Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1532: Who do you make beautiful?

It turns out that Marquis of Fire and the God of Dragon had a conflict when they were young, and the Marquis of Dragon at that time beat the Marquis of Fire to the ground, faceless, and was ridiculed for decades, so Marquis of Fire hated Dragon God!

Zhou Yang just wanted to agree, Long Shenhou suddenly waved his hand to stop him, and said coldly: "Fuck your mother's shit!"

Lieyanhou suddenly became cold and shouted, "Dragon God Hou, how do you speak?"

Long Shen Hou slowly said: "Do your two broken copper mines deserve to be on the same level as my disciple's face? If you want to bet, just bet it!"

"If I win, you can ask your eldest son to kowtow to my eldest disciple, how about?"

Ryeyanhou was thinking about it, and his eldest son Feng Rulie already said loudly: "I promised!"

He agreed on behalf of his father. He knew how much his father wanted to humiliate the Dragon God.

Raeyanhou took a deep look at his eldest son, and said nothing more.

Long Shen Hou smiled and said: "Okay, then it's settled!"

At this time, among the young Houfu children who participated in the competition, there was a lot of discussion.

"Why hasn't Chen Feng come yet?" someone dissatisfied.

Someone smiled jokingly at the corners of their mouths, and said with a smile: "Young Master Feng, you are wrong in this sentence. What can Chen Feng come here, it is still a lost word!"

"Yes, I think so too. It is wise for him not to come. Anyway, he also loses. Why should he come here to die? Are you right?"

"All of us have arrived, but he hasn't been there alone. This posture is big enough!" A youth with a green robe said coldly, "This person is so arrogant, don't let me get him, if I get him, I must give him a severe lesson!"

"Fart!" a big red-haired guy shouted loudly: "Where is it your turn to teach him? Some people teach him!"

"Others don't say, if I meet him, I must completely abolish it, and then humiliate him and kill it! Yixue knows the shame in his heart!"

This red-haired man is like the wind. The young man in Qingpao seemed to be very jealous of him. He hurriedly laughed and said, "Okay, okay, Brother Feng is right. Wounded!"

He was very flattering to the wind and fire, with a humble look.

Feng Ruhuo gave a sneer, waved his fist, and said bitterly: "Chen Feng, that little bastard, I must make him look good this time!"

Suddenly at this time, a cold voice came: "Who do you want to look good?"

This sound is not high, but it has extremely strong penetrating power. It is plain and flat, but it seems to be blowing in the ears of everyone, like a thunder.

Everyone couldn't help but cast their eyes to the place where the sound was coming from, and then they saw a white-robed boy coming slowly.

He is tall and thin, and he is very tall and straight, like a silver gun.

He looks very handsome, now heroic, full of gritty face, and it is Chen Feng who walks slowly at this time.

Seeing Chen Feng's face, many women present let out a cry of exclamation, gently covering her lips, and some of them had their hearts beating wildly.

Just this temperament makes them extremely fascinated!

There was a sound of whispers above the venue. Everyone turned their eyes to Chen Feng. Many people even whispered: "This is Chen Feng?"

"Yes, he is the disciple of the Dragon God Hou Guanmen, and the only contestant in the Dragon God Hou Mansion this time, Chen Feng."

"It is said that he came from a pariah and his status is humble, but I think he is really extraordinary."

"Yes, this popularity is indeed extraordinary, but it is a pariah." Some people who disdain Chen Feng made a mockery!

Many people are sarcasm to Chen Feng, because Chen Feng is better than them, stronger than them, and now stands taller than them, looks more handsome than them...They are extremely jealous.

And what they can despise is Chen Feng's untouchable origin, so they ridiculed Chen Feng in this respect!

Chen Feng didn't take into account anyone's eyes at all. He just walked over slowly to Feng Ruhuo, then smiled at him and said, "Second Young Master Feng, I haven't seen you for a long time, don't come here without any problems!"

Feng Ruhuo gritted his teeth and said fiercely: "I didn't expect you to live well."

Chen Feng looked at him with a smile, and Yun Danfeng said lightly: "Just now, I seemed to hear you speak out."

"Before, at the miserable time Yuwen's house cleaned you up, is it possible that you have forgotten it?"

Before Feng Ruhuo could speak, the young man in Qingpao next to him jumped out, snorted disdainfully, and laughed at Chen Feng: "Chen Feng, do you know what you are farting?"

"You are simply talking nonsense. How could you be the opponent of the Second Young Master Feng? With your strength, the Second Young Master Feng wants to strangle you, it is easy, and you can directly beheaded!"

"You, you even said that you had defeated the second son of the wind, are you talking about dreams?"

Chen Feng's defeat of Feng Ruhuo was consciously blocked by the five great families, and many people did not know it.

Chen Feng smiled and didn't speak, but looked at Feng Ruhuo with a smile, with a trace of joking in his eyes.

Young Master Qingpao suddenly had a bad premonition. He looked towards Feng Ruhuo, and then found that Feng Ruhuo's face was blue, and he didn't show a smile just because he was fawning on him.

He was shocked immediately, and secretly said: "No, is it true that this pariah said?"

Feng Ruhuo looked at him with gritted teeth and said coldly: "I was indeed defeated by Chen Feng."

"Huh?" The young man in Qingpao was like a chicken with his throat cut, he couldn't say a word, his face was red and white, very exciting!

Feng Ruhuo stared at Chen Feng and said coldly: "I did lose to you last time, but that doesn't mean anything. This time, I can definitely kill you easily."

He sneered and said: "I have learned a powerful trick again, and my strength has improved. You can never be my opponent!"

Chen Feng smiled slightly and said, "Okay, I'm really looking forward to meeting you!"

The young man in Qingpao quickly agreed with him and said: "Yes, Brother Feng is right. He was defeated by you before because you used conspiracy, and the second brother Feng did not use all your strength. This time, the second young man Feng It can definitely defeat you easily."

He was crazily flattering the wind like fire, and mocking Chen Feng, even directly insulting.

Obviously, he just wanted to insult Chen Feng by humiliating Chen Feng!

Chen Feng frowned and glanced at him, and said in disgust, "Who are you?"

Young Master Qingpao said proudly: "I am Tongtianhou's five sons, high official, this time I will also participate in the Big Five Hou Mansion Competition."

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