Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1577: Completely ignore

Chen Feng walked inward as if he hadn't heard these sounds.

Behind him, Mr. Gao let out a triumphant laugh.

Soon, Chen Feng entered the depths of the outer building, bypassed a small bamboo courtyard in the jungle, and came to a moon gate.

There was a person waiting in front of the door, and the guard leader smiled and said, "This is Chen Feng, Young Master Chen. Come to the appointment."

The person who was waiting was a young man in his thirties, with a gentle face and a round face that looked very kind.

The guards took leave, and the young man walked over and smiled and said, "Master Chen, here are the staff of the three princes, why not return!"

"Why don't you return?" Chen Feng raised his brow slightly, which was an interesting name.

Why not smile, stretch out his hand and say, "My son, please come with me."

Then he took Chen Feng through the courtyard, and after going around a rockery, he suddenly opened up in front of him.

It turned out that there was a big lake in front of him. Above the lake, the mist was faint and it looked like a fairyland.

Chen Feng saw that there seemed to be a small island far away. There was a faint voice on the island. On the dock of the lake, there were several boats tied to each other. Each boat was delicate and could only accommodate one person.

Why not return with a smile: "The place of feasting and drinking is on the island, please take the boat to go by yourself."

Chen Feng nodded, his figure was already on a ship, and then the martial arts gods rushed, and the ship drifted gently towards the island!

Why not nodded slowly, turned and left, he also went to meet other guests.

The lake is wide and gleaming. The sun shines through the fog, reflecting all kinds of colorful light waves, which is extremely beautiful.

The fragrance of flowers is everywhere, and the sounds of insects and birds are quietly sounded. When you are here, take a deep breath, and the chest and lungs are relaxed!

Chen Feng was immersed in the scenery of the lake and mountains, and suddenly there was the sound of a boat breaking through the water behind him, and then a cold drink came from behind:

"Untouchables, get out of the way! Get out of my way!"

Chen Feng turned his head and saw a small boat behind him. On top of the small boat, there was a young man with big sleeves in a long robe, tall and thin, with a cold look.

He looked at Chen Feng with a hint of looking down, his eyes full of undisguised arrogance and contempt!

When Chen Feng looked back at him, he was still frowning, as if talking to Chen Feng was a cheap thing.

Chen Feng glanced at him, turned his head and didn't respond at all, completely ignored him!

The young man's face immediately showed a gloomy look.

He is quite distinguished. Although he is not well-known outside, the true nobles in Wuyang City know that he and his family cannot easily offend him, and he is even the best among the younger generation in Wuyang City.

Anyone wants to give him three points of face, how dare this pariah ignore him?

He immediately sneered: "Untouchables, since you shamelessly give you face, then I have no choice but to make you faceless!"

With that, a punch came out.

His body was violent, and an extremely powerful flame aura spread across the lake instantly, and countless of the lake water was evaporated into mist.

And this flame rushed directly towards Chen Feng.

There was a touch of pride in his eyes, as if he saw Chen Feng being severely injured by him overturning the boat and falling into the water in embarrassment.

He decided to teach Chen Feng an unforgettable lesson!

However, Chen Feng turned his head suddenly, without the slightest panic in his eyes, not even anger, only indifference, the ice to the extreme indifference.

Then Chen Feng blasted out with a soft punch.

The two intersected, and there was a loud bang. Chen Feng stood on the boat, motionless, the boat under him still maintained its original speed, drifting slowly, as if just a light wave hit the boat just now, and Not the same as a tyrannical offensive.

But this broad-robed and wide-sleeved son was directly shaken out.

The small boat under him was even more broken, and he fell directly into the lake, instantly turning into a panic, embarrassed!

Chen Feng looked at him indifferently, smiled and said, "Who is it that makes anyone faceless?"

With that, he turned and continued to float forward.

Obviously, he didn't put this person in his eyes at all. This attitude made the boy in the wide robe and sleeves even more annoyed, and he screamed: "Untouchable, you stop me!"

Chen Feng continued to move forward as if he had not heard it.

Ignore, completely ignore!

Chen Feng's attitude was extremely contemptuous and completely ignored this person.

This also made this person extremely angry. He didn't think he was Chen Feng's opponent, but felt that he had not done his best just now.

If he fights again, he can definitely defeat Chen Feng!

An angry roar came from behind, but Chen Feng ignored it.

The small boat soon came to the small island in the middle of the lake. The island in the middle of the lake was made of white stone and many pavilions were built on it.

And in each pavilion is a single seat.

On the table, there are good wines and delicacies. At this time, there are already many people sitting on the table!

Chen Feng glanced away, but found that there were quite a few acquaintances in it, many of the children of the Four Great Hou Palaces were there, and several people from the Lie family were also here.

Moreover, Chen Feng looked familiar to the members of the Lie family. It was the Lieyan Peak and other people who were miserably cleaned up by him that day.

After Ryeyanfeng and others saw Chen Feng, they all looked down. They didn't expect that the three princes also invited Chen Feng this time. There was a look of fear in their eyes, and they obviously remembered the misery of being beaten by Chen Feng that day. The scene.

But soon, they discovered that Chen Feng had a lot of enemies here, so they immediately stopped being afraid.

The fearful eyes turned into hatred, staring at Chen Feng with a murderous look.

Chen Feng shook his head and didn't care about it at all. Would people care about Ant's hatred? What if he hates himself again? If it really makes people unhappy, step on it and completely destroy him.

A young man dressed in black and embroidered with a four-clawed golden python stood up, smiled and said, "This is Chen Feng, Young Master Chen, right? Long admiring the name!"

Chen Feng nodded, these three princes are much better than the fifth princes, there is no arrogance, the people are very kind!

At this time, the young man who had been shot down by Chen Feng in the water also walked up. He stared at Chen Feng with hatred and made no secret of his murderous intentions.

The third prince frowned, looked at the young man, smiled and said, "Brother Cao, I am the host today. How about letting go of the hatred between you and Young Master Chen Feng?"

"You two, after you go out, I won't care about fighting for life and death, but please restrain yourself today!"

The Young Master Cao nodded fiercely, stepped aside, found a seat and sat down.

Obviously, he couldn't afford to offend the three princes.

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