Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1594: cut! (Debt Repayment 5)

With that, his huge golden wings slammed into Chen Feng once again!

There was a loud noise that shook the earth and the earth seemed to tremble.

The Dragon Sword and his golden wings slammed together.

Keng Keng Keng Keng, on the golden wings, ten thin and long blood-colored holes were cut out, and hundreds of feathers were directly shaken into the air, flying in disorder.

The Golden Winged Thunder Eagle screamed, but then he screamed triumphantly: "Hahahaha, Chen Feng, now you are cut out with ten knives, that's all!"

"It's just that it was able to wound me just now, what else do you have?"

He was extremely proud, and felt that although Chen Feng's strength had risen and his aura became huge, it was nothing more than that, and he had no means to deal with him.

At this moment, suddenly, Chen Feng's body flashed with orange light, and ten huge dragon-slaying knives appeared in the air.

This time it was a phantom, but the aura emanating from the phantom was not at all weaker than the actual Dragon Slaying Sword!

The Golden Winged Thunder Eagle roared in surprise: "What the **** is this?"

From the phantom of these ten Dragon Slaying Knives, he could feel that huge aura and terrible murderous intent, which seemed to be stronger than just now.

Above Chen Feng's body, an orange light burst, and with a single brush, an orange light and shadow were projected, and then directly shining on the ten dragon-slaying knives.

As a result, these ten dragon swords phantoms were illuminated in an instant.

Then the next moment, ten phantoms cut open the air and let out an extremely screaming sound.

The orange light wave flashed, and the ten phantoms were brushed together, forming a dragon-slaying knife that was magnified ten times in the air.

The entire Dragon Slaying Knife showed an orange-yellow color, which was even more terrifying than just now, and its power was ten times more powerful!

Then the next moment, this huge dragon-slaying knife suddenly tore open the air and slashed towards the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle King!

The Golden Winged Thunder Eagle King had no time to dodge. This huge dragon-slaying knife was extremely fast, even far exceeding its speed.

The fatal blow was launched!

Then the next moment, I heard a sound of tearing bones.

The Dragon Slaying Knife easily broke open his incomparably strong golden feathers, and broke open his skin, muscle and periosteum. With a loud bang, it actually cut off the small half of his left wing directly!

The incision is large and smooth, exposing the vascular muscles inside.

For so many moments, time seemed to stand still, and even the blood stopped rushing.

Then, like a flood erupting, with a bang, a huge amount of blood poured out at the place where his wound broke. I'm afraid it was tens of thousands of catties or hundreds of thousands of catties!

In an instant, several small rivers of blood donated appeared on the ground, and the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle King uttered a scream.

One of his wings was severed, and his injury was moderate, not particularly serious, but it made him feel painful, and his combat effectiveness dropped rapidly.

He looked at Chen Feng and screamed in disbelief: "How is it possible? How could you, a humble and weak human being, be able to win me? How could you be able to wound me?"

Then the next moment, he became extremely resentful and stared at Chen Feng fiercely.

But Chen Feng didn't lose his mind at this time. He didn't feel that he could defeat the Golden Wing Thunder Eagle King because of his accidental success.

In fact, he knew very well that the gap between the strengths of the two was still huge, and he had no chance of winning at all.

After he succeeded in a move, he immediately stretched out his hand and hugged the cold blood that disappeared from his breath!

This is the chance of a fatal blow that Blood Wind exchanged for his life!

Chen Feng quickly ran away frantically, while the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle King frantically chased after him. While chasing, he roared bitterly:

"Chen Feng, bastard, still want to run? I must kill you today!"

He chased wildly behind him, he was seriously injured, and the speed was much slower than before, only less than one-fifth of the previous.

It stands to reason that Chen Feng can easily get rid of him, but unfortunately, Chen Feng's current speed is too slow, so that he can't get the distance.

While running away, Chen Feng thought to himself: "No, you can't drag it anymore. After going out this time, you must look for a powerful footwork. Otherwise, I will suffer too much in terms of speed."

Chen Feng fled into the mountains and forests, and ran forward frantically for more than two hours before gradually getting away from the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle King, but he did not get rid of him either.

Time goes by.

It was evening, and the sun was slanting west.

At this time, three or four hours had passed since the battle between Chen Feng and the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle King.

In a dense forest, Chen Feng is running desperately, his speed is as fast as a galloping horse.

He rushed and trampled in the forest along the way, and entered the territory of many powerful monsters. The monsters sensed his breath and roared in horror, but before they could catch up with Chen Feng, Chen Feng had left here. , Stepped onto the territory of another monster beast.

Chen Feng ran wildly, panting quickly, his voice was like a dilapidated bellows, whistling.

There were wounds on the surface of his body. At this time, many of the wounds had clotted, but as he ran wildly, many wounds opened and blood came out from inside.

Chen Feng felt like burning in his chest and lungs.

And before his eyes, a piece of blood, a piece of fire, extremely hot.

Chen Feng felt like he was thrown into a large fire and smoked and roasted. The pain was extremely painful. Every step he took, his whole person seemed to be destroyed.

He felt so tired and pained that he couldn't wait to just fall to the ground, go to sleep and never wake up again.

But Chen Feng still gritted his teeth and rushed forward desperately.

He knew that the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle King was not thrown away by him, because the powerful aura full of killing intent was still approaching him not far behind him.

Chen Feng almost relied on instinct to rush, he squeezed out his potential and all his strength!

Chen Feng's consciousness gradually became dizzy. Suddenly, he staggered under his feet and almost fell directly to the ground, making his whole person dizzy.

Chen Feng lay on the ground, feeling too tired, and wanted to just fall asleep like this.

Suddenly, he felt the softness in his left hand, and Chen Feng suddenly opened his eyes, it was blood wind.

The life and death of the blood wind is unknown, and Chen Feng knows that in any case he cannot be allowed to fall into the hands of the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle King, even if Chen Feng himself dies, he does not want the blood wind to be hurt again!

He bit the tip of his tongue fiercely, a sharp pain came, and Chen Feng became sober.

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