the teachings Qingjun King gave them.

"Be loyal to the Qingjun King, although you will die, even if the Qingjun King asks you to die, you must immediately kill yourself with a knife!"

In their minds, King Qingjun is heaven and everything, and no one will violate his orders.

Because these people came with a warrant from King Qingjun, they were loyal to King Qingjun, so they didn't dare to defy this warrant at all.

Sadly, no one knew that this warrant was actually a forgery, and Prince Qingjun had already been sent to prison!

In fact, if hundreds of them started working together at this time, they could immediately kill these dozen blood-clothed guards into meat sauce.

But they are still enduring, endure!

These blood-clothed guards have already seen their thoughts clearly, and have figured this out very thoroughly, so they are unscrupulous!

A blood-clothed guard suddenly strode over, pulled a centurion by the collar and pulled him up, and then the big eared photon slapped the centurion's face fiercely.

The centurion’s case far surpassed the blood-clothed guard, but he stood motionless, allowing the blood-clothed guard to humiliate him wantonly.

A few slapped him, slapped his face like a pig's head, and his face was already swollen.

He was trembling with anger, but gritted his teeth and said nothing!

The blood-clothed guard laughed triumphantly, suddenly opened his eyes, and roared ferociously: "Do you still have this expression on his mother's face? Are you dissatisfied with us?"

"Tell you, dissatisfaction with us is dissatisfaction with Qingjun King!"

He cried jokingly: "Kneel down!"

The centurion suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were not angry, but grievance, puzzled.

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