Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1524: Blood wind! Crazy evolution!

Chen Feng pressed his hand on his belly, and he could still feel the beating of his heart. Its hair was also very bright and lively. It looked like he was asleep, but he just couldn't wake up.

Chen Feng whispered in his ear: "Bloodwind and Bloodwind, you have been asleep for too long. I hope this drop of blood of the wolf **** can help you wake up. Do you know how much I miss you?"

There was a gentle smile on his face, and then he opened his big blood-red mouth, and put that drop of wolf **** blood into the mouth of Blood Wind!

This drop of blood of the wolf god, as soon as he entered the mouth of the blood wind, he immediately felt the breath of the blood of the wolf **** hidden in the blood.

Suddenly, a sense of familiarity spread, and then this drop of blood of the wolf **** the size of a human head suddenly burst into thousands of tiny bloodshots.

These bloodshots poured into Bloodwind's body almost in an instant.

Chen Feng suddenly felt that the blood wind's body was like a river surging, with infinite energy surging in his body.

And the heartbeat of the blood wind immediately became heavy and thick, bang bang bang, and powerful.

At the beginning, it was like a fist tapping on the ground, and then it turned into a hammer to smash the anvil, and at the end, the sound became extremely loud.

Chen Feng's cultivation level was so shocked that his eardrums were painful, and his face was pale. Chong Yu Xiu and Luo Zilan had long been unable to bear it and retired.

At this time, the sound was as loud as a meteorite hitting the ground!

The blood wind's body also swelled rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. His body was originally only more than 100 meters long, but now it has suddenly grown to more than 200 meters long.

It has doubled, and it's still growing!

This underground secret room was directly filled with blood wind and collapsed suddenly.

Chen Feng shook his arms and roared, and this large piece of ground with a radius of several kilometers was directly lifted out, and there were countless exclamations in the surrounding houses.

Fortunately, the place where Chen Feng is located is empty, and there are no humans, so no casualties were caused. Many strong people felt the breath here and came to check!

Chen Feng felt anxious, and immediately said to Zhong Yuxiu: "You will leave here with Sister Luo right now."

Zhong Yuxiu knew that the matter was urgent, nodded, and left with Luo Zilan.

But Chen Feng stayed here. He looked at Xuefeng's body with an anxious expression on his face, and muttered: "Bloodwind, you evolve faster, evolve faster, otherwise, if you are affected by those hostile forces in Wuyang City The person found that you are over, and I may not have the strength to protect you!"

Xuefeng's body was still swelling, and it quickly became more than 500 meters long, and then expanded, then expanded, reaching a length of thousands of meters.

But what shocked Chen Feng was that its size was still getting bigger!

Chen Feng was shocked, the kilometer length had already reached the realm of a profound beast! It symbolizes the watershed of entering the profound beast!

Chen Feng was surprised and delighted, this drop of blood of the wolf **** is indeed extremely noble. Just a drop of the blood of the wolf **** has caused such a huge change in the blood wind!

Xuefeng's body has been growing and growing, and when it reached a length of 1,500 meters, it had not stopped.

And at this time, all of the hair on his body surface changed suddenly. Those red hairs that were as red as fire began to change from the roots, from red as fire to a little bit of orange.

And this faint orange is constantly deepening, and after a quarter of an hour, it finally turns into that extremely conspicuous orange color.

The orange-yellow color continued to spread, and eventually, Bloodwind's body hair had all turned into an orange-yellow color.

And Chen Feng could feel that he wasn't just a simple discoloration of his body's hair. The energy in his body seemed to have undergone a qualitative change.

If Chen Feng is more powerful at this time, he will definitely be able to see that at this time, the orange-yellow powerful energy flowing through the meridians in Chen Feng's body.

This orange-yellow powerful energy is more than ten times more powerful than the same amount of red-red energy!

And the crimson energy flowing in the original blood wind body!

At this time, the blood wind's body had grown to more than 1,700 meters, and it still did not stop.

Chen Feng had already seen dozens of rays of light coming through the air, swiftly approaching here.

He knew that these people were here to investigate. These figures were getting closer and closer. Suddenly, a voice full of greed came over: "Haha, what did I see?"

"There is an evolving wolf-type monster here. No, it should be a wolf-type profound beast!"

"Master, please!" The person next to him also exclaimed: "This orange-yellow giant wolf has become more than 1,700 meters long, and it is still growing. Is it possible that he could become More than two thousand meters long?"

"I think it's very possible!" The hoarse voice that was full of greed before he said with a smile: "This is obviously a wolf-like profound beast that can evolve."

"His bloodline must be exceptionally strong, such a profound beast may even be promoted to the Demon King in the future!"

"Hahaha..." He arrogantly laughed: "This wolf-like monster beast is mine!"

A cold snort came: "What You See Is Yours" is really unreasonable. I saw it too, but I said it was mine!"

Then, a messy voice came: "Yes, we saw this wolf-like profound beast together. We must have a share!"

With that said, more than a dozen figures fell beside the blood wind.

Chen Feng saw these more than a dozen figures, all of whom were quite powerful, and each of them had the weakest breath in the fourth or fifth level of Martial Sovereign Realm.

Two of them have reached the seventh peak of Martial Sovereign Realm in strength.

These two people are bald, one is tall and thin, and the other is short and fat. They are all full of flesh, with a trace of hideous color, and they have heavy and thick weapons in their hands!

After the two fell, they immediately faced the crowd and shouted: "This wolf-like profound beast belongs to our brothers. Who dares not accept it?"

He said this for granted, as if Bloodwind were really their personal belongings!

Chen Feng stood by, and they regarded Chen Feng as nothing. They glanced over Chen Feng without stopping, and then they were full of disdain, with a cold snort, as if Chen Feng did not exist at all!

As soon as the two of them had finished speaking, a middle-aged man who was wearing a large long robe and was tall and thin like a bamboo pole said coldly: "Suo Kuang Suo Heng, you two brothers have always been domineering, but this time Shame on the wrong object!"

"None of us are easy to provoke. You just want to take away a powerful profound beast that may evolve into a Demon King. We will definitely not agree!"

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