Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1492: Fourth round

"They didn't deal with such prominent families, so no one cares."

"But what is the existence of Yuwen Family? This is one of the five great families. It is good for you to kill Yuwen Family directly. The noise is so loud, the whole Wuyang City knows what you did just now!"

"You are happy and happy, but your master, I was outside to block you from the old Yuwen family who came to support you!"

He sneered and said, "Do you know that if I come here a while late, you will be beheaded now!"

Chen Feng was shocked when he heard it. He didn't expect the matter to be so serious.

Long Shenhou glanced at him and said, "What do you think? The Yuwen family, one of the five great families, has been passed down for thousands of years, and it is inextricably related to many powerful families and powerful warriors."

"You broke into Yuwen's house secretly at the beginning, so nothing more. After all, no one knows, but this time, if you went in openly and wanted to **** the things in the treasure house, some people would have to take action!"

He faced Chen Feng with a solemn face, and said slowly: "The last time, let's not take it as an example!"

Chen Feng nodded solemnly: "Thank you, Master, for reminding me that this time I am really reckless."

Chen Feng really didn't expect the consequences to be so serious before. After the master reminded him, he realized that Yuwen's family had so many powerful backups, including Zhenxihou, one of the four great mansions!

Long Shenhou looked at Chen Feng and said, "I know you are a well-informed person. This time I remind you once, and you will naturally not do that. In that case, good."

Say yes, turn around and walk outside.

When I walked to the door, I suddenly turned around, smiled at Chen Feng and said, "Chen Feng, do you know what you are most satisfied with?"

Chen Feng said in amazement: "The disciple doesn't know."

"The thing that satisfies me the most is that you, as a person, do a lot of things with your own ideas, and rely on your own strength, and you didn't ask me for help."

"If you ask me for help, I will definitely help you, but I will also be disappointed in you. My Dragon God's foundation should not be someone who depends on others."

Chen Feng was stunned. When he came back to his senses, Long Shenhou's figure had already disappeared.

In the early morning of the next day, Chen Feng went to the Yaoxiang Pavilion first and gave them the essence stones.

In front of the Alchemist Association, above the ring, the fifth round of competition officially started.

Elder Liu announced loudly: "The fifth round of the game is still a group fight, two people in a team, to compete!"

"This time the challenge is still to refine the pill, but it may be a little difficult for you!"

Having said that, he is selling it off, and will not go on!

"Now we are grouping, and several people draw lots."

Chen Feng quickly stepped onto the ring, and he also saw his opponent, who was a noble boy in a white robe, who was born extraordinary at a glance.

After he saw Chen Feng, he laughed and said triumphantly: "Feng Chen, the two of us have met again!"

This person is actually an acquaintance.

It was after the third round that Zhao Zijing humiliated and mocked Chen Feng.

As he said, his expression turned hideous, and he rubbed his fists: "Haha, I'm so lucky that I even faced you. This time, it's a good opportunity!"

"Originally, I thought you didn't even have the hope of qualifying for the fifth round. In this case, I naturally couldn't humiliate you face to face, but I didn't expect that you were lucky enough to be promoted. It really beat my expectations. !"

"But that's fine," he laughed, "Anyway, you are promoted, standing here, the meaning of being here is to be defeated by me and humiliated by me!"

When he said this, he looked as it should be, as if Chen Feng was defeated and humiliated by him, it was already a fact.

Chen Feng looked at him with indifferent eyes and did not speak.

This Zhao Zijing. It is constantly provoking and mocking.

Chen Feng suddenly said coldly: "You are so sure that you can defeat me?"

"Isn't this nonsense? This is a matter of course." Zhao Zijing laughed!

At this time, Elder Liu announced loudly: "This round, what you are testing is to refine a sixth-grade pill."

"What? Refining a sixth-grade pill?" As soon as this statement came out, there was an uproar on and off the stage.

Everyone was shocked: "Six-rank pill, this, who can make it? Is there a sixth-rank alchemist among these people?"

"No one can reach the level of a sixth-grade pharmacist! Ah, that's not right, one person can reach the level of a sixth-grade pharmacist!"

Everyone's eyes were cast on a young man in a purple robe, this young man in purple robe was graceful, luxurious and huge, and his background was absolutely extraordinary.

Everyone exclaimed: "Isn't this question tailor-made for Lord Shi Xiaohou? Of all, Lord Shi Xiaohou is the only one who has reached the level of a sixth-rank alchemist!"

"Apart from him, who can succeed in refining?"

It turned out that this purple-robed young man was named Shi Xiaohouye, and he was one of the four great mansions, Xiaohouye of Zhenxihou Mansion!

The Shi Xiaohouye, who was gathered by everyone's eyes, was indifferent, without the slightest panic, and without any pride, but his expression was extremely calm, standing there, like an old monk entering concentration.

It seemed that everything around him couldn't have any influence on him, and there was a faint breath flowing around him.

Chen Feng was shocked: "This person is definitely a strong enemy. He should be the most powerful person in this pharmacist conference!"

Elder Liu said loudly: "Shut up!"

His voice fell, and these noisy voices just fell.

Elder Liu said lightly: "I know that many people have not reached the level of a sixth-rank pharmacist, but this task does not require the strength of a sixth-rank pharmacist."

"There are many steps in refining medicine, including selecting medicinal materials, smelting medicinal solution, condensing pills, and finally refining the pill. This time, we look at the completion of the task!"

"Even if you didn't succeed in refining in the end, but the task was completed very high, and you were only one step away from success, you can still be promoted."

As soon as he finished saying this, Zhao Zijing was even more proud. He pointed to Chen Feng and said with a haha ​​smile: "Feng Chen, after hearing this rule, do you still think you have a chance of winning?"

"I am a fifth-grade pharmacist, and you? You are just a poor third-grade pharmacist!"

"Even if your talent is high, when refining this high-grade pill, the degree of completion cannot be high. And I, I am only one line away from the sixth-grade alchemist, so my degree of completion will definitely be very high. !"

Under the surrounding ring, those people nodded after hearing this.

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