Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1535: kill!

He did not refute, because he could not refute, because at this time Chen Feng did not show his strength at all!

At this time, Chen Feng below also heard these words, he took a deep breath, and suppressed the anger in his heart.

"Master received these humiliations, brothers received such humiliation, because I was late, because they think I am cowardly, because they think I am not strong!"

"In this case, I will find the venues one by one. I want to let them know who is the real strong one. I want to hit them in the face with my strength!"

Feng Rulie showed off against Chen Fengyao, then stepped down.

The next game is Shangguanliu against another person.

After Shangguanliu came to power, he defeated his opponent with great difficulty. Then he looked at Chen Feng and Feng Rulie, and suddenly said with a smile: "Master Feng, where do you still need to beat Chen Feng this waste?"

"If you meet him and defeat him, it can't be regarded as how strong you are. You should feel ashamed. After all, defeating such a trash, it would be wrong for you to do it."

"I'm looking forward to being able to fight this trash, when I will defeat him for you, and deal with people like him, I will dirty your hands!"

His face was flattering.

Feng Rulie listened, laughed, very happy!

"Yes, what you said makes sense. Dealing with this kind of waste is simply dirtying my hands."

Chen Feng looked at Shangguan Liu with a cold look in his eyes!

He had no chance with this person, but this person was repeatedly provoking, which has made Chen Feng's murderous intent awe-inspiring.

Finally it was Chen Feng's turn.

In the last game of the first round, Chen Feng faced the wind like fire!

Feng Ruhuo walked onto the stage, looked at Chen Feng, and said with a look of expectation: "Chen Feng, finally let me wait until this moment, hahahaha, bastard, are you ready to die?"

Chen Feng slowly walked onto the stage. Suddenly, he turned around, pointed his fingers at Feng Rulie, smiled and said, "After ten breaths, I will let you stand here, kneel down, and kowtow to my senior brother!"

Feng Rulie's eyes jumped fiercely, then looked at Chen Feng with a cold voice: "Chen Feng, you dare to talk to me like this?"

"If we are facing each other later, I will remove your bones one by one, so that you know what regret is!"

Chen Feng smiled and said: "Okay, I am looking forward to it!"

The wind is like a fire and laughed: "Brother, you have no chance, he is going to die!"

The onlookers all made a disdainful voice: "Haha, what is Chen Feng talking about? Does he mean he can defeat Feng Ruhuo?"

"You heard that right, not only did he say that he could defeat the wind like fire, but he also thought he could defeat the wind like fire within ten breaths!"

"Haha, what an arrogant junior who doesn't know the height of the sky! It's almost the same to defeat him within ten breaths of the wind, yes, I think so too!"

Everyone believed that Chen Feng would be easily defeated by Feng Rulie within a few strokes, without any fight back.

The next referee gave an order and the competition officially began.

Feng Ruhuo screamed: "Chen Feng, die!"

With that, his strength climbed crazily, and directly reached the initial stage of the Ninth Layer of Martial Sovereign Realm, and then, with all his strength, he slammed out!

Behind him, the Great Asura Martial Spirit appeared. With this punch, he had already used all of his power, absorbing all the power of the Martial Spirit and blending it into this punch.

The fist is extremely powerful, it seems that the ring is trembling, and seeing this scene, many people are shocked.

"Feng Ruhuo's strength is really much stronger than before. He already has the strength of the Ninth Level of Martial Sovereign Realm."

"His punch is very powerful. Chen Feng will definitely not be able to take it. He will definitely be killed by the wind."

Many people have even imagined the scene where Chen Feng was killed by this fist and shattered into blood.

Zhou Yang and Long Shenhou above the stands also quietly clenched their fists, feeling a little nervous.

Chen Feng stood there, motionless, with a light smile on his lips.

"Is this Chen Feng scared and stupid? Don't even dare to fight back?" Shangguan Liu laughed loudly.

Someone next to him echoed: "Most of it, that's normal. It is reasonable for this unseen pariah to be scared of such a powerful offensive!"

In the laughter of everyone, in their disdainful eyes, Chen Feng curled his mouth and shook his head slowly.

In the early stage of the Ninth Layer of Martial King Realm, at this time, he didn't care at all.

He defeated how many powerhouses in the early stage of the Ninth Stage, this wind is like fire, it is really ridiculous, and he also feels that the strength of the early stage of the Ninth Stage of Martial Monarch can defeat him.

Suddenly, Chen Feng moved.

He just moved, he just made an extremely simple move, just punching forward, no fancy, just a punch.

But on the surface of Chen Feng's body, golden light flickered, and the power of Little King Kong rose vigorously.

Everyone who saw this punch felt like their heart had been beaten severely. Peng confronted him, but he stopped beating for a moment and missed a syllable.

They felt that Chen Feng's punch was completely natural, but extremely powerful.

Then, the fists slammed together with the wind-like offensive.

At this moment, the whole world seemed to be still, and it seemed to be deadlocked for a moment.

All the wind has disappeared, and the world is quiet. Everyone can only see where the two fists intersect, and the space is constantly collapsing and sinking, and even the surrounding area is pitch black, because it seems that even the light is absorbed by the collapsed space there. Went in.

The collapse of that space seems inconspicuous, but even a very tyrannical body, if it appears there at this time, it will be torn apart directly!

And the next moment, a scene that everyone could not believe appeared.

The force of the wind, like fire, disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, and collapsed continuously, like melting ice and snow.

But Chen Feng's simple fist still blasted forward firmly.

boom! Chen Feng's fist penetrated everything, and with a bang, it was printed on the wind-like chest!

In the next moment, the wind is like a fire and it uttered a scream.

With a scream of "Ah", the whole person flew backwards, spurting blood, his bones smashed and broke, and in a blink of an eye, it was like a puddle of mud, all bones were shaken into bone meal .

The Great Asura Martial Spirit behind him was also severely injured. With a scream, a huge wound was actually torn on his chest.

But this great Asura martial arts soul is obviously much calmer and colder than his master. His eyes are still looking at Chen Feng with viciousness, full of murderous intent!

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