Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1565: Lie's Abacus

Although Han Yuer was honored as the second lady in Lie's house, she was not actually the daughter of the Patriarch, but the daughter of the Patriarch's cousin Han Cong, and the relationship was not very close.

After listening to him, Liebo said noncommittal, and then asked others: "What do you say?"

Many people nodded, echoing the old man's statement just now.

And the more they talked, the more ugly Lie Bowen's face became.

Old Li sighed softly in his heart, and said to himself: "You people, you don't know anything about the inside, so dare to talk nonsense here!"

Lie Bowen suddenly slapped the armrest of the chair with an ugly face, and said with a cold voice: "Well, let Chen Feng marry Lie Ruyan, let no one say it, this is impossible!"

The old man looked at the crowd and said lightly: "Everyone, don't you all remember Chen Feng's strength and forget one thing?"

"This Chen Feng, since he is here to propose marriage, he must have a bride price!"

When everyone heard it, they suddenly realized.

The Lie Family Patriarch laughed and said, "Oh, Mr. Li, Mr. Li, you are really the brains of my Lie Family! You can still be so calm at this time!"

Everyone also slapped their heads and smiled bitterly: "I panicked just now, and even forgot this. That's right, he is here to propose a marriage, so of course he has to be a bridegroom."

"Just the dowry gift can stump him!"

"Yes," a person said coldly, "He is a pariah, with a humble background and a shallow family. What kind of bride price can he have?"

"Haha, that's right, if we can't come up with a significant gift, we can naturally let him go! After all, if you want to marry the second lady of the Lie family, if you can't even get the gift, wouldn't it be laughable?"

Soon, a senior member of the Lie family appeared at the gate of the mansion, looked at Chen Feng with a haughty face, and looked down at him and said, "Since it is a proposal, then, Chen Feng, do you have a betrothal gift?"

Chen Feng smiled slightly, and suddenly a jade box appeared in his hand.

He opened the jade box, placed it on the table, and said loudly, "How about I take this as a betrothal gift?"

His voice rolled out like thunder.

"Everyone from the Lie family, a city and an earl, take this as a betrothal gift to marry my senior sister Han Yu'er, is it worth it?"

This voice, the whole Lie family, heard it truly!

"What?" Hearing this sentence, everyone was shocked.

The old man looked at Chen Feng and felt a little lost for a moment, his expression on his face was instantly dull, his mouth was dumbfounded, and he didn't know what to say.

After a while, he pointed at Chen Feng and said in disbelief: "You, you, what did you say?"

"Your Majesty just named you the Earl of Battle Dragon and gave you the Battle of Dragon City. You actually used it as a bride price?"

Chen Feng smiled and said: "What's wrong with this? In my eyes, my senior sister is better than everything, let alone a city, an earl, even if it is a county, a state, a marquis, or a prince as the dowry. Chen Feng, I think it's worth it!"

The reason why Chen Feng did this was because he still regarded Lie's family very seriously.

In any case, the Lie's family is regarded as Senior Sister's natal family. For the sake of Senior Sister's face, Chen Feng did not want to turn her face with them.

He thought that doing so would make the senior sister very embarrassed. Chen Feng didn't want her senior to sacrifice for herself. He didn't want her senior to choose between himself and Lie's home.

He just wanted to make everyone happy, so that the senior sister would be really happy.

In a rather rudimentary pavilion, Han Yuer sat by the window with a sad expression on his face.

Suddenly, when she heard this voice, she stood up and burst into tears with excitement. She whispered in her mouth: "Junior Brother, Junior Brother, I know that you won't leave me alone!"

At the same moment, in the deepest part of this mansion, in a quiet garden and above the elegant attic, there was a girl sitting by the window, lazy.

Her clothes are extremely luxurious, and her aura is also quite powerful.

However, there is always a trace of weakness in this huge momentum. Logically speaking, this situation should never appear in a warrior, but it happened to her.

Her face is seven points similar to Han Yu'er, and she looks beautiful, but her temperament is completely different. Han Yu'er has a strong temper and a righteous body.

And she, in that weak body, always carries a yin and evil aura, and a vicious and vicious color flashes between her eyebrows, which makes people look very uncomfortable.

She also heard the sound of rolling thunder outside, and she was taken aback for a while, and then she was sluggish for a while, and then suddenly there was a wave of blue energy on her face, and she uttered a mouthful of blood with a wow.

The weak breath on his body is heavier.

"Yiqiu is priceless, it is rare to have a lover!" She whispered softly, a flash of jealousy flashed in her eyes.

Suddenly, she whispered to herself: "Han Yu'er, my second sister, your appearance is not as good as me, your strength is not as good as me, and your background is not as good as me. Why do you have such a good man?"

"Why do you own all this? Why am I not so proud to do such a thing for me?"

"Since I don't have one, don't even think about it, I will destroy it all!"

At this moment, the Lie Family Patriarch who was discussing in the lobby, as well as the high-level members of the Lie Family, heard this sentence, with an expression of disbelief and shock on their faces: "How is it possible?"

In the main hall, the few people who had just spoken to ridicule Chen Feng were all pale, very ugly and extremely embarrassed.

They just said that Chen Feng couldn't bring out anything, but they didn't expect Chen Feng to bring out such a heavy betrothal gift. It can be said to be extremely precious.

This is a title for every city!

"This Chen Feng, he actually wants to use an earl and a city as the bride price?"

"Is he crazy? Hey, it can be seen that this Chen Feng is really a passionate seed, and he has a deep affection for Lie Mulan!"

"Yes, he even took out such a valuable thing for this reason. This is the title and fiefdom just awarded by His Majesty!"

Someone whispered: "To be honest, Chen Feng has such a deep affection for Lie Mulan, and even this betrothal gift can't be taken out. Let's just push the boat along the water and betroth Lie Mulan to him. We can get Chen Feng. Friendship!"

Many people nodded and agreed.

"Yes, Chen Feng is the first person in Da Qin thirty years later, and getting his friendship will definitely help my Lie family in the future!"

"And if you offend him, then our Lie family might have difficulties. After all, Chen Feng's upgrade speed is so fast that people can't believe it!"

Even Lie's blog post was a little shaken for a while.

At this moment, suddenly a lady with luxurious clothes and arrogant grandeur walked in.

As soon as she came in, her gaze swept across everyone's faces, and she said coldly: "Who dares to suggest that that little **** marry Chen Feng?"

Being swept away by her cold gaze, these people were a little afraid, and couldn't help lowering their heads, not daring to look at her.

This person is the mother of the Lie family, the Yang family.

The Yang family was born very prominent, but a royal family in a neighboring country, and has always been strong.

Everyone knows that in Lie’s house, it is not Patriarch Lie Bowen at all, but the Yang family!

Then Yang looked at Lie Bowen and said in a sharp voice: "Patriarch, don't forget, we are searching all over the world, what is the real purpose of finally finding that little **** back!"

"Could it be that you want to watch our daughter die?"

"She is our biological daughter, not comparable to that little **** Lie Mulan!"

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