Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1554: Reverse scale

But Shui Jianfeng flew directly out and hit the ground hard.

Then the next moment, there was a burst of bones all over his body, and he stepped back a dozen steps, fell to the ground, and could no longer stand up.

Already seriously injured!

And Chen Feng just shook his robe and sleeves, as if it was a fly that flew just now, not a martial arts ninth-level peak powerhouse.

Shui Jianfeng exclaimed in disbelief: "How is it possible?"

"Chen Feng, how could you beat me so easily with a single punch? I'm a powerhouse at the Ninth Level of Martial Sovereign Realm!"

Chen Feng smiled and said: "I said just now, is the Ninth Peak of Martial Monarch Realm amazing?"

Those in the stands were already shocked and speechless.

No one thought that Chen Feng would be so powerful!

Chen Feng's strength will suddenly increase tenfold!

At this time, without using the power of Xiaojingang, Chen Feng's strength was comparable to that of a martial arts master.

And after using the power of Little King Kong, his strength increased tenfold, enough to crush the nine peaks of the Martial Sovereign Realm!

Above the stands, someone groaned and exclaimed: "This Chen Feng, now it can be said that there is no opponent under the half-step Martial King realm, right?"

"Yes, his practice is really too strong, his strength has increased tenfold, who can be the opponent?"

"Chen Feng has brought us countless miracles, but he is still creating miracles. Haha, Shui Jianfeng is also unlucky enough. He wants to use the power of the soul to crush Chen Feng, but he is crushed by Chen Feng. Using the realm of martial artist to crush Chen Feng, instead, he will continue to be crushed by Chen Feng!"

Yan Yu said slowly: "If Shui Jianfeng is a genius, then Chen Feng is a super genius far better than him!"

"Yes!" Next to him, at some point, there was already an old man.

The old man has gray hair and a green robe, noble and elegant.

"Chen Feng is also a dual cultivation of soul and martial arts, and whether he is a warrior or a soul, his strength is far better than that of Shui Jianfeng."

The old man stroked his chin and white beard and smiled and said: "This time, I was ordered by the emperor to come and check. I was originally going to see Shuijianfeng, because it is said that Shuijianfeng is the first person in this competition!"

"Unexpectedly, I saw a surprise. This Chen Feng is far better than Shui Jianfeng! Even, it is comparable to some talents cultivated by our royal family."

Yan Yu took a breath and said softly, "Doctor Gongsun, is this Chen Feng really so powerful?"

Doctor Gongsun was very meaningful and said softly: "Don't forget, Chen Feng is only 19 and a half years old this year!"

"Yeah!" Yan Yu stunned for a while, then let out a groan-like exclamation: "This guy, this terrifying guy, is only nineteen and a half years old!"

The future achievements are limitless. This is everyone's evaluation of Chen Feng!

Chen Feng looked at Shui Jianfeng and smiled and said, "Shui Jianfeng, how is it now?"

"What kind of power do you want to use, I will accompany you with whatever power you use, but on the contrary, I can completely conquer you in any field!"

Shui Jianfeng's face was full of resentment and unwillingness, and he suddenly roared and made the final blow.

The mental power rose suddenly and madly attacked Chen Feng.

Then, Chen Feng discovered that the scenery in front of him was changing.

At this time, he unexpectedly appeared at a big wedding scene.

And he is the bridegroom!

The surrounding red candles were shining brightly, the guests were smiling, and he, holding a jade palm in his hand, slowly walked into the auditorium.

Above the auditorium, on the main seat facing the door, one of them was a majestic middle-aged man in his forties.

Next to the majestic middle-aged man was a dignified woman, but he could not recognize who it was.

But in Chen Feng's heart, there was an extremely familiar and intimate feeling.

And beside the two of them, there was a person standing upright in a blue shirt, and at this time he was looking at Chen Feng with a smile.

It is Yan Qingyu!

At this moment, Chen Feng's heart was shaken, and his whole body was shocked, and he shouted with surprise and joy: "Master!"

Then, Chen Feng immediately realized that something was wrong: "Why did the master come here?"

"Who are the two people I want to kowtow in front of me?"

Chen Feng's face was instantly exposed with a rare hideousness, and he was already extremely angry.

"Shui Jianfeng, these are all ghosts of Shui Jianfeng!"

Chen Feng immediately woke up.

Chen Feng's family, his master, is his reverse scale, but his softest place.

Therefore, once touched, Chen Feng will be extremely angry!

At this time, his hatred for Shui Jianfeng also rose to the extreme, and a soft voice suddenly sounded next to him: "Junior Brother, it's time to worship, don't be stunned."

Chen Feng looked at her, and saw a woman next to her. She smiled lightly, soft and beautiful.

That face is even more familiar, it is Senior Sister Han Yu'er!

At this time, she looked at Chen Feng, Yiai Yixi, her face full of shame and joy.

Chen Feng's heart trembled: "Could it be that this is the deepest secret in my heart that has been unearthed?"

"Could it be that the jade who will stay with me forever is the senior sister?"

Han Yuer's mouth is smiling, her face is reddish, and she is boundlessly ashamed: "Junior Brother, if you continue this worship, I can no longer call you Junior Brother, I will call your husband!"

Chen Feng's heart felt soft when he heard it.

At this moment, the sudden change occurred.

Suddenly, Han Yu'er's face suddenly became ferocious, and she took out a sharp sword and stabbed it at Chen Feng.

And the man and woman above the high hall also issued a powerful killing intent, and at the same time, even Master Yan Qingyu shot out with a single move.

Four people, the four closest to Chen Feng, simultaneously issued a powerful trick to him and carried out a siege!

At this moment, Chen Feng didn't even have any desire to fight back.

It's not that he can't fight back, but he is unwilling!

He was really afraid that this was true, he was afraid that he would kill them, so Chen Feng stood still, letting those tricks hit his body fiercely.

Chen Feng spurted blood violently, was seriously injured, his body was shaky, and there were many huge wounds on his body.

But he passed away in a flash, with a sharp smile on the corner of his mouth, and whispered: "Fake, it's all fake!"

"If you are really my dearest relatives, how can you hurt me like this? If that's the case, that's good! Then, all are broken!"

As he said, Chen Feng looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, holding his hands high, and the transparent divine light flashed one after another.

The scene of the wedding scene, like a stone thrown into the water, shattered and died!

The next moment, Chen Feng appeared on the ring.

But at this time, Chen Feng was already seriously injured and his clothes were stained with blood!

Seeing this scene, everyone in the stands was shocked.

"Shui Jianfeng's backlash method is really powerful. Chen Fengfeng has the upper hand, but he is still seriously injured."

However, what they didn't know was that Chen Feng could not be injured at all, but he could not attack his dearest relatives!

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