Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1530: Late

This golden light is what it emits.

The strong desire and the majestic power, and in this greed and viciousness, there is a magical Buddha nature.

It was this faint Buddha nature that was instantly sensed by Chen Feng. Chen Feng was originally focused on practicing in retreat, and he hadn't felt the abnormality in his dantian, but he felt it at this time.

It is because of the Buddha nature!

Because what Chen Feng was cultivating at this time was the Little Diamond Technique, he wanted to cultivate the Little Diamond Technique to the realm of Dzogchen before the Grand Competition.

All the martial arts gods are transformed into the power of Little King Kong!

The Little Vajra Art is closely related to the Buddha Nature, so Chen Feng immediately felt it. He immediately felt happy, and then slowly pulled out a trace of Buddha Nature in his dantian, and merged with the Little Vajra Art he was practicing. .

Chen Feng did it little by little, working slowly and without any urgency.

So it was very safe, without any mistake, the golden light in his body became more and more prosperous, and finally came out from the dantian, as if there was a sun in the dantian of Chen Feng.

At first, half of the pubic area was shining.

Later, the entire pubic area shined brightly.

Later, Chen Feng's belly radiated golden light.

After waiting for three days, Chen Feng's entire body surface was already surrounded by golden light, as if wrapped in a golden silk cocoon.

Moreover, Chen Feng also incorporated this silk buddha nature into his martial arts gods and into the small vajra art.

The martial arts gods in the martial arts Tianhe continue to turn into gold, constantly condense, become pure, and transform into the power of the little diamond, very fast.

The speed visible to the naked eye continues to spread and extend, and the Little Diamond Technique seems to have some effects. In the process of cultivation, the faster the progress, the greater the joy of the cultivator.

Chen Feng devoted himself to this joy and comfort, and even forgot the time.

Time passed bit by bit, until the tenth day.

Today is the day when the five great marquis are compared, but Chen Feng is still immersed in this joy and joy at this time, and he does not know the changes in time outside.

At this time, the martial arts gods in the martial arts Tianhe have basically been transformed into the power of the little diamond, and only the last point is left, only the last one meter from the end of the martial arts Tianhe.

In the 6,000-meter martial arts Tianhe, 5,999 meters are transformed into the power of Little King Kong, but when the last meter is left, it doesn’t move forward anymore and just stops like this. Come down.

Chen Feng suddenly felt anxious, he took a deep breath, forcibly calmed the anxious emotions in his heart, and then continued to urge.

But it didn't have any effect at all, the power of Little King Kong didn't spread forward at all, I don't know how many times it was activated.

Chen Feng became more and more anxious. In the end, he sighed softly, retreated from the state of concentration, and said softly: "I tried many times, but it didn't work. It seems that I can't reach this state now.

"Oh," a look of unwillingness appeared on his face: "One meter, just one meter away, I can thoroughly practice the Little King Kong Art and transform all the martial arts gods into the power of Little King Kong. "

"But now, it can only be so."

Chen Feng suddenly remembered something, raised his head, patted his head, and said in horror: "It's broken, today is the day of the Big Competition!"

He looked outside, the sun was shining outside at this time, I'm afraid it's almost noon.

Chen Feng shook his head: "Oh, this time the retreat is too long!"

He didn't dare to have any delay, he immediately went out to clean up, and then hurried to the place of Dabi!

The specific location of the Five Great Houfu Dabi is in the east of the city.

Here is a mountain range that is extremely tall and beautiful.

In front of the mountain range, there is a wide river with a width of tens of thousands of meters. This river is the largest water vein in the Great Qin Kingdom. From west to east, it traverses the entire Great Qin Kingdom and rolls away.

Just at this location, surrounded by mountains and rivers, a huge ring was built. It is close to the mountains and facing the big river, with a radius of several kilometers, enough to display!

Even the ring is made of stainless steel to prevent them from being too strong and destroying it.

On the mountain, many gorgeous white jade pavilions have been built relying on the mountain, and the decoration is extremely luxurious.

These were prepared for the people of the five great marquis and the nobles of the big families who came to watch the ceremony.

At this time, there were already a lot of people sitting on the huge stand surrounded by mountains and rivers.

These people are basically very luxuriously dressed people. If someone from the Great Qin Kingdom glanced here, I was afraid that they would be extremely shocked.

Because, at this time, the thousands of people sitting on the stands almost included more than 80% of the nobles in Wuyang City, the capital of the Great Qin Emperor.

From the first-rate Houfu, to the second-rate big family family, to the third-rate ordinary family, to the fourth-rate middle-class family, and the fifth-rate small families, all are here.

It can be said that almost there are people with faces in Wuyang City, and Bacheng has already arrived here, which is also normal.

The Five Great Hou Mansion Competition is an annual event in Wuyang City, the capital of the Great Qin Emperor, and it is even more precious than the new pharmacist's new talented Great Competition.

To put it bluntly, there are some nobles among those alchemists, but most of them are civilians, so naturally they will not attract the attention of nobles.

The nobles, even if they recruit the best alchemists, are just to give their families a bit of help, but it is the direct line of the top families of the Daqin Kingdom that participated in the five great Houfu competitions. Children, people will naturally care more about their children.

This is human nature!

Moreover, the five great marquis competition, whoever emerges of young talents to win, may represent that this marquis can occupy an advantageous position among the five great marquis in the future.

Basically, the other aristocratic families in the Great Qin Kingdom are dependent on the existence of the five great princes. If a certain prince is strong, those families that depend on him will also become stronger and can occupy more resources, and the days will pass. Very good.

If a prince’s palace decays, then the family that is attached to him will either follow the silence or change to another master.

Therefore, it can be said that the five great Houfu Grand Competition affects the changes in the power of the entire Great Qin Emperor. How could they not care?

At the top of the stands, that is, the farthest from the ring, seated are the nobles of the Wuliu clan of the Great Qin Emperor. They are said to be the Wuliu clan. However, if each of these families is taken to Yongzhou, Qingzhou outside, absolutely They are all first-class families.

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