Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1585: friend

The gap between the two was immediately highlighted.

However, Chen Feng sneered in his heart, but still had a smile on his face.

Indeed, as the third prince said, if you submit to him nominally at this time, you can at least avoid a lot of trouble.

Seeing Chen Feng hesitating, the third prince continued: "Chen Feng, I have retrieved all your past records. Since you came to Wuyang City, you have offended many people."

"The five major Hou Mansions are in a big match. You start with no mercy. You will either kill or mutilate the proud children of the other Hou Mansions participating in the big match. They will completely offend the four of them."

"Then he offended the Lie family, and today he offended the Gao family and the Cao family among the four hidden families."

"Make so many enemies, it is very detrimental to you."

Chen Feng suddenly asked, "Which step can you do?"

The third prince showed a smile, knowing that Chen Feng planned to agree.

He immediately said: "I can at least guarantee that in Wuyang City, they will absolutely not dare to move you."

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Okay, the deal."

The third prince was taken aback, then smiled and said: "Chen Feng, you are very simple and neat, I like this temperament very much!"

After leaving the outer building of Nanhu Tower, Chen Feng did not immediately return to the Dragon God's Mansion. Instead, he turned around and entered Wuyang City. He walked around the remote streets and lanes and came to a place similar to a slum.

Then, step into the deepest place here.

A tall wall appeared in front of him, and the sound of one after another hammer hitting the iron felt continued to ring.

When Chen Feng heard the familiar noisy voice, his heart was calm and peaceful.

Then he knocked on the door lightly, and with a creak, the door was pulled open from the inside, revealing a pretty face like Yixiyi.

She glared at Chen Feng angrily, and said, "Come to my house again to drink tea?"

Chen Feng laughed, "Who makes your tea drink so good?"

Just like my family, I walked straight inside.

When passing by the little girl, she suddenly stretched out her hand and rubbed her head.

The little girl yelled like crazy: "Ah, don't touch me, take your paws away, hurry up!"

After speaking, he slapped Chen Feng's hand away disgustingly, and Chen Feng laughed, and his whole body was extremely relaxed.

Every time he stepped into this place, he felt that this door and this wall had cut off the intrigue between here and the outside.

After entering here, there is no need to think about anything, the whole person is relaxed.

Although he slapped Chen Feng's hand disgustingly, the white-clothed girl Old Qi still had a smile on his face.

When Chen Feng passed by her, Old Qi suddenly twitched his nose twice, and then said in surprise: "Ah, Chen Feng, what good food did you bring this time?"

Seeing her salivating look, her saliva was about to flow out.

Chen Feng laughed and said, "Little greedy cat, if you want to eat it, come here as soon as possible!"

Everyone in the courtyard saw Chen Feng, and Xun Zheng greeted everyone: "It just so happens that Brother Chen is here, so let's all rest."

Chen Feng was not polite with them, and went straight to the simple straw shed, and put down the mahogany box he had carried on a square table.

Then, I opened the box and brought out seven or eight kinds of food from the inside.

As soon as the meal was taken out, it was fragrant, and even though it hadn't been eaten yet, it felt that it was definitely a rare delicacy.

Swish, the white figure flashed, and the little girl, Old Qi, had already jumped to the front, with a big hand, leaning directly towards a piece of chicken, and then stuffing it into her mouth.

As soon as she entered the meal, her figure was suddenly frozen, her eyes widened, and she even forgot to chew.

After a long time, he groaned, swallowed the food in the mouth, and said with great surprise: "Delicious, delicious!"

"Chen Feng, what you brought this time is truly a peerless delicacy, how many times more delicious than what we ate before!"

She complained to Xun Zheng: "It has been ten years since I came to Qin. I have never eaten such a delicious food. I still remember being in Ying when I was a child..."

Speaking of this, it seemed that he knew that he had made a mistake, so he shut up and gave Chen Feng a worried look.

Chen Feng didn't care, he only knew that these people were his friends, he didn't care about the others, who didn't have any secrets?

"Is it so delicious as you said?" The cold-faced and cold-hearted, always very calm young Chuci, who didn't even say much, looked suspicious.

After he walked over, he tasted a few mouthfuls, his eyes widened immediately, and he quickly ate the food on the plate.

When the little girl saw it, she was immediately unhappy, her eyes rounded, and angrily said: "This is all mine, you are not allowed to **** me!"

He said, slapped Chu Ci's hand open.

Chuci did not show weakness, his left hand grabbed a large piece of roasted meat and put it in his mouth in a thunderous manner. Then, he swallowed it and provocatively said: "I will eat it, what can you do to me?"

He said, chewing loudly, and groaning like a sigh: "Ah, the smell of this roasted pork is really..."

With an intoxicated look, Lao Qi blushed with a thick neck.

A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth when the two children were angry.

The faces of Xun Zheng and the dull young man who came by were also smiling.

Soon, the food was swept away like a cloud.

Old Qi also clicked his lips, and said with some intent: "It's so delicious, I don't even have a few mouthfuls, and it's gone in a blink of an eye."

She glared at Chu Ci fiercely: "I blame you, like a pig, eating so fast!"

Chuci spread his hands, crying and crying for injustice: "A total of seven or eight dishes, I have eaten less than one dish, and the rest has entered your stomach. Who is the pig?"

"It's you, you are a pig! You are a pig!" Old Qi roared angrily.

"Okay, okay!" Chu Ci quickly conceded: "I am a pig, I am a pig, all right?"

None of them can offend this little ancestor.

Old Qi snorted triumphantly: "This is pretty much the same."

Chen Feng and the others sat on the ground one by one, holding tea in their hands.

In fact, the tea at his house is not good at all. It is no different from the tea that is drunk by outside vendors and people in the market. It is tasteless and very crude.

Those aristocratic children, I'm afraid they don't bother to drink, let alone them, even the people in their house are like this.

But Chen Feng drank it with relish, as if it were the rare Qiongye Yulu in the world, not because of tea, but because of people.

Since that time, Chen Feng felt quite congenial with these people, and he came twice, but he didn't expect that the deeper he understood, the more unusual these people would feel.

Chen Feng had a very good chat with them, and often forgot the time when they chatted. Soon, the afternoon passed.

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