Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1528: Bloodwind speaks!

Chen Feng lifted the blood wind high, staring at him, his eyes were full of softness: "Blood wind, do you know how much I miss you during these days?"

"Do you know that I am always worried about you!"

There was a whimper in Xuefeng's throat, and when he looked at Chen Feng, his little head plunged into Chen Feng's arms, as if he was about to behave like a coquettish as usual.

But when he made that whimper, his whole body suddenly froze, his eyes rolled, thoughtful.

Then he opened his mouth, but there was no sound. Chen Feng asked in surprise: "Bloodwind, what's wrong with you?"

Xuefeng shook his head, his eyes were contemplative, and then a few syllables suddenly uttered in his throat.

When Chen Feng heard this, his whole body was shocked, and he was completely dull there.

The syllables produced by the blood wind are very primitive and short, and they can't even be called words, but Chen Feng can hear a bit of human language in it.

Chen Fengfeng said in surprise: "Bloodwind, you, are you trying to speak?"

Xuefeng nodded and continued to work hard, his mouth babbled and babbled, which was completely different from the usual sobs and growls.

Finally, after he tried many times, a clear voice suddenly came out from his throat: "Boss Chen Feng!"

Chen Feng was extremely excited, and at this time seemed to have experience, the voice of the blood wind became clearer, and he could speak longer sentences.

His voice rang again: "Boss Chen Feng, I know you miss me very much, but can you be a little bit more energetic? You are about to pinch me to death like this!"

Chen Feng was taken aback for a moment, then laughed, stretched out his hand and twisted it on the round and cute wolf ears in the blood wind: "You little guy, you are a chicken thief!"

Bloodwind grunted twice, like a well-behaved puppy.

This voice was surprisingly the voice of a little boy, immature, well-behaved, and lovely, and full of dependence on Chen Feng!

Chen Feng didn't know how powerful the monsters and beasts could make sounds, but he only knew that he thought he could make sounds when he reached the Divine Gate Realm, which was actually an illusion.

Only certain special monsters can speak human words at low levels, such as snake monsters.

Because snake-like dragons, dragons-like dragons, snake monsters are an extremely powerful race, there are snake monsters of any level.

And the most powerful among snakes, even more powerful than dragons!

Snakes are psychic, so they can speak at low levels. Other monsters are very difficult. At least Chen Feng has not seen a few until now!

The **** wind's eyes rolled around, and there was a thief in the voice, like a child with a ghost spirit, although simple, but with such a little bit of bad thoughts, this made Chen Maple likes it more!

Xuefeng had just learned to speak and seemed to be particularly excited. He held Chen Feng and Barabara and said a big deal, and almost all ears Chen Feng said.

Unconsciously, it was almost dawn.

At this time, Chen Feng suddenly remembered and asked: "Bloodwind, you seem to have evolved again."

"That's right." Xuefeng's little head nodded seriously, and said: "My bloodline is the blood of the wolf god. As long as I absorb enough and pure enough blood of the wolf god, I can evolve."

"The first time it evolved was a giant red wolf, and this time, it evolved into a giant orange wolf!"

Chen Feng asked expectantly: "Then after you evolve this time, do you have new abilities?"

Xuefeng nodded: "Yes, it has a new ability."

Chen Feng quickly asked: "What is it? Tell me quickly."

Xuefeng smiled suddenly, and Mai Guanzi said, "Boss Chen Feng, I won't tell you anymore. You will know it then, don't worry!"

His wolf paw patted his chest, and he promised to say: "This ability is absolutely powerful, and you will never be disappointed by then!"

Chen Feng laughed, nodded and said, "You guy, you have all learned to sell things."

Chen Feng didn't ask any more questions, and soon Chen Feng returned to the Dragon God Mansion with a **** wind.

After he settled there, he returned to Wuyang City.

This time, he picked up Zhong Yuxiu and Luo Zilan from Wuyang City and settled in the Dragon God Mansion.

This time the incident reminded him that the place where he lives is far less safe than he thought. Perhaps many people know the existence of Zhong Yuxiu and Luo Zilan, but they have never started.

So Chen Feng decided to let them live in a safer place. He reported the matter to Long Shenhou. Long Shenhou did not have the slightest opinion. Instead, he met with the two of them and gave Chen Feng enough face.

Next, Chen Feng retreats in her own small courtyard to meditate.

There is not much time left. Ten days later, it will be the Big Four Hou Mansion Competition. Chen Feng must seize all the time to cultivate well!

Two days later, Chen Feng suddenly heard a knock on the door of the small courtyard.

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows, feeling a little surprised, not knowing who was knocking on his door.

The news of his retreat was well known from all over the Dragon God Hou Mansion, and no one would disturb him easily.

Chen Feng came out of the closed state, went out to open the door, and saw the senior brother Zhou Yang standing outside the door.

At this moment, Zhou Yang showed a touch of worry on his face, and Chen Feng smiled and said, "Big brother, what's wrong?"

Zhou Yang looked at Chen Feng and smiled and said, "I don't know if it is good or bad news to tell you."

Chen Feng said in amazement: "Please speak."

Zhou Yang said: "The Four Great Hou Mansions after ten days have been renamed the Five Great Hou Mansions."

"What?" Chen Feng couldn't help being stunned.

Zhou Yang smiled bitterly and said: "Just yesterday, your Majesty, because of the outstanding performance and outstanding merits of the Shui Family during the expedition of the Heishui Marsh in Southern Xinjiang, he specially designated the Shui Family as Heishuihou!"

"Now, the Great Qin Kingdom is not the four great princes, but the five great princes. Now that it has been named Lord Hou, the Shui family is naturally eligible to participate in the Houfu Grand Competition."

"On the same day, the Patriarch of the Shui Family asked his Majesty to participate in the Five Great Hou Mansion Competition, and his Majesty also readily agreed."

Zhou Yang looked at Chen Feng and said: "The Shui family has always had a lot of talents, and there are a few extremely outstanding characters who are not inferior or even surpassing the others."

"As soon as their family joined, they immediately added a lot of variables to the Big Five."

Chen Feng asked: "What kind of masters does his family have?"

Zhou Yang said: "Don't talk about anything else, just take Shui Changyong, the eldest son of the water family, for example. It is said that his strength has reached the ninth level of the Martial Sovereign Realm."

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