Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1470: Dive into Yuwen Mansion

"I don’t even have my own flame. How dare I be called a genius alchemist? It’s ridiculous! Tell you, everyone who is left is better than you, at least each of us has our own flame. At this point, we It's enough to crush you!"

He said, turning around and strode away, leaving only one voice: "Feng Chen, remember my name, I am Zhao Zijing!"

"From now on, my name will become your nightmarish existence. I will tell you what is truly powerful and true genius. When you think of my name in the future, you will tremble!"

And his guards also left one after another, and they didn't forget to mock Chen Feng when they left.

These people didn't know that they had already fought back and forth in front of Guimen Pass, and felt that Chen Feng could be bullied by them, and before leaving, they laughed loudly at Chen Feng.

Chen Feng's eyes were icy.

He left here slowly, and many people looked at Chen Feng with mockery on their faces.

The reason they laugh at Chen Feng is simple: Flame!

Because Chen Feng did not have his own flame, and at this level of competition, it would be difficult to go on without his own flame.

Chen Feng silently returned to the courtyard all the way, and then he found Zhong Yuxiu and said softly: "Tonight, we two will go to Yuwen's house and steal the heart of Honglian!"

Chong Yuxiu smiled and said, "Chen Feng, you finally made up your mind. Okay, then go tonight!"

Zhong Yuxiu continued: "However, there is one more thing now, that is, we are not very familiar with Yuwen's family."

Chen Feng smiled secretly: "Then you don't have to worry about it."

"Oh?" Zhong Yuxiu said, "Do you have any preparations?"

Chen Feng smiled slightly and said: "Don't forget, I was invited by Yuwen's family to go to their home to participate in a martial arts competition. That time I didn't go for nothing!"

Zhong Yuxiu was taken aback, then pointed at Chen Feng, haha ​​said with a smile: "Chen Feng, it turns out that you were also prepared."

The night is deep, and there are still many places in Wuyang City with bright lights. This is a city that never sleeps.

But the bigger the houses, it was already pitch black, and only a few spots were lit up.

The rules of these families are very strict at home, and very few children can go out to party all night without returning at night, and the Yuwen family is no exception.

At this time, late at night, the entire Yuwen's house was immersed in blackness.

At this time, two figures approached the back door of Yuwen family quietly.

The Yuwen family has a towering city wall, which is several tens of feet long. It is simply a city within a city, but to these two shadows, it is nothing at all.

Even the weaker black shadow climbed up easily, while the stronger shadow seemed to dislike her for being too slow and directly stretched out his hand. With a light leap, it flew up, and then fell gently on the city wall like two feathers.

Soon, the two sneaked into Yuwen's house in a dark corner.

Chong Yuxiu took out a white jade plate from his arms, but there was a red dot flashing on the white jade plate.

The red dot was in the middle of the white jade plate. As soon as she took it out, the red dot seemed to perceive something and began to flicker violently.

In the end, the red dot stayed in the lower left direction of the white jade plate, and the lower left direction was now pointing to the southwest of Yuwen's house.

Zhong Yuxiu pointed in that direction and said excitedly: "The location of the heart of the red lotus is right there!"

Chen Feng nodded, and Zhong Yuxiu put away the white jade plate, and then the two slowly walked towards the southwest, slow and silent.

In Yuwen's mansion, guards in heavy armor kept walking by from time to time. Whenever a guard patrolled past, Chen Feng's aura suddenly rose, covering the two of them silently.

Sometimes, the two of them hid on the side of the road, and the guard passed by without noticing it at all.

Soon, the two went deep into Yuwen Mansion and came to the middle of the mansion.

Chen Feng discovered that this place was very familiar. It turned out to be the place where the five great families competed in the last time.

When he got here, suddenly, Zhong Yuxiu felt his heart hot, so he immediately took out the white jade plate.

I saw the white jade plate, and the red dots were scurrying at this time, and then after a while, the position of the red dot was immediately changed.

Chen Feng pointed to the three side roads in front of him and said, "Where should I go?"

Chong Yuxiu looked for a moment, pointed to one of them, and said, "Here."

The two of them continued along the path and walked forward for about a quarter of an hour. They found that the surrounding area had become extremely quiet, and the roadside was full of bamboo trees.

When he reached the end of the path and Zhong Yuxiu took out the white jade plate again, Chen Feng found that the light spots on the white jade plate had become extremely large at this time, and even illuminated the entire white jade plate.

There was a faint scorching heat from above, and Zhong Yuxiu excitedly pointed forward and said: "The red lotus heart fire is inside this."

There was a bamboo forest in front of it, which seemed boundless. Chen Feng estimated that there were at least thousands of acres, and the bamboo growing here, Chen Feng had never seen before.

This is a kind of purple bamboo. The thick one has the thickness of a bowl, and the thin one is as thick as an adult's arm. It is covered with purple spots, like tears, and is quite beautiful.

At this time, the night is deep, a solitary moon hangs high on the horizon, there is wind in the bamboo forest, the bamboo leaves are rustling, but the bamboo body is not moving.

Chen Feng felt that this wind seemed strange, because he didn't feel it when he was outside just now, but Chen Feng didn't take it to heart, and the two continued to move forward.

But soon, Chen Feng felt something wrong, because no matter how big the bamboo forest was, he should definitely be able to pass through the bamboo forest at this time.

Chen Feng found that he and the two of them seemed to be spinning around in the bamboo forest.

He suddenly stopped in one place and said softly: "Something is wrong!"

Chong Yuxiu said in surprise: "What's wrong?"

Chen Feng pointed to the three-stroke bamboo repair in front of him and said: "I remember clearly that we two walked from here just now. The distance between the three-stroke bamboo repair is one foot four inches eight minutes, and one foot nine inches seven. Points, one foot six and four points, I remember clearly."

"Furthermore, there is a scar on the bamboo stick on the left three feet above the ground. The scar is like a grimace, which is quite weird. So we should be doing a circle on the spot and returning to the spot."

"What?" Chong Yuxiu exclaimed, "Is this a formation?"

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