Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1498: Feng Chen, give up!

Chen Feng shook his head, feeling very ridiculous in his heart.

He did not expect that an ordinary action of himself would be so misunderstood by this person.

How arrogant is he?

Lord Shi Xiaohou suddenly said indifferently: "Feng Chen, it is not easy for you to come along this way. I will give you a decent ending now."

"If you give up now, I can let you go and I won't kill you."

"What?" Chen Feng felt that he had heard it wrong, this person was so arrogant, he thought he would be able to easily defeat him? Why did you say this?

Master Shi Xiaohou repeated it again and said, "If you give up at this time, I can let you go."

Chen Feng slowly shook his head: "I will never admit defeat."

"Oh?" Lord Shi Xiaohou raised his eyebrows, with a hint of contempt at the corners of his mouth, and said, "Do you think you might have the hope of defeating me?"

"No matter how you conceal your strength, you have already revealed the level of your fifth-rank alchemist, and I am a sixth-rank alchemist."

"Yesterday you and Han Jie fought, I also saw that your strength should have reached the eighth level of Martial Sovereign Realm, and you, do you know how high my strength is?"

As he said, his aura rose up, covering the sky.

Seven layers of Wujun realm, eight layers of Wujun realm, and nine layers of Wujun realm!

It turned out to have been climbing to the Ninth Level of the Martial King Realm before it stopped.

Seeing this scene, a huge sound of shock suddenly sounded around, and a sound of discussion sounded from the crowd.

"My God, Shi Xiaohou has already reached the Ninth Level of Martial Sovereign Realm? I have never heard of it before!"

"I only know that he is a sixth-rank pharmacist. I didn't expect that his martial arts strength is so powerful, even reaching 90% of the Martial Sovereign Realm!":

"Master Shi Xiaohou is too strong. It seems that he has crushed Chen Feng in all aspects!"

In the stands, although the Patriarch of the Four Hou Mansions held their own identity and did not come in person, some important figures also came.

Seeing Shi Xiaohouye behaving like this, the other three important figures in the Hou Mansion all changed drastically!

"It's still a month before the Big Four Hou Mansions are compared. I always thought that my nephew Shangguan Yunxiang would definitely win the first place, but now it seems that Lord Shi Xiaohou is also a strong enemy. It is very likely to threaten my nephew's first position!"

This is Tongtianhoufu, the younger brother of the head of the Shangguan family.

The other big Hou Mansions are also quite worried.

Among them, the person from the Dragon God's Mansion is Long Yuhui.

When Long Yuhui saw this scene, his expression was full of worry.

"Chen Feng's strength still has a huge gap with him. I don't know if it is his opponent."

"Hey, if Feng Chen can worship the Dragon God Hou's Mansion, it would be nice to participate in this competition. He definitely has hope."

But then he patted his head and cursed in a low voice, "Long Yuhui, what do you think? Have confidence in Chen Feng, Chen Feng will never let everyone down!"

Only the people in Lord Shi Xiaohou’s mansion smiled, and even looked around as a demonstration.

When he met his gaze, many people around were flattering and praised: "This time, with a young master like Shi Xiaohou, Zhenxihou Mansion will be able to stand tall in the next 100 years. Among the powerful families!"

But there are still many people who firmly believe in Feng Chen and believe that Feng Chen will certainly rebound.

In those rounds in the past, when Feng Chen didn't seem to be at a disadvantage, but in the end he always won?

"Yes, Feng Chen is a character who can create miracles, he can definitely come back, I firmly believe!"

On the ring, Lord Shi Xiaohou looked at Chen Feng and said lightly: "Feng Chen, have you seen it? Whether it is medicine refining or martial arts, I can crush you. Is there any chance you can win?"

His face was full of arrogance and joking, and said: "If there is any, you can show it to me!"

Chen Feng slowly shook his head without speaking.

Seeing him like this, Lord Shi Xiaohou thought that he had been refuted by himself, and he was even more proud. He laughed and said, "Moreover, not only do I have these two things, I still have one thing enough to crush you!"

After speaking, he stretched out his right hand, and a blue flame suddenly appeared in his hand.

When this flame first appeared, it was only the size of a candle, and then slowly grew to the size of an egg, the size of a fist, and finally became a full two feet high.

And no matter it gets bigger or smaller, its shape is like a pagoda.

The flame is icy blue, like sea water, with crystal clear color and extremely high purity.

Of course, it is far less than the full bloom of the red lotus heart fire, but it is also much higher than all the beasts, fires and plants that appeared in the big competition. It has a huge gap!

He raised his right hand high and let the blue flame like a pagoda appear in front of everyone.

Seeing this flame, everyone felt an extremely hot heat rushing over. Although they were so far away, it was as if they were in the desert, the flames billowing, and the gale blowing on their faces.

Everyone was shocked: "What kind of flame is this? There is such a mighty power so far away?"

Above the main stand, the high-level officials of the Alchemist Association, as well as the knowledgeable high-level members of the major families, all screamed in exclamation, and many people's faces showed shock.

Finally, Gu Xifeng swallowed hard and said dry voice: "This, is this Xuanhuo?"

Master Shi Xiaohou was extremely proud, and he laughed and said, "Yes, this is Profound Fire, but the Blue Demon Pagoda Fire ranked 1,376 in the Profound Fire Ranking!"

"It turned out to be Xuanhuo? It turned out to be Xuanhuo?"

"Blue Demon Pagoda Fire!" Hearing these five words, and hearing the two words Xuan Huo, everyone suddenly exploded.

Above the square, there was constant exclamation,

"Shi Xiaohouye is too strong. His flame is such a powerful profound fire?"

"His Profound Fire is not a problem to suppress the flames of everyone else. When it's over, Chen Feng is completely finished this time. There was a huge gap in strength originally, and Lord Shi Xiaohou had a powerful Profound Fire this time. There is no chance of winning at all!"

The strength of Lord Shi Xiaohou shocked everyone.

Even those who supported Chen Feng had a look of despair on their faces.

"It's over, this time Feng Chen is absolutely hopeless."

"Yes, Feng Chen is invincible, and with the fact that Lord Shi Xiaohou has a profound fire, it is absolutely impossible for him to be Lord Shi Xiaohou's opponent!"

Everyone thought that he was definitely not Shi Xiaohou's opponent, and that he would lose this time.

At this time, Elder Liu had no waves on his face. He stepped onto the ring, glanced at the crowd, and then said slowly: "Please move out of the city. The place where we are competing today is not in the city."

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