Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1513: Sword Casting Furnace

The two had a conversation, and then Zhao Hong asked Chen Feng: "Master Chen, you want to build those two weapons, don't you?"

"Yes!" Chen Feng's heart moved, remembering the scene where Master Lin asked him, and then asked: "Do you have any idea?"

Zhao Hong smiled and said: "My son, the villain has no other abilities, but in this matter, he can still help the son a lot."

Chen Feng was overjoyed and said, "Do you know any better way to forge weapons than Daqin First Sword?"

Zhao Hong showed a look of disdain, and said, "What is the first sword of the Qin Dynasty? It is not worthy of being compared to the place I am going to take you. This Master Lin is just a pretense to deceive and deceive."

Then, he asked Chen Feng: "Master Chen, I wonder if you have heard of the sword casting furnace?"

"Sword casting Honglu?" Chen Feng said these four words again, and then said: "I haven't heard of it."

Zhao Hong said, "The sword casting furnace is a very mysterious place. The weapons cast there are extremely popular. Let me just say one thing, you know how powerful the weapons are cast there?"

"The most powerful weapons at the bottom of the Great Qin's first sword are all defective products from the sword casting furnace. They are the worst and unnecessary weapons in the sword casting furnace."

"If they buy it back, they can be regarded as the treasure of the town shop!"

"What?" Chen Feng was completely shocked after hearing this: "Where is this sword casting furnace? It is so tyrannical?"

Da Qin's First Sword, although it was a bit slanderous, it had the most sophisticated weapons in it. It is indeed extremely powerful, it turned out to be just some low-grade goods cast by the sword of Honglu!

Then, how powerful are the fine works in the sword casting furnace?

Zhao Hong smiled and said: "The young man was originally a civilian in Wuyang City. A hundred years ago, when Zhujian Honglu first came to Qin, my father followed them."

"Our family has been following Zhujian Honglu for more than 100 years, so they all trust me quite a bit. I am responsible for the contact between Zhujian Honglu and Daqin No. 1 Sword. Those weapons are all delivered by me. of."

He smiled and said: "Master Chen Feng, you saved me on the street before. I am grateful and have no idea. Since you want to cast weapons, then I will take you to cast sword furnaces."

Chen Feng was naturally anxious, and said with a smile: "Thank you very much, then."

Chen Feng originally thought that this rather secretive place like Jianzhu Honglu should be in a very remote place, but he did not expect that Zhao Hong would take them all the way to Wuyang City.

Soon, they took Chen Feng to a place similar to a slum.

There are low houses everywhere here. The brilliance and brilliance of Wuyang City are invisible here. There are poor people struggling to survive in ragged clothes.

The houses on both sides are low and rudimentary, and the dirt road is very muddy and sewage flows.

Sitting on the side of the road were some sturdy big guys with strong bodies, bare chests and backs, and most of them had some scars. They stared at Chen Feng with cold eyes, which was rather unkind.

But obviously, Zhao Hong is quite prestigious here. After seeing his face clearly, these people suddenly turned away, and there was a trace of fear on their faces.

Some people who thought they were quite high even came forward to meet Zhao Hongpan and greet them with a flattering smile on their faces.

After going deep into this slum for more than a dozen miles, Zhao Hong took Chen Feng and the two people forward, suddenly suddenly enlightened.

before. A huge open space actually appeared. The open space was surrounded by high walls, and standing here, Chen Feng could hear waves of extremely loud and harsh metal crashes.

There was still a long way from the fence, and I felt a wave of heat hitting my face.

The temperature here is more than ten degrees higher than other places, it is very hot!

Suddenly, Chen Feng was shocked.

It turned out that he actually saw a hill rise slowly and then quickly fall.

Then, there was a huge crow of gold and iron, and then the hill rose again.

At this time, Chen Feng could see clearly, what kind of hill is this? It was clearly a huge metal hammer with a length of several hundred meters and a width of several hundred meters!

The metal sledgehammer is full of bronze color, and I don't know what material it is used for casting. I am afraid it weighs millions or even tens of millions of catties.

Then, the sledgehammer slammed down again, without even knowing what power he was controlled by.

Chen Feng was shocked. He could control such a huge hammer to fly hundreds of meters high, and his strength should not be underestimated.

At least Chen Feng knew that he couldn't do this at all!

"Sure enough, Zhao Hong didn't brag, but the sword-making Honglu is extraordinary! Wuyang City is really a Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger, there are endless masters!" Chen Feng said with emotion.

The two quickly pushed the door in. Although Chen Feng had been mentally prepared, he was still shocked.

In front of him was a huge open-air forging factory. This forging factory was extremely huge, but there were only four people. In front of each of them was an anvil almost the size of a square.

On each anvil, there was a bronze giant hammer and the giant hammer that Chen Feng saw just now. It is cast from the same material.

Each of them sat cross-legged behind an anvil. They didn't make any movement, but sat there with their eyes slightly squinted, making it feel like they were asleep.

But the metal giant hammer in front of them kept rising and falling.

Among these four people, the oldest is in his thirties. He is a simple and simple young man who looks very dull.

He was wearing a short coat, showing strong muscles, and unpretentious, no different from the commoners outside.

The man next to his right hand had a stern face and a faint hostility.

The young man on his left is very young, but he is about twenty years old. He is quite handsome, his eyes are very smart, and he is spinning around.

Since Chen Feng came in, he has been looking at Chen Feng.

And the one who surprised Chen Feng the most was the **** the far left.

This girl seemed to be only fifteen or sixteen years old, much younger than Chen Feng, but the giant hammer in front of him was the largest, almost the size of two others!

The little girl looked pretty and weak, but she didn't seem to have a good temper. When she noticed that Chen Feng was looking at her, she immediately raised her head and gave Chen Feng a fierce look.

Then, the metal sledgehammer in front of him fell twice as fast as before, and the sound of banging banging continued.

Then Chen Feng clearly saw that the huge metal ingot on the anvil had been forged into the embryonic form of a huge sword in just seven or eight breaths.

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