Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1583: Chen Feng's life experience!

Chen Feng didn't speak, but just looked at the third princess, just watching quietly.

Suddenly, the third princess turned around and walked slowly towards the depths of the island.

Chen Feng followed her with complicated eyes.

The third princess said softly: "I am a girl, I have realized this since I was very young."

"Because I was very young, my parents told me like this, the mothers around me told me so, and even myself, told me so."

"Because I discovered that the things I have done since I was a child are different from those of my older brothers. My parents don't want me to practice martial arts, nor do they want me to have a high level. They let me practice piano, chess, calligraphy and painting."

"They have told me countless times that you don't need to have a tyrannical cultivation base, and you don't need to be so strong, because in the future we will find a strong enough husband for you."

"And you only need to learn how to manage the inner house, you only need to learn piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and be a perfect lady!"

There was a sorrow in her eyes: "From the moment I was born, my destiny was determined, that is, to make myself as perfect as possible without being angry."

"And they don't need me to be angry, as long as I stand there like a puppet to support them."

"And my destined destiny in the future is to marry someone I never like, and I have never even met, to become his princess, or even queen. I will be rich in the world, and I will be extremely honorable!"

"But, so what?"

Contempt flashed in her eyes: "These, I can get them without relying on a man!"

"From then on, I will be like a bird that has lost my freedom. I will be imprisoned in that small cage. I can't go anywhere until I die."

"I will never be reconciled on such a day!"

And her momentum is also erect, becoming very powerful.

At this time, Chen Feng discovered that this princess, who seemed to be younger than herself, had actually reached the Martial King Realm, and she turned out to be a powerful Martial King Realm!

This gave Chen Feng a great shock!

She suddenly laughed at herself and said: "In the Great Qin Kingdom, there has never been a female emperor in thousands of years, and there are so many outstanding brothers above me, it is impossible for me to be the emperor."

"But I just refused to accept it!"

Her voice suddenly became loud and loud: "My parents do not want me to practice martial arts, and the resources given to me are extremely limited. However, I have made a crazy breakthrough in these limited resources. When I was sixteen last year, I had already entered half a step. King Martial Realm!"

"When they were my age, they were still in the Martial Sovereign Realm, and they were talented in cultivation, who could compare to me?"

"My older brothers are either pretentious or self-sufficient, or cruel and ruthless. They are the only ones who can be a hero and rule the country peacefully. Who can compare to me?"

"So!" She looked at Chen Feng with a very soft voice, but the frenzy in her eyes was almost solidified: "Chen Feng, you must help me!"

Chen Feng slowly said, "What are the benefits if I help you?":

Hearing what he said, the third princess was stunned for a moment, and then a thick smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Chen Feng did not bargain, Chen Feng did not hesitate, but directly asked this sentence, indicating that Chen Feng has been moved.

No matter how high the price is, she can afford it, I'm afraid the other party has no desires!

The third princess looked at him and said, "If I become the emperor, I will let you dismiss the Marshal on the same day."

Chen Feng smiled slightly and uttered three words: "Not rare."

The third princess looked at him, raised her brows, and revealed a slight smile: "I will give you half of the dynasty."

Chen Feng said slowly: "Impossible."

"I marry you!"

Hearing these four words, Chen Feng smiled, and suddenly stood up, turned and walked towards the banquet: "Your Royal Highness, if you are so insincere, then we don't have to talk anymore today. "

"Sure enough!"

Upon hearing Chen Feng's words, the princess didn't feel angry at all. On the contrary, the corner of his mouth was hooked, revealing a smile like that.

She whispered: "Aunt Xianyu is really right. You can't be shaken by these vulgar things. Only the things you really care about will you fight and fight for them."

"It's like, you can enter Lie's house for your senior sister. It's like, the test just now makes you feel meaningless. Even if you admit defeat, even if you lose face, you are not willing to proceed."

"In your heart, you have some persistence."

Chen Feng was stunned when he heard this.

He didn't expect that there are people who know him so well, and even Luo Zilan may not be able to say this, but this person can actually say it.

She knew about herself, I was afraid that she was the first person besides herself, even more than herself.

Because sometimes people cannot see themselves clearly.

When Chen Feng thought of this, his heart was cold, and he felt cold when he thought of such a person observing himself anytime and anywhere.

As if guessing what he was thinking, the third princess smiled and said: "You don't need to think too much, Aunt Xianyu has the ability to see through people's hearts."

"Of course, I don't quite understand that, to put it bluntly, Aunt Xianyu is a very special profession, the Star Warlock!"

"The Astral Warlock can see through people's bad luck, guess people's future, and even unearth some secrets that people don't even know."

"For example!" She suddenly stood up, turned her head, her voice was as cold as ice, and she said four words sternly: "Your life experience!"

Chen Feng's body suddenly stiffened, and he shivered violently, "My life experience!"

Chen Feng has been secretive about his life experience, and he has never told anyone else.

Many people know that Chen Feng is just an orphan, an orphan taken in by Yan Qingyu. As for who his parents are, no one knows.

Chen Feng didn't know it himself. In his memory, there was no impression of his parents.

At least Chen Feng had never thought of it. Chen Feng even thought that all his memories had been erased, and there was no such memory.

But last time, when Chen Feng fought with Shui Jianfeng, the scene that appeared changed his mind.

Although not so clear, Chen Feng felt that in that illusion, when he and Han Yuer were married, the man and woman sitting in the first seat should be his parents.

At least, it has a great connection with his parents!

If Chen Feng didn't talk about his own life experience, it didn't mean that he didn't want to know his own life experience.

On the contrary, Chen Feng is eager to know who his parents are and where he comes from.

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