Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1604: revenge!

"Yes, it should be so, but unfortunately, that animal was cheaper."

Chen Feng laughed, walked up to a black-heart-quenched golden bamboo and pulled hard.

This black gold-tempered bamboo grows extremely slowly and has excellent efficacy. It is an extremely superior spiritual plant. Therefore, the root system is also deeply rooted, reaching hundreds of meters underground, like a large net, which cannot be shaken by idlers.

But it was just a piece of cake for Chen Feng. With a hard effort, he pulled out a black-hearted golden bamboo forcibly.

Then Chen Feng used force one after another, and in an instant, he pulled out all the remaining more than 100 black-heart-tempered golden bamboos and threw them into the golden dragon ring. There was no one left for the hill giant.

After putting these black gold-tempered bamboos in his bag, Chen Feng immediately turned around and left without any hesitation.

The grown-up hill giant has been away for a while, and it's not a good time to come back. If he is more greedy, he is very likely to ruin himself here.

Although he was able to kill the hill giant, he was far from the opponent of the adult hill giant in the realm of the two-star Wuwang.

Chen Feng's current strength is only equivalent to the early days of King Wu Wang!

After Chen Feng left here, he did not run to the outside of the Tulong Mountain Range, but continued to escape to the inside of the Tulong Mountain Range.

With a bang, he directly crossed the seventeenth barrier and entered the eighteenth floor of the Tulong Mountain Range.

Chen Feng’s mind is extremely clear. He found through precise judgment that the territory of the adult hill giant is about a thousand miles long from east to west, and a thousand miles wide from north to south. It looks very large, but in fact, for such a behemoth, it is definitely Not enough.

Within such a large area, how many monsters can be seen by him as food?

And since it can be regarded as food by him, then the level of this monster beast is definitely not low, I am afraid that every monster beast that he uses as food also needs at least hundreds of miles of territory to feed itself.

And he has stayed here for so many years, these monster beasts must have been eaten by him, so its territory is definitely not big enough.

One of the most powerful evidence is that he has not returned after going out this time for so long. If his territory is large enough and there is enough food, he should have returned long ago.

And why did he refuse to expand his territory?

The reason is simple, there are other monsters that are very powerful, even stronger than him, occupying other directions, so he dare not expand there.

There is no doubt that the deeper the Dragon Slaying Mountain Range, the stronger the monster beast's strength.

So Chen Feng chose to go inside, and as expected, the hill giant returned less than a cup of tea after Chen Feng left here.

He had just arrived at the entrance of the cave, his expression was immediately stagnant, his huge nose shook twice, he smelled the smell coming from inside, and then he became extremely violent and his eyes were blood red.

He rushed into the cave frantically and saw the hilly giant who had become a mummy.

This scene made him almost crazy.

He looked up to the sky and uttered an extremely angry howl, turned around without hesitation, and chased him directly in the direction of Chen Feng's escape.

At this time, Chen Feng had just stepped into the eighteenth floor.

But after a while, he arrived before the barrier on the 18th floor. He could judge that Chen Feng's smell had disappeared from here, but he looked at the barrier in front of him, but he hesitated very much and did not enter rashly.

He knew that behind this, there lived a very powerful Demon King on the eighteenth floor.

This Demon King, even if he is not an opponent, and if he stepped into the opponent's territory rashly, it would be a provocation!

He hesitated for a while, but in the end he didn't dare to enter. He was obviously extremely unwilling, and his anger was extreme. Standing outside the barrier, he let out a crazy roar, with a murderous intent on his face.

But in the end, he turned and left unwillingly and returned to his lair.

Chen Feng's strategy succeeded. In fact, Chen Feng was hiding behind a giant tree about a kilometer north of the hill giant.

He didn't go far. He knew that if the hill giant really dared to chase him, he would not be able to run. If he didn't dare to chase him, he would be safe as long as he entered this range.

Sure enough, he succeeded.

Hearing the angry roar of the hill giant and feeling the aura of going away, Chen Feng let out a long sigh!

But, at this moment, suddenly, he felt an extremely cold and tyrannical aura, approaching him.

At this moment, Chen Feng felt that his blood seemed to be frozen. He froze in place, motionless. He didn't want to move, but didn't dare to move.

Because he felt that a breath locked himself, and as long as he made a move, he would immediately kill himself.

Chen Feng felt that there seemed to be a gaze peeking from a very far away, scanning over himself, and after scanning back and forth several times, this existence seemed to have no interest in Chen Feng, and then he shook his eyes. Close.

Chen Feng immediately noticed that the tyrannical and cold feeling disappeared.

He took a long breath of relief, sweating profusely.

At this moment, Chen Feng deeply felt the danger of death, and he immediately realized that this existence must be the overlord of this area.

His strength is so powerful that he dared not provoke the giants of the hills. Fortunately, he was not interested in himself just now, or else I was afraid that he would have died at this time.

Chen Feng didn't dare to stay here any longer, and immediately rushed towards the distance.

Soon, he returned to the seventeenth floor of the Tulong Mountain Range from another direction.

This is no longer the territory of the hill giants. After finally coming here, Chen Feng's feeling that he might be killed at any time finally disappeared.

Chen Feng came here, he didn't want to escape, in fact he only had one purpose, which was to find the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle King who had escaped!

Chen Feng knew that the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle King would never let him go. When he left, Chen Feng remembered the full of resentment and vows he made.

And Chen Feng did not intend to let him go.

A fierce sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Pianmao beast, since you dare to chase me, then be prepared to be killed by me!"

"Now, I have the strength to challenge you!"

Chen Feng returned to the place where he had encountered the hill giant. It was here that the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle King was beaten away by the hill giant and escaped at a heavy price.

Chen Feng made a big circle here, and saw a large pool of blood on the ground. The bloodstain had turned brown at this time, but the strong smell of blood had not dissipated.

And Chen Feng even felt the residual power of the thunder from above. This was the bloodstain of the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle King. Chen Feng followed the bloodstains all the way to find.

Although the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle was flying in the sky, he was seriously injured and blood was constantly spilled. Therefore, every certain distance, a large pool of brown blood with thunder power would appear on the ground.

Chen Feng followed the bloodstain all the way to chase, and soon he had chased him hundreds of miles away!

Here, he has left the seventeenth floor of the Tulong Mountain Range and returned to the sixteenth floor.

Chen Feng walked around a high mountain, and in front of him was a large forest.

Suddenly, his whole body shook, and then the corner of his mouth was slightly hooked with a smile, and he whispered to himself: "You flat-haired beast, I finally found you!"

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