Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1556: Sorry, I have everything you have!

"This year, there were three mysterious fires in the Great Qin Kingdom, first the Blue Demon Pagoda Fire of Lord Shi Xiaohou, and then the Red Lotus Fire of the Mysterious Young Man Feng Chen. Here is another white-boned ghost fire! "

"I, Da Qin, are also talented people!"

Shangguanchang looked at Chen Feng and let out an arrogant laughter: "Chen Feng, have you seen it? This is my profound fire, this is my trump card, and my ultimate move!"

"Haha, once my profound fire comes out, you are no opponent at all!"

Chen Feng squinted at him, with a strange look in his eyes!

Shangguanchang suddenly turned around, looked over the stands, and let out a loud and arrogant laugh: "Have you seen it? Have you seen it clearly?"

"I am a person with profound fire, now do you still think Chen Feng will be able to beat me!"

"My Profound Fire is the 370th White-Bone Wraith Fire on the Profound Fire List. It is very powerful! Tell you what a dog sees inferiorly, I own Profound Fire, I am powerful!

He raised his hands high and laughed wildly, as if he was crazy: "I waited for a few years just to wait for such an opportunity!"

"From now on, no one can look down on me anymore!"

He yelled, "Have you heard?"

From the stands, everyone's eyes looked at him changed, completely different from before.

"I thought that Shangguanchang would definitely lose to Chen Feng this time, but now, there are still variables!"

"It's more than a variable, it's simply a reversal of the situation, how powerful this profound fire is, do you know?"

"The Profound Fire, ranked more than 370, is enough to bring his strength to a big step, I am afraid that he has reached the half-step Martial King Realm! If such a Profound Fire erupts, it is definitely not something Chen Feng can resist! "

"Yes, this time, I think Shangguanchang will definitely be able to defeat Chen Feng!"

After seeing Shangguanchang's ghost fire, they immediately changed their tone and looked down upon Chen Feng, but thought that Shangguanchang could win!

Shangguanchang seemed to be particularly concerned about other people's opinions. As soon as he heard everyone saying this, he immediately said to Chen Feng proudly and arrogantly: "Chen Feng, have you heard it? You heard it now, everyone thought I could win! "

Chen Feng looked at him with a touch of pity in his eyes, and suddenly said a little jokingly: "Shangguanchang, how despised you were in the first half of your life, look at you now, it's just like you are sick!"

Chen Feng's words hit Shangguanchang's sore spot, and he immediately yelled: "Little boy, you are looking for death!"

His fingers flicked, and the ghost fire of the bones jumped on his fingers, very agile.

The bone fire suddenly expanded, and then everyone felt an extremely hot and extremely cold flame force.

Even if they are hundreds of meters away, people feel that this force is extremely powerful and at the same time very weird. It makes them feel like being in an ice cellar for a while, and for a while, it is extremely uncomfortable.

And Chen Feng, who was at the front, felt even more intense. He felt that his body seemed to be half ice and then hot, as if to be split into two halves.

In the ears, there was the sound of ghost crying constantly, and at the same time, an extremely insidious force struck him.

Just feeling this power, Chen Feng felt that he was shaking all over!

Seeing this scene, Shangguan Chang was extremely proud, and laughed: "How about, Chen Feng, do you feel the power of my ghost fire?"

"Tell you, the only one who can deal with Profound Fire is Profound Fire. Unless you have Profound Fire in your hand now, otherwise you will definitely not be my opponent!"

"The power of Profound Fire is far beyond your imagination."

He triumphantly said: "As far as I know, the entire Great Qin Kingdom now owns Profound Fire. Apart from me, it should be Shi Xiaohouye and the mysterious young Feng Chen."

"But Shi Xiaohouye's Blue Demon Pagoda Fire is definitely not my opponent. As for Feng Chen, he can't be here at all, so I'm destined to have no opponent."

"You, can only be my stepping stone, and the soul under the fire!"

The look on Chen Feng's face became even more weird: "You are so sure that I am not your opponent?"

"Of course!" Shangguan Chang said proudly, "Do you have Xuanhuo? You don't even have Xuanhuo. You don't deserve to fight with me. How can you be my opponent?"

Chen Feng smiled slightly: "Do you think I don't have a profound fire?"

"Of course!" Shangguan Chang looked at him extremely disdainfully, and said: "Untouchables are untouchables, with no knowledge at all. Do you think Xuanhuo is Chinese cabbage, do you have them?"

"Tell you. Xuanhuo is extremely rare, but I..."

At this point, his voice suddenly stopped, like a chicken with its neck cut off.

Then, his eyes widened, and he looked at Chen Feng in front of him incredulously, with a look of horror in his eyes.

He gaped, pointing at Chen Feng, shaking, his lips trembled: "You, you, how could it be?"

He trembled for a long time, and he didn't say a complete sentence because he was so shocked!

Because, at this time, Chen Feng in front of him stretched out his right hand with the palm facing upward, and in the palm of his hand, a fiery red flame was jumping and rushing in it.

With a smile on the corner of Chen Feng's mouth, his smile was filled with indifferent and powerful confidence!

He whispered: "Sorry, I have what you have!"

Shangguanchang swallowed hard and said, "What is this?"

"This is Xuanhuo!" Chen Feng smiled and said, "Sure enough, he is a concubine, and he doesn't even know Xuanhuo if he has no knowledge?"

This is to return what Shangguan Chang despised just now.

But at this time, Shangguan Chang could no longer refute, he just shouted in horror: "How? How is it possible, how can you have a profound fire?"

Chen Feng smiled and said: "Not only do I have profound fire, but my profound fire is much stronger than I can compare!"

As Chen Feng's words fell, suddenly, the profound fire in his palm banged and exploded a spark.

The sparks were lingering, showing the appearance of a flaming red lotus, just like a lotus flower in full bloom, extremely bright and crystal clear.

Carved like the finest ruby.

Everyone on the stands was stunned. They all looked at Chen Feng dumbfounded. To be correct, they should be looking at the flame lotus in Chen Feng's hands.

They all held their breath, and they didn't dare to breathe because they didn't believe what they saw before them.

After a long time, almost instantaneously, this tranquility was simultaneously broken by countless loud exclamations.

Everyone shouted in disbelief, and many people rubbed their eyes and couldn't believe what they saw.

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