Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1558: Undercurrent

Doctor Gongsun looked at Chen Feng, his eyes flickered, and suddenly he made a decision, and whispered to himself: "This son, I absolutely must win over and let him serve for my Daqin royal family!"

Long Shenhou stood there with a smile on his mouth. He looked at Chen Feng and suddenly felt a little moist in his eyes, but his heart was full of pride.

With your chin held high, you are more happier than your own glorious moment!

There is no suspense in the next battle.

Chen Feng's strength was originally stronger than Shangguanchang, and the heart of Honglian also completely crushed the white-boned ghost fire. Chen Feng was just a move that severely injured Shangguanchang and fell to the ground!

Chen Feng didn't intend to kill him. He felt that Shangguan Chang was also quite pitiful, and he was despised for a lifetime, so he wanted to leave him a way out.

However, Shangguan Chang followed the wind, madly attacking Chen Feng, and refused to admit defeat.

In the end, Chen Feng had no choice but to imprint the heart of Honglian on his body.

So the next moment, Shangguan Chang banged on his body, igniting a huge fire, directly burning him to ashes.

In the ashes, Chen Feng saw something similar to a small jade piece, shining brightly.

Chen Feng turned over and put this thing in his pocket.

At this point, Chen Feng's last opponent also died.

On the ring, only Chen Feng was left.

Sure enough, as I said before, the one who can stand in the end is the winner.

The host of the conference stepped onto the ring and came to Chen Feng.

He took a deep breath, suddenly raised Chen Feng's right hand high, and shouted: "Five Great Hou Mansions Competition, the final winner, Dragon God Hou Mansion, Chen Feng!"

"Chen Feng, is the best man in the Five Hou Mansion!"

This result is already known to everyone, already known.

But at this moment, they still had trouble calming down and were extremely excited. Then, a huge cheer broke out from the entire venue.

Everyone is cheering at Chen Feng and applauding him. At this moment, the glory is extremely!

The conference dissipated, but what did not dissipated was the craze.

Chen Feng's name spread throughout Wuyang City, the capital of the Great Qin Emperor, almost in an instant.

Everyone is reciting these two words, and a similar situation happened more than a month ago. That time, the name was Feng Chen.

But now, it was replaced by Chen Feng.

Now it is even more shocking than before, and even greater than the sensation it caused at the beginning, because people already know that Chen Feng is Feng Chen.

This is a genius girl, even the first genius of the younger generation of the Great Qin Kingdom. She is less than twenty years old, but has a strength comparable to a half-step warrior under the Martial King realm. At the same time, she is also the first young handsome alchemist. There is also an extremely deep cultivation level above the souls!

This can hardly be called a genius, because this is simply a myth, a myth that people cannot even believe!

A month ago, many people were crazy for Chen Feng and wanted to find this talented alchemist, but no one found it.

Today, they are crazy again, even more crazy than before.

Just for one person, that is Chen Feng!

To the east of the city, there is a huge manor in a small valley. The manor building is not so magnificent, but it is very elegant and beautiful. Every plant and every tree are ingenious, very dedicated!

At this time, in the depths of the manor, there was a quiet little garden.

There is a lake in the garden, an island in the lake, a rockery on the island, and a small water pavilion on the rockery.

Listening to the water by the window, the water pavilion is extremely quiet.

An old man sat cross-legged with his back against the surface of the water in a strange posture.

His hands and feet are up to the sky, and he looks like a tortoise turned upside down, very funny.

But anyone who stood in front of him at this time would never think of the word funny.

Because the aura on his body is really too huge, it has almost surpassed the half-step Martial King Realm, extremely terrifying!

Suddenly, his momentum receded, and he disappeared without a trace.

If you stand in front of him and close your eyes at this time, you will find that you can't even sense the existence of such a person.

He is naturally integrated with this world.

This is pure, extremely high-level unity of nature and man, and it is not comparable to the fools that Chen Feng encountered before.

He has been able to achieve the unity of nature and man perfectly. To know the realm of the unity of nature and man, only the strong of the Martial King realm can come.

Chen Feng can barely do a little bit, but he can't even count as a small Chengdu!

The old man was practicing, and suddenly there was the sound of small footsteps.

It can be seen that the footsteps were deliberately heard by the visitor, in order to attract the attention of the elderly.

After a while, a middle-aged man in black appeared quietly outside the pavilion, standing aside respectfully and honestly.

The old man was still cultivating at this time, and didn't look at him. The middle-aged man in black robe was there, very respectful, without the slightest impatience.

He waited for more than an hour before the old man exhaled a long sigh of breath, returned to normal, and retreated from the cultivation.

Then, he looked at the middle-aged man in black robe and asked softly: "What's the matter?"

The middle-aged black-robed man looked at him and said softly: "We have a rising star in Daqin..."

With that, he told Chen Feng's story again.

After listening, the old man thought for a moment, and then immediately grasped the core point of the matter, he whispered: "Chen Feng's fief is in the easternmost border of Daqin."

"In Eastern Xinjiang, the barbarians have recently risen up and made waves. With the virtues of the big figures in the DPRK, the fief given to Chen Feng cannot be a good place, maybe it is difficult to occupy an area."

"If he wants to go there, he must rely on himself to lay his fief!"

"Dongjiang has always been the power of our Lu family. At that time, we might as well express some kindness and support for him."

"This person started in Hanwei, and the more he helps him when he is cold, the greater the feedback he will receive at that time. It is very important to the Lu family to forge friendship with such a man who is destined to become a Master Hou in the future. ."

The middle-aged black-robed man did not raise the slightest hesitation, nodded heavily, and then quietly left.

The white-haired old man looked at the sky in the distance, and a slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Is that Chen Feng? I really look forward to it. What can you bring to this stagnant pool of Da Qin!"

In the center of Wuyang City, the capital of the Great Qin Emperor, is an exceptionally tall palace. This palace is magnificent and magnificent, just like the palace of the fairy family, with golden colors everywhere.

And in the deepest, highest hall, countless night pearls shone brightly.

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