Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1563: You dictate yourself!

Chen Feng looked at them and said lightly: "I have something to do this time!"

"Oh? Something?" The guard showed a sneer on his face, pointed to the plaque above his head and said: "Do you know where this is?"

"This is the Lie family, the hidden family of the Great Qin, and a place even stronger and stronger than the Hou Mansion. What's the matter for a pariah like you here? What kind of intersection will my Lie family have with a pariah like you?"

Chen Feng said lightly: "Am I here to propose a marriage?"

"What? Come to propose marriage?"

There was a look of disbelief on this guard's face, and the whole person stayed there. After a while, he was relieved, turned around to look at the other guards, and laughed loudly:

"Have you heard that you didn't hear what he said just now? He said he came to propose marriage?"

He deliberately emphasized the two words to propose marriage.

When the guards heard this, their faces were also showing disdain, and there was a burst of laughter!

Pointing at Chen Feng, they laughed extremely presumptuously one by one, disdain to the extreme: "This untouchable, is he insane? He actually said he wants to propose marriage?"

"Who gave him the confidence?"

"Yes, our Lie's house is so noble, and there is a most inferior maid who comes out of it. Even if she cooks in the kitchen and cleans the courtyard, this untouchable can't be worthy of it!"

A person who looked like the head of the guard came over and said jokingly: "Okay, okay, get out of here, don’t make trouble here."

Judging from his appearance, he completely regarded Chen Feng as a lunatic.

And the guard who joked about Chen Feng at first stepped forward impatiently and pushed towards Chen Feng!

Chen Feng showed a chill on his face and said softly: "If you don't want your hand, you can continue to push."

Hearing these words, the guard's face changed, and then, a sulky character appeared on his face, and he smiled disdainfully: "Boy, are you sure? You are threatening me!"

Chen Feng smiled and said: "Yes, I am threatening you."

There was a chill on the guard's face: "Little boy, do you know what you are doing? How dare you threaten a guard from Lie's house?"

"I can easily deal with a hundred people like you, and I don't have to take any responsibility for killing you! If you dare to say one more thing, I will kill you now!"

Chen Feng looked at him with cold eyes. If this guard dared to do something, Chen Feng would immediately kill him with a palm.

Others burst into laughter.

"Lao Jiu, you do something with this untouchable, isn't that bullying?"

"Haha, that's right, the matter of the two of us, which one is not a powerhouse of Martial Sovereign Realm? You have to deal with him, can't you just shoot it to death with a single palm?"

After hearing what these people said, Old Jiu looked even more smug. He looked at Chen Feng and said, "Have you heard? I said that if I really want to kill you, it's easy, even without a trick!"

These guards surrounded Chen Feng, mocking and mocking him all over, treating him as a joke.

And at this time, suddenly, a voice came from the side: "What's the decent way of being noisy at the door of Lie's house?"

Everyone followed the sound and saw a twenty-six or seven-year-old white robe youth walking slowly towards this side.

His clothes are extremely luxurious, the clothes on his body are even more expensive, and his aura is quite large, obviously he is a certain noble son.

After seeing this person clearly, the faces of the guards of the Lie family immediately changed. The disdainful mockery that had just looked at Chen Feng just now disappeared, turning into flattery and flattery.

The guard leader of the Lie family hurried forward, hunched over, and said with a smile: "Master Zhou, why are you here?"

The son of the week smiled and said: "I heard that the fifth sister is not very healthy recently, I came to visit on the order of my father, and give me some gifts!"

The leader of the Lie family has a brighter smile on his face, his waist is lowered, and he smiled: "Master Zhou, you are so polite. The Zhou family and the Lie family are good friends. Why is such a courteous family needed? "

Young Master Zhou snorted disdainfully, "How can you talk about things between our Zhou family and the two families?"

The head of the guard of the Lie family showed an embarrassment on his face, but then he quickly disappeared, slapped his face gently with his hand, and flattered: "It is indeed the villain who talks too much, the villain **** it, the villain **** it. !"

He didn't dare to offend the son of Zhou, this son of Zhou is the eldest son of the Zhou family, another hidden family in the Great Qin Kingdom, and he will inherit the Zhou family in the future.

Moreover, his mother is still the sister of the Lie Family Patriarch. The two families are good together, and their status is very noble, and they can only look up to the existence.

It is a great honor to say a word to him!

The guards all stepped forward to fawn, but at this time, Young Master Zhou looked around, but saw Chen Feng.

Then, his face immediately showed movement, even a little excited, and walked quickly to Chen Feng.

Then, those Zhou family guards looked at them with disbelief. They looked noble as a **** and could only look up to the ordinary Young Master Zhou. At this time, in front of the untouchables they spoke of, their attitude was very respectful.

His expression was even a bit agitated, and he cautiously said: "You, are you Chen Feng Chen Gongzi?"

Chen Feng looked at him, frowned, and said, "I am Chen Feng, are you?"

That week's son laughed at himself, and said: "Master Chen Feng, you may not remember me, after all, I am not strong enough, and I am not qualified to compete on the same stage with the geniuses of your great mansions."

"However, I have watched the Big Five Hou Mansion Competition from beginning to end."

He even said admiringly: "Young Master Chen, you are too strong and too powerful. One by one you have created miracles. Every time you open a hole card, you can easily defeat your opponent."

"You are now an existence I admire very much. I regard you as a role model and keep working hard!"

Where does he have half the arrogance just now? Full of respect.

And this time. . The guards were completely stupid seeing this scene.

They exclaimed in disbelief, looking at Chen Feng, their faces were full of fear and inconceivability: "What? He, he turned out to be Chen Feng?"

"It's that Chen Feng, who is famous all over the world, won the top five Houfu, and is known as the first young talent?"

"It seems to be right, it should be him, otherwise Young Master Zhou could not be so respectful!"

"God!" A guard let out a sigh, with a look of despair on his face: "God, did we treat him like that just now? But Chen Feng!"

"I even ridiculed him just now, very disdainful of him. In fact, he killed me as simple as crushing an ant."

The other guards showed fear on their faces. Many of them made a mockery just now, and at this time they all knew Chen Feng's true identity, all of them were terrified.

With a plop, everyone suddenly heard a sound and quickly looked back.

Then I saw that the guard who wanted to push Chen Feng just now, his legs softened and he fell to his knees with a plop.

His face was pale and he looked at Chen Feng with trembling lips, his eyes showed extreme fear and even despair.

Young Master Zhou is very clever. Seeing this, if he still can't guess what happened, it will be useless.

He patted his forehead, and now he has guessed it, it must be these people who thought Chen Feng was an ordinary warrior, so they were rude to him, very disdainful, and offended Chen Feng.

He felt very ridiculous. Now that Chen Feng's identity, all major marquis and major families have to regard it as a guest, those families dare not neglect Chen Feng, and these guards dare to do this.

"It's really fearless for the ignorant!" He sighed softly, then suddenly looked at these guards, and said lightly: "You dictate yourself!"

"What?" The faces of these guards showed disbelief: "What do you let us?"

Young Master Zhou looked at them with cold eyes, and said word by word: "Do I still need to say it again? I said, let you decide on your own!"

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