Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1481: Smelt

Say goodbye and leave.

He went out, returned to Chen Feng, looked at Chen Feng, stretched out five fingers, and said to Chen Feng: "Chen Feng, we can collect all the medicinal materials in one hour, but the price is at least 50 million yuan, no less!"

Chen Feng nodded and smiled: "I know, 50 million yuan stones, it should be said that there are even very few, Lu Dongshan, thank you!"

An hour later, all the medicinal materials that Chen Feng wanted were all prepared and filled in jade boxes.

Chen Feng checked them one by one and put them inside the golden dragon ring.

Then he waved the golden dragon ring and Yuan Shi Xiaoshan appeared here.

He looked at Lu Dongshan and said: "Now, I only have 10 million yuan stone here, but I promise that by this time tomorrow, all the remaining ones will be handed in."

Lu Dongshan smiled and said: "Chen Feng, Young Master Chen, is famous for Daqin, and I can trust this."

A strange smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth.

Now he owes a debt of 40 million yuan stone, but it seems that he is not in a hurry, because he knows a good place to make money.

Chen Feng returned home, and soon, a big tripod was placed in the middle of the room inside.

This is Chen Feng’s five-goat round tripod. In the big tripod, there are various medicinal materials. Ziyue flies in it, busy, the small figure flying up and down, constantly throwing various medicinal materials into the refining medicine. Inside the tripod.

Any dosage is extremely accurate, without any omissions, what Chen Feng saw when he walked in.

He smiled and touched Ziyue's head, and said, "Ziyue, it's really hard for you."

Ziyue gave Chen Feng angrily, and said, "I will say something nice to everyone, but you are here to help!"

When Chen Feng was about to come to help, she pushed Chen Feng away again with a look of disgust, and said: "Go to the side, you are clumsy."

"Okay, don't think that I can't do these things well. If there is nothing wrong with the old man, just teach me something. My current talent for refining medicine is really not necessarily worse than you!"

"Furthermore, I am a spirit body, and I am very sensitive to weight. I missed a single bit. Even a fifth-grade and sixth-grade pharmacist may not be as good as me in mastering the weight!"

Chen Feng was shocked, and then he knew why Ziyue had come to dispense this medicine.

The two of them worked for another hour, finishing all the medicinal materials and placing them in the big cauldron according to their directions.

He pointed to Chen Feng and said triumphantly: "Do you know that these medicinal materials need to be arranged according to the attributes of the five elements? The attributes of the medicinal materials are different, and the positions are also different, otherwise they will conflict with each other and consume each other's effects."

Chen Feng smiled and said, "You girl, I'm here to teach you a lesson."

Ziyue smiled: "Look, did you learn another trick?"

"If you want to absorb the profound fire, getting these drugs is the first step, but it is also the most important step. The difficulty is getting all the drugs together."

"Actually, it's easy to get the medicine."

Chen Feng jumped up, came into the big cauldron, and sat cross-legged.

What he needs to do now is to absorb the power of these drugs.

If it were someone else, it would be extremely slow to do this.

The first is to force the power of the medicine out, and the second is to inhale it into the body.

If you change to other pharmacists of the same level and warriors of the same level as Chen Feng, if you want to force out the power of the medicine, you need to fumigate it under the cauldron with a mysterious fire for ten days and ten nights.

If you want to do the second step, you can either use the profound fire to boil the medicinal liquid in it, so it takes about three months to fully absorb the medicinal power.

And if you don't use Profound Fire, just rely on people to soak in it, and absorb it with your own strength, I'm afraid that it will be normal to absorb it for three to five years.

But Chen Feng is different. Chen Feng has an incomparable nine-yin and nine-yang martial arts, these things are really easy for him.

In Chen Feng's body, the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Divine Art suddenly circulated, and a cyclone quietly formed.

However, Chen Feng controlled the cyclone and exuded his body. Outside the body, a huge cyclone appeared quietly, and then used extremely fine control to divide this huge cyclone into hundreds of small cyclones.

There is a small cyclone hanging above every kind of medicinal material.

This little cyclone was exuding absorbed power, but it was quite gentle, not so tyrannical, and its strength increased little by little.

Later, from the previous gentleness to the later domineering, until this time, the botanical medicine was found to be bad, and when it was time to escape, it was too late!

The domineering force has already swept them and wrapped them inside.

Then, this force began to squeeze in, squeezing and absorbing.

This two-pronged approach is surprisingly good.

Soon, the surface of these medicinal materials oozes drops of juice of different colors, either verdant or bright red, but they are all delicate and extremely pure.

Obviously, this is the essence of the liquid medicine. The liquid medicine squeezed out of each medicinal material is just a few drops, at most dozens of drops.

After these medicinal liquids appeared, the medicinal materials dried up instantly.

Soon, every little cyclone quietly flew towards Chen Feng with a dozen drops of liquid medicine.

Then, these breaths gathered together, and all the liquid medicine also gathered together.

As soon as these liquid medicines touched, they immediately made a sneer sound, interacting with each other.

Chen Feng didn't worry, he just watched from the side, waiting for an hour, and finally the liquid medicine turned into a cloud of blue glass-like smoke.

The smoke seems ethereal, but it does contain a palpable huge spiritual power.

Chen Feng took a deep breath, like a long whale absorbing water, wanting to absorb this spiritual power into his own experience.

However, the medicinal power was very stubborn, very unwilling, and didn't want Chen Feng to absorb it at all.

Chen Feng tried his best, but only absorbed one ten thousandth of the smoke.

Even this makes him feel refreshed and very comfortable.

Chen Feng looked at the stubborn green glaze smoke and sneered at the corner of his mouth: "So stubborn, isn't it? Then I have to use a killer move!"

With that, the nine-yin and nine-yang magical power returned to the body.

Then, the huge suction power came from the dantian, and the verdant glass smoke could not be resisted at all. With a single brush, the whole was absorbed by the nine-yin and nine-yang magical arts and came into the dantian.

Chen Feng suddenly felt that he was like eating the legendary ginseng fruit, and he felt very comfortable from the inside out.

At this moment, all the hidden injuries caused by Chen Feng during the battle disappeared, and the whole body was crystal clear and transparent, reaching the peak state.

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