Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1488: Hard drive!

On the stands, Li Yu pointed at Chen Feng, laughing, his voice arrogant and arrogant.

Fang Zijing's face is extremely ugly.

At this moment, Chen Feng suddenly turned around, looked at Fang Ziru, smiled and said, "If you remember it well, you said, Vice Chairman Fang, you are the real genius."

"It seems that it is nothing more than that, it seems that it is not better than me!"

As he said, he stretched out his right hand, snapped, slapped gently in the air twice, smiled and said, "Vice President Fang, does your face hurt?"

Fang Zijing's face was even more ugly, and he turned and left with a cold snort.

At this point, the fourth round of the game is all over, and the fifth round is advanced. There are only eight people left.

In other words, there are two more rounds at most to reach the final moment!

That night, Yuwen's house.

With the incident of being broken into by Chen Feng before, Yuwen's recent defense is very tight, silver armor guards are patrolling everywhere, three steps one post, ten steps one post.

Deep in the dark alley in the distance, a figure hidden in the night looked up and scanned the scene, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

Then, his figure flashed, sighed, like lightning, disappeared directly, and came directly under the Yuwen's city wall.

Then with a light push of his hand, he flew up, quietly climbed over the huge wall of tens of meters high, and landed lightly.

He pinpointed his direction and flew towards somewhere.

There are a lot of silver armor guards, especially in some key places, where most of the people living here are important figures from the Yuwen family.

They were afraid that Chen Feng would come to fight these important figures!

However, these silver armored guards looked like nothing in his eyes and had no effect at all.

This person is obviously Chen Feng, this time he did not approach any important figures in Yuwen's house, but went directly to the depths of Yuwen's house.

Soon, just before I came to a hall, the hall was dark, and I didn't know what material it was cast with, and it felt extremely solid.

Moreover, there were hundreds of silver armor guards standing outside, and the defense was extremely strong.

There are torches all around, illuminating everything around him as bright as day, and it is obviously impossible to sneak into the past.

So Chen Feng took a deep breath, stood out from the shadows, and strode towards the palace gate.

Soon, the guards found him and shouted: "Who? I dare to break into my Yuwen's house!"

"This is a great place for the warehouse. Anyone who trespasses should be killed! Get out!"

These guards brandished their weapons and yelled, their attitudes were extremely arrogant.

They have been under a lot of pressure these days, so they cast all their anger on this person.

A few guards even walked towards Chen Feng with sorrowful faces, and said with a smile: "Little boy, just abandon you, let us relieve our anger."

Chen Feng raised his head, and the flames flickered, fluttering in the wind, illuminating Chen Feng's face.

When these guards saw Chen Feng's appearance clearly, they all took a breath, their faces were shocked and terrified, and they exclaimed.

"Chen Feng, it turned out to be Chen Feng!"

Some people recognized Chen Feng as coming, and the rest of those who did not recognize Chen Feng's appearance shuddered when they heard the words Chen Feng, and their faces instantly turned pale.

Chen Feng, this name is now in Wuyang City, it can almost be said to be thunderous!

As soon as this young man entered the imperial capital, he had a conflict with Yuwen's family. The Yuwen family at that time didn't take him to heart.

But soon, everyone in Yuwen's family discovered to their horror that the speed of the growth of this ant's strength was extremely astonishing, becoming more and more powerful.

Even in the end, even Yuwen's family was a little afraid to provoke him.

And just a few nights ago, this young man broke into the forbidden area of ​​Yuwen's house, killed the only two super masters of Yuwen's house with his own power, and took away the treasure of Yuwen's house!

This made the word Chen Feng almost synonymous with the devil in Yuwen's house.

When they heard that Chen Feng was coming, they were all frightened.

The guards who walked out even backed away.

Chen Feng looked at them with a smile, and said slowly, "What are you doing backing?"

The guards trembled with fright, and they couldn't say clearly: "We, nothing, nothing..."

"Oh? What did you do?" Chen Feng sneered: "You didn't want to cost me just now? Come on, give you this opportunity!"

These guards waved their hands again and again: "No, we dare not..."

"I think you guys are very daring!" Chen Feng sneered, suddenly his figure rushed forward, and then blasted out with a punch.

Those guards were bombarded and killed before they even had time to scream.

With a smile at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth, he walked forward slowly. In front of him were the hundreds of silver armor guards.

And every time Chen Feng took a step forward, the hundreds of silver armored guards took a step back.

Chen Feng was actually alone, forcing them to retreat again and again.

In the end, they had retreated to the door of the warehouse, behind them, there was no way out.

Chen Feng suddenly outlined a cold arc at the corner of his mouth, and said with a cold voice: "Now, I will give you two choices, either die! Or go! Choose yourself!"

His voice. As the cold wind swept through the twelfth lunar month, these guards were icy and could not help shivering heavily, their faces pale and their teeth fighting.

Suddenly, a silver armor guard screamed: "Brother, we are the guards of the Yuwen family. The Yuwen family has raised us for so many years. This is the time to do our best!"

"Are you going to retreat like this? Brothers, come with me!"

This person was obviously a general leader, and with a sharp roar, a dozen people immediately responded and followed him to kill.

There was a sneer at the corner of Chen Fengfeng's mouth, but he snapped his fingers.

Suddenly, there was a sonic boom in the air.

Then the next moment, these dozen people all went from the inside out, with a bang, exploded, and all of them exploded into a **** fog.

The eyes of everyone looking at Chen Feng were even more shocked, as if they were looking at a god.

"God, is this still a human?"

"What a powerful strength this is, those few are all masters of the Ninth Level of Soul Condensation Realm or even the first level of Martial Sovereign Realm. He snapped his fingers lightly and died like this? Nothing? Was it completely destroyed? "

They no longer had any fighting spirit in their hearts, they shouted and fled out one after another.

Soon, there was no one.

A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth, and he slowly moved forward to the warehouse.

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