Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1589: Qing Wudi's request

Chen Feng has his own method of contacting the third princess, which can ensure that he can communicate with the third princess at any time.

And he didn't expect that it would be used so soon, even on the first day of coming back.

Xiaoya slowly said: "Master Chen Feng, the princess is very precious. It is not cheap to use it once!"

Chen Feng said slowly, "I know, I will naturally remember this matter in my heart."

Xiaoya nodded with satisfaction and smiled and said: "Before I came, the princess told me that you can say such a sentence, it is enough."

She smiled and said, "It's because of King Qingjun's incident, right?"

Chen Feng frowned: "Even though you know that you are less than aunt and very good at prying people's hearts, I hate this feeling."

Xiaoya explained: "This is not something that Aunt Yu has spied on, but the princess's own conjecture. What happened on the street before, and now the caring people in Wuyang City, I am afraid they all know it, and it is not bad for the princess. "

"In addition, the princess knows everything you did when you were in Qingzhou, so naturally you can guess what you want."

Chen Feng took a deep breath and said, "Before the sun rises tomorrow, I want to see King Qingjun."

"Good!" Xiaoya agreed without hesitation.

Then, she also stretched out a finger and said: "The princess said before that, if you say this, then he must have a request."

Chen Feng said: "Please speak."

"His Royal Highness needs to get specific news about that within one month!"

Chen Feng nodded his head: "Okay, within a month, I will do it!"

This is a conditional exchange, ruthless, but extremely fair.

As long as Chen Feng can do it, he can get a lot from the third princess.

For example, he could not do this before, even if it was Dragon God Hou, but now he can.

Chen Feng waited for the news in the inn. By the end of the evening, Xiaoya returned. The two of them dressed up in disguise. Chen Feng followed Xiaoya all the way to the imperial city.

Soon, he came to a huge courtyard next to the imperial city.

In this courtyard, all the buildings are actually made of a strange metal, which looks majestic and strong.

Then Xiao Ya silently led him to the backyard, where it was flat, but Xiaoya didn't know where to touch it, there was a creak, and there was a sound of iron chains stirring in the backyard.

Then I saw that a black iron platform rose in the middle of the courtyard, and there was a small entrance in the platform.

The two followed the entrance, and the steel-forged steps spiraled down one by one, walking down tens of thousands of steps, passing through ninety-nine gates.

Every portal is extremely strong, and Chen Feng couldn't help being shocked. He was still thinking about robbery before, but now that he thinks about it, this idea is too ridiculous.

If these portals were to be hit hard with his power, it would be good to be able to break through the triple, and there are a total of ninety-nine portals!

All the way, unimpeded.

In fact, there were several golden armored guards standing next to each portal, obviously the royal guards, but they turned a blind eye to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng couldn't help but sigh that the strength of His Royal Highness the Third Princess was really huge, and he was able to do this step.

It took a long time to get down to the bottom and pass through a long corridor. At the end of it, Chen Feng thought it would be a hall, but he didn't expect it to be just a small small house with a radius of less than ten feet.

The whole body is also made of metal. It turned out that such a huge cell, such a huge project, turned out to be just to imprison one person.

At this time, King Qingjun had been released from the cage, but dozens of thicker metal chains hung from the surrounding walls to tie him firmly.

The Qingjun king remained motionless, sitting cross-legged, as if dead.

Chen Feng took a deep breath, his heart beating wildly.

At the side, Xiaoya reminded softly: "You have time for a cup of tea, and you have something to say as soon as possible."

With that, she exited the cell and waited outside.

When she left, King Qingjun, who seemed to have been in a coma, suddenly raised his head and his energy flashed.

Chen Feng whispered: "So, you didn't faint, King Qingjun."

King Qingjun nodded and said, "Of course not, how can I be unconscious?"

"I'm in such a situation, in such a dangerous situation, if I want to fall into a coma, I'm afraid I will never wake up again."

He said that he was desolate, and Chen Feng felt very uncomfortable when he heard what he said. He sighed and said, "How come you fall into this situation?"

The Qingjun king laughed horribly: "The rebels have gone out, and the family is unfortunate."

"I know that Your Majesty wanted to deal with me a long time ago, and I have always acted carefully and didn't let him catch any handles, but I didn't expect that Yan Liang, a traitor, would provide His Majesty with a godsend opportunity."

He said with hatred on his face: "This traitor Yan Liang forged evidence, blamed me, and put those evidence in my mansion."

"Then, your Majesty suddenly sent a royal guard into the mansion to search. I thought at the time, I have a clear conscience, and I am extremely innocent, so naturally I don't have to worry about anything."

"So, let them put me under a ban, and didn't resist at all. In the end, they didn't expect that so much evidence was found in the mansion."

"So, I was also taken to the capital. On the way, I was tortured and humiliated, and my strength was not one. Let them squash and round!"

Chen Feng heard this, and his eyes flashed with anger: "King Qingjun, I know you must be wronged, you swear, I will save you!"

King Qingjun looked at her deeply and said softly: "I know how to make friends all over the world, and I have always been proud of it. I thought that this time I was in jail, there must be many people interceding for me and trying to rescue me."

"But I didn't expect that no one would come. It was you who came instead. You were the one who was cut off from me. I even saw the dead and couldn't save them!"

His eyes are extremely complicated.

Chen Feng took a deep breath and said softly, "A little bit of grace, I am also reporting to Yongquan. You saved my life and I will never forget it."

He solemnly said: "Don't worry, I will definitely clean up your innocence for you."

King Qingjun shook his head with a hint of despair on his face, and said, "Your Majesty wants to kill me, no one can save me, and you are no exception."

"I know that you are already the Earl of Battle Dragon. Your Majesty values ​​you very much, so make good use of this value, and don't waste this love because of me, a dying person. Otherwise, your Majesty will even kill you. ."

"You can kill Yan Liang and avenge me. I am very happy."

"Chen Feng, next I want to ask you one thing, you must promise me."

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