Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1591: Golden Winged Thunder Eagle King!

"His pattern of the Demon King is very messy and not neat!"

Secondly, this monster beast's aura is unbearable, although it is extremely large, it is very disordered.

This is a golden-winged giant eagle. No, it should be called the Golden-winged Thunder Eagle King. Although it is only a half-step Demon King, it can also be called the Demon King!

However, whether this Golden Winged Thunder Eagle King is half-step Demon King or Demon King, it makes no difference to Chen Feng.

The strength of monsters is stronger than human warriors.

The half-step Demon King Realm is already equivalent to the one-star Wu Wang, and the one-star Demon King is equivalent to the two-star Wu Wang!

(Change the first level of the Wuwang realm to a one-star Wuwang, and the second level of the Wuwang realm to two-star Wuwang, and so on.)

Even in the Half-Step Demon King Realm, Chen Feng at this time was not an opponent at all.

While Chen Feng was looking at him, the golden-winged Thunder Eagle King was also looking at Chen Feng, his gaze was high, full of the meaning of looking down.

Obviously, he didn't put Chen Feng in his eyes at all.

And looking down, there was a bit of murderous intent that could not be concealed. Obviously, he was full of hostility towards Chen Feng.

Chen Feng confronted him, feeling sweaty on his forehead.

Being in the domain of the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle King, Chen Feng felt that his strength had dropped rapidly.

In fact, this is not an illusion.

Being in the domain of the Demon King will greatly affect the strength of the warrior.

The golden-winged Thunder Eagle King's aura was overwhelmingly suppressed, almost suffocating him, making him unable to breathe, and Chen Feng was already sweating profusely in an instant.

The Golden Winged Thunder Eagle stared at Chen Feng and suddenly said, "Are you Chen Feng?"

Chen Feng was not surprised that he was able to speak. This Golden Winged Thunder Eagle King was also an ancient alien species, and the one in front of him had even reached the level of the Demon King.

Chen Feng stared at him and said slowly: "Yes, I am Chen Feng!"

"That's you!" The Golden Winged Thunder Eagle King let out a weird smile: "Chen Feng, someone entrusted me to take your life! Today, you will leave your life here!"

When he said this, he was arrogant, his eyes were full of overlooking and arrogance, and he said it for granted.

It was as if he said that Chen Feng's life would stay here, and Chen Feng would definitely die here!

However, he has this qualification and this ability.

Because he is a half-step Demon King powerhouse, quite equivalent to a one-star Wu Wang.

Chen Feng had long since guessed that it would be such an ending. He had already seen the bitter killing intent in the eyes of the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle King.

Chen Feng slowly said, "Who sent you here?"

"Send me? Haha, you humble human being, how dare you look down on me like this? I am equivalent to a one-star martial king, you people like the Great Qin Kingdom, who is qualified to send me, and who can send me?"

The Golden Winged Thunder Eagle said proudly: "Anyway, you are going to die here, I am not afraid to tell you."

"Tongtianhou Mansion, Heishuihou Mansion, Zhenxihou Mansion, and Lieyanhou Mansion, the four of them joined hands and paid a very heavy price. Please move me out of the mountain and come to kill you."

"They are unwilling to use their own strength, and they are afraid that their strength is not your opponent, so that's why."

"Originally, this king didn't want to intervene in these messy and dirty things between you humans, but, helpless, the price is too tempting, and I have no way to refuse!"

"So, I just reluctantly, accept it!"

Chen Feng narrowed his eyes: "Sure enough, the Four Hou Mansions are behind them!"

He had long guessed that the Four Hou Mansions would not be so good at letting go, but he did not expect that the other party behaved so fiercely, and that was the ultimate move!

"Okay, enough to talk about." Golden Winged Thunder Eagle King said impatiently: "You should go to die too!"

As he said, there was a flash of golden light and shadow, and in an instant, the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle King came directly in front of Chen Feng.

Chen Feng's eyes shrank, and his heart trembled slightly: "This golden-winged beast, so fast! How fast is such a huge creature as fast as lightning?"

The huge golden wings of the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle King swept towards Chen Feng fiercely, with a joke in his eyes, wanting to kill Chen Feng.

Chen Feng felt as if the sky was falling, and pressed hard towards him.

The huge golden wings flashed with light, with an extremely powerful aura.

Chen Feng took a deep breath and let out an angry roar.

The power of Little King Kong surged, and his strength exploded tenfold in an instant!

Three knives in a row, severely chopped out.

The golden wings and the Dragon Slaying Sword slammed together heavily. This Golden Winged Thunder Eagle King didn't use any martial arts, and simply used physical power, just a tyrannical body.

Chen Feng severely slashed on it with these three knives, only to hear three loud bangs.

On the golden wings of the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle King, there were only three shallow bloodstains.

Three small pieces of feathers less than the size of a palm were chopped off, and after Chen Feng was swept by the golden wings, he felt an extremely powerful force suddenly spread, and directly knocked him out for thousands of meters.

When the person was in the air, there was already a muffled grunt, blood spurted wildly, and bones were broken.

One move, just one move, the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle King severely injured Chen Feng.

And Chen Feng's most powerful trick was to bring him only three bloodstains!

Chen Feng was shocked: "As expected of the Half-Step Demon King, the strength of this Golden Winged Thunder Eagle King is terrifying!"

"His strength, I'm afraid it has reached the peak of a one-star Wuwang!"

And as the golden wings hit the body, a powerful force of thunder and lightning poured into Chen Feng's body.

Chen Feng discovered that countless tiny snow-white thunders spread all over his body in an instant.

He was as if surrounded by a silver arc, and a direct consequence of this was that Chen Feng was paralyzed and he could no longer feel his body.

He couldn't even hold the Dragon Slaying Knife, and he threw it out, and after he fell to the ground, he couldn't stand up for a while.

A touch of unwillingness flashed in Chen Feng's eyes. He was not afraid of dying in battle, nor was he afraid of being an opponent. He was afraid that he would be so frustrated that he could not even stand up and would be beaten to death!

At this time, he could only lie on the ground, his body twitching.

Suddenly, in the martial arts Tianhe, the wind was high and the waves were violent, and a lightning dragon suddenly jumped out of it.

Then in an instant, the incomparable suction power came from the Qi Wheel of the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Divine Art, and the tiny snow-white thunder in Chen Feng's body was absorbed in an instant.

In the nine yin and nine yang magic arts, they merged into a huge ball of lightning, and then the lightning dragon, a big mouth, directly sucked in the ball of lightning, and swallowed it whole.

Then, Raiden Guanglong's figure froze there, his face showing extreme satisfaction.

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