Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1479: Turn around

"Our ancestors and ancestors did not dare to incorporate Profound Fire into his own body."

Having said this, she also felt very embarrassed. Looking at Chen Feng, she said timidly: "I'm sorry Chen Feng, I was wrong. I deceived you back then..."

"Wrong is wrong. I won't argue here anymore. I will suffer if you beat or scold me!"

Seeing her pitiful appearance, how could Chen Feng be able to fight again? How could it be possible to speak out?

He smiled bitterly and said, "Zhong Yu Xiu, it's not to blame you, it may be that I understood the meaning incorrectly at the time."

Chen Feng's mood became extremely depressed. He didn't expect that he had paid so much toll, and even the heart of the Red Lotus that was so miserable that he could not absorb it at all.

Being unable to absorb it means that he does not have a profound fire that he can control.

At the same time, it means that his hope of reaching the top in this pharmacist competition is almost zero.

This also means that he will not get the Mahayana Soul-forging Pill, the Mahayana Soul-forging Pill cannot be obtained, and his inner pill cannot be recovered.

The inner alchemy cannot be recovered, so in the not-too-distant future, in the Big Four Houfu Contest, it is conceivable that Chen Feng will definitely not be the opponent of those people, and it will bring a series of chain reactions.

This will make everything that Chen Feng has worked so hard to manage to collapse!

Chen Feng didn't show it in front of Zhong Yuxiu and Luo Zilan. He smiled and told them to go out first, saying that he was going to rest.

After the two went out, Chen Feng suddenly collapsed on the bed, covering his face with both hands, feeling extremely depressed.

But after a while, Chen Feng's heart was burning, his face reappeared with fighting spirit, his eyes opened, and the light was bright.

He whispered softly: "Chen Feng, what is this?"

"You have faced more dangerous situations than this, and you don't know how much despair you have faced. You have never given up. Are you going to be appointed this time?"

"Chen Feng, if you do this, I look down on you. You are really hopeless. What is this difficulty?"

"If you can't absorb it, you can't absorb it. I don't believe it and you can't find a way!" Chen Feng said to himself confidently!

At this time, Ziyue quietly appeared, looked at Chen Feng, and said with a smile: "Oh, Chen Feng, it seems that you are mentally well regulated now. You were so depressed just now, and you are better now."

"In this case, I don't want to tell you the good news."

"What good news?" Chen Feng's heart moved, he faintly guessed something, and immediately asked urgently.

Ziyue giggled and said: "Please beg me! If you ask, I will tell you!"

Chen Feng laughed and said awe-inspiringly: "Want me to beg you for a movie? Dreaming!"

Ziyue said angrily: "I hate it!"

But then, suddenly Chen Feng's voice became sweet and greasy, and said in a coquettish tone: "Good Ziyue, good Ziyue, please, tell me quickly!"

Ziyue let out a long tone, looked at him with disgust, and said: "Chen Feng, listen to your voice, do you know that I have goose bumps?"

Chen Feng was also suffering from a chill, and said angrily: "You let me beg you!"

"Okay, Ziyue, tell me, what good news?"

Ziyue laughed and said, "Actually, I know how to let you absorb the heart of the Red Lotus!"

"What? You know?" Chen Feng was surprised.

"Of course, this is what An Lao told me!" Ziyue said triumphantly: "How foresight we are. At that time, An Lao had already expected that you will absorb the profound fire sooner or later, and the most It is this red lotus heart fire that may be absorbed."

"After all, you have no clues about the other profound fires, so An has already taught me how to absorb the red lotus heart fire and what steps are needed!"

When Chen Feng heard this, he was extremely excited, and laughed: "Zi Yue, you really are my lucky star!"

With that said, he was actually taking Ziyue over. He gave her a hard kiss on her little cheek.

Ziyue's face flushed instantly, swollen like blood, and her whole body was stunned.

She stared at Chen Feng blankly. After a while, she stomped her feet reluctantly, and stared at Chen Feng with shame and annoyance and said, "Chen Feng, you bad guy!"

"Is it approved by others? Just relatives!"

Although she said so, her face was full of smiles, and she was extremely happy.

And at this time, in Qingzhou City, a tens of thousands of miles away from the imperial capital Wuyang City, in a luxurious mansion, a gentle young man with a robes, but a very noble temperament, suddenly opened his eyes.

His eyes were bright and scary, his face was extremely excited, and he muttered to himself: "This, this is the breath of Ziyue!"

"I feel the breath of Ziyue again. A few months ago, I felt the breath of Ziyue in Wuyang City. At that time. This breath was in Qingzhou, so I came to Qingzhou."

"However, after searching for a few months in Qingzhou, I found nothing. I was almost giving up hope, but at this time, I actually got the breath of Ziyue again."

"This time the direction of the purple moon's breath turned out to be..."

He distinguished it carefully, with a dumbfounded look on his face: "It turned out to be from Wuyang City!"

He fell into deep thought: "Is someone deliberately stalking it? Or who is playing tricks on me? Or is it a trap?"

He thought about it for a moment, and suddenly a smile appeared on his face. Haha said to himself: "Win the morning sun, win the morning sun, you really are getting less and less courageous."

"What kind of master is there in this little country of Qin, in a small place? The so-called master is nothing to worry about!"

"Who can threaten you here? What if it's a trap? You can smash the trap by stepping in!"

He stood up and laughed loudly: "Ziyue, I am looking for you, this time, you are waiting for me in Wuyang City, don't run around!"

Chen Feng and Ziyue sat cross-legged. Ziyue broke her little finger. She looked very cute, and she told Chen Feng what medicinal materials he needed to prepare.

"Chen Feng, you now need to prepare three hundred and seventy-three flavor medicinal materials, twenty-one thousand years of purple ganoderma lucidum festival, thirty-seven drops of Zhilan blood dew, born in 999 years. of……"

Chen Feng smiled bitterly: "The requirements are so demanding?"

Ziyue said: "Then what do you think? This is about whether you can absorb the important matter of selecting goods, and it is always correct to do more safely!"

Chen Feng nodded, looked at Ziyue with some surprise, and said, "Little guy, I didn't expect it, a few years have passed, and you are much more stable than then."

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