Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1521: Blood of the wolf god!

Chen Feng let out a long breath!

Yong Xi also killed, the Great Asura Martial Spirit also absorbed it, and Chen Feng's purpose of coming here was considered achieved, and he was about to leave.

But suddenly at this moment, Chen Feng felt that there seemed to be something in the depths of this mansion that appealed to him. This thing made waves of calls, constantly beckoning him to move forward.

Without any hesitation, Chen Feng immediately walked toward the depths of the mansion based on his feelings.

He stepped through a heavy courtyard and soon came to the garden deep in the mansion.

The garden occupies a huge area with mountains and lakes inside. Chen Feng leaped up into the sky, felt it a little, and then slammed directly into the depths of the lake.

Like a cannonball, he smashed into the depths of the lake fiercely, and went directly to the bottom of the lake. There was a huge secret door at the bottom of the lake. The secret door was hundreds of meters in radius. If there is no key to the mechanism, it cannot be opened.

Chen Feng smiled coldly, stretched out his hand, plunged his arms directly into the steel secret door, and then with a roar, he lifted the secret door directly and threw it out.

A huge amount of lake water poured into the secret door, and instantly the lake water flowed clean.

Chen Feng stepped into it, and there was a deep tunnel inside. After turning a few turns, Chen Feng's breathing suddenly became heavy, because there was an aura he was very familiar with.

This is in the same line as the breath of Blood Wind!

Chen Feng smashed seven portals one after another, and then came into a huge space, and then he held his breath.

Because there is nothing in this huge space, only a stone platform in the most central position, and on the stone platform, there is a drop of red liquid the size of a human head suspended.

This is actually a drop of blood!

There is only one drop, but there is a human head as big as the red color mixed with gold, which looks very noble!

This blood definitely comes from a very pure and noble blood.

Chen Feng said softly: "This, this is the blood of the wolf god!"

His tone was very positive.

It turned out that the drop of blood he found here was the same as the blood of the wolf **** before.

No, it should be said that there is a big difference, because the breath from this drop of essence and blood is far more powerful than the bloodline of the wolf **** swallowed by the blood wind before, and the nobility is also far greater!

Excited on Chen Feng's face, he whispered to himself: "This wolf god's blood is very noble. If the blood wind can swallow it, he can definitely wake up from a coma, and maybe his strength can be even higher!"

Chen Feng stepped forward, put the blood of the wolf **** in the jade box, sealed it tightly, and then carefully put it into the golden dragon ring.

Leaving here quickly, Chen Feng couldn't wait to return to his residence. He wanted to see what would happen after the blood wind swallowed the blood of this wolf god.

Soon, Chen Feng returned to Wuyang City. He entered Yongzhou like a thunder and raging fire, killed Yong Xi, swallowed up the great Asura martial arts, and then quickly returned.

The whole process does not even exceed three days.

At this time, Yongzhou City hadn't even reacted yet, when they could react, Chen Feng had already returned.

Chen Feng was not afraid of their revenge, because everyone who had seen him had been beheaded by him or escaped, and it was impossible for those people to come to Emperor Qin to sue him.

Even if it was a report, Chen Feng was not afraid, after all, it was not someone else standing behind him, but Long Shenhou, one of the four great masters of the Great Qin Dynasty!

At the gate of Wuyang City, when Chen Feng was about to walk slowly into the city, suddenly a burst of cursing came from behind him: "Untouchables, go aside!"

Then, there was a deafening sound of hoofs, but not horseshoes.

Chen Feng looked back and saw that a huge black shadow appeared in his sight, and the black shadow was still getting bigger and bigger. It was a huge profound beast with a height of 100 meters, with a very powerful aura, like It is a combination of rhino and giant elephant, but it is covered with a thick layer of heavy armor.

Judging from his aura, he was at least a first-grade profound beast.

A horrified scream came, and Chen Feng's eyes suddenly shrank. It turned out that it was a girl who stood in front of the huge profound beast.

The girl is only twelve or thirteen years old, cute and cute, dressed in common clothes and carrying a flower basket in her hand, like a peasant girl who goes to the city to sell flowers.

But suddenly such a huge profound beast rushed out behind him, and the knight above the profound beast obviously saw the girl, but he didn't have any intention to stop.

With a grinning smile on his face, he let out a big laugh, the profound beast raised its giant hoof high, and seeing the next moment, the girl was about to be trampled into a mass of flesh by the profound beast!

At this time, there were at least hundreds of people on the road, and everyone was busy taking refuge, and no one reached out to help the little girl.

Seeing this scene, many people screamed in horror!

Chen Feng narrowed his eyes, revealing a touch of anger, his figure flashed, and he appeared directly beside the girl, and he held her into his arms as soon as he reached out.

After that, Chen Feng was not hiding, just standing straight in the middle of the road.

The huge hoofs of the profound beast were getting bigger and bigger in front of him, and they were about to fall, and the people around were all talking about it.

"This boy is so fast, it seems that he should be a warrior."

"Yes, and his level should not be low, but he is too arrogant, what is he doing? Do you think he can block this powerful profound beast on his own?"

"Yes, this person is really too arrogant. This is an iron-clad elephant dragon beast that is ridden by the army of Hou Flame Hou. How can he easily match it?"

The bearded middle-aged man riding on the iron-clad elephant dragon, with a grinning smile on his mouth, screamed: "Little boy, let's die!"

With that, the huge hoof trampled down at a faster speed.

Everyone exclaimed. They thought Chen Feng would be trampled directly into fleshy flesh, but the next moment, everyone was shocked, their expressions frozen on their faces.

Because they all saw Chen Feng stretch out his right hand to withstand the huge hoof.

Moreover, he only extended one finger!

That huge hoof, the power that weighs more than ten thousand jin, is nothing to do with this young man.

The two stood in a stalemate for a second, and then the young man's right index finger flicked upwards, and a powerful force surged. The iron-clad elephant dragon beast was actually overturned to the ground with a bang, fell out more than ten meters, and fell heavily to the ground, smashing a large piece of earth and stone ground.

"What?" Everyone shouted in shock.

"This young man has such a powerful strength that he can overturn this iron-clad elephant dragon beast with one hand?"

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