Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1468: Three questions

The referee also announced loudly: "Feng Chen, with a cup of tea, the refining of Da Huan Dan is successful, and the quality is super quality!"

Chen Feng held up the Da Huan Pill and looked at Qi Zhang with a smile: "Just now you said I don't know how to make pill, do you?"

At this time, Qi Zhang hadn't even finished the selection of medicinal materials.

Chen Feng walked up to Qi Zhang, looked at Qi Zhang with a face of shame, smiled and said, "Master Qi Zhang, why are you not arrogant now? Why are you not taunting me now?"

Qi Zhang's face flushed, extremely embarrassed.

Chen Feng smiled slightly, patted his face, smiled and asked: "Between the two of us, who is so insightful? Don't even have a good medicine cauldron?"

Qi Zhang felt extremely humiliated by Chen Feng's question, but he was not stupid. Knowing Feng Chen of such a strength was definitely not something he could afford.

He felt extremely ashamed, but he still had to answer, daring not to answer, and said: "It's me!"

Chen Feng patted his face again, smiled and said, "Who is the one of us who can't even choose medicinal materials?"

Qi Zhang's face was so full that he almost bleeds: "It's me!"

Chen Feng patted his face again, then smiled and asked, "Between the two of us, who is the waste? Who is the name?"

Qi Zhang felt that he had been humiliated and was about to faint, and he suddenly let out a violent scream: "It's me, it's me! I'm a trash! I have no eyes! I shouldn't mock you!"

Chen Feng smiled and said: "It's pretty much the same, you can recognize yourself, Master Qi, this shows that you have made progress."

Suddenly, he threw a punch, directly on Qi Zhang's Dantian.

With a bang, Qi Zhang's dantian burst directly, countless blood gushing out, and true essence gushing from it.

Qi Zhang let out a scream, rolling back and forth on the ring, his strength dropped rapidly, he was directly abolished by Chen Feng!

He let out a scream, looked at Chen Feng with a bitter face, and screamed: "My cultivation base, my cultivation base, you actually abolished my cultivation base!"

Chen Feng stepped forward, leaned down, looked at him with a smile, and said softly: "Master Qi, brighten your eyes in the future. Some people are not something you can provoke!"

All the people onlookers around were silent, and Feng Chen's powerful and ruthless methods shocked them.

When Li Yu saw this scene, he laughed, and was extremely happy: "Feng Chen, you are powerful and talented in refining medicine. In my opinion, it's nothing more!"

"However, your enthusiasm for revenge is not overnight, but I like it tightly. Hahaha, the old man was as happy as you at the beginning. He didn't agree with him, and he drew his sword!"

"You offended me in the morning, and I will kill you in the afternoon. You kid, it suits my appetite!"

An old man in a blue shirt next to him nodded with a smile, and said, "I also appreciate Feng Chen very much."

Suddenly he frowned and looked at Chen Feng, and said, "Feng Chen, do you have any hidden injuries on your body? I think there was a lot of stagnation between your actions just now."

Chen Feng arched his hands and said respectfully: "In response to this adult, I have a very serious dark wound on my body, and now I can only have 30% of my strength."

The blue-shirted old man frowned and said with a smile: "This is not good. This is just the second round of the Alchemist Competition. It's easy."

"But you will indeed have a lot of strong opponents in the future, and there are many of them. Even at the peak, you may not be able to match, let alone what you are now."

As he said, he suddenly flicked his hand and a green pill flew towards Chen Feng.

Chen Feng took it in his hand, and then he was shocked. He felt that the verdant pill in his hand was full of unrestrained energy, and he seemed to be unwilling to be held by him, constantly rushing from left to right. , Want to jump out.

Chen Feng squeezed it hard to control it.

The blue-shirted old man smiled and said: "This pill has special healing effects. I just figured it out last year. This should be the only case in this world. After you swallow it, you can recover from your injuries."

"But if you swallow it now, it seems a bit wasteful."

He laughed and said: "It's best to swallow it when you are seriously injured and dying. It won't take long to recover to your peak strength!"

Li Yu was furious and looked at the blue-shirted old man, and said, "Gu Xifeng, did you deliberately? Obviously I valued him first, but when you came up, you gave such a heavy gift. Did you want me? Embarrassed?"

As he said, he himself laughed out loud, apparently just joking.

Then he spread his hand, and a pill flew towards Chen Feng.

This medicinal pill is pitch black, but it is not the black of that kind of poison, but crystal clear, like the night sky, extremely beautiful, and there are dots in it.

He smiled and said: "This pill is also a seven-rank, but it is not a healing medicine, but it is a pill that stimulates your potential."

"This medicine is called Xiaotian Devil Disintegration Pill!"

"It is an infinitely weakened version of the Heavenly Demon Disintegration Pill, which can make you suffer serious injuries and leave countless hidden dangers as the cost, stimulate your physical potential and double your strength!"

"The effect of this is much worse than that of the genuine Celestial Demon Disintegration Pill. The genuine Celestial Demon Disintegration Pill is enough to increase your strength tenfold! But, the price to pay is much smaller!"

Chen Feng took it, grateful in his heart, this Li Yu really didn't say to himself.

He smiled and said, "Thank you for the two masters, the kid remembers it in his heart!"

This time, Chen Feng completed it very quickly, so he still had time to go to other people's ring to see how they were doing.

What surprised Chen Feng was that he thought that he had completed it very quickly, but there were still a dozen people ahead of him, who were much faster than him, and he had completed it at this time.

When Chen Feng saw this scene, he was quite horrified: "Da Huan Dan was my first creation. I have refined it so many times. It stands to reason that I should be the first one, but these people can do it faster than me. "

"It can be seen that their alchemy ability should be higher than mine, and even better than mine is not a star or a half."

Chen Feng had great worries in his heart.

Next, he took a look around, and then he felt more shocked.

Because Chen Feng discovered that there are really a lot of geniuses here, and many people are very fast at making alchemy.

And there are also many people who have powerful refining pots.

Chen Feng saw that there are not even a few who are stronger than his own medicine training ability.

After leaving, Chen Feng returned to the small courtyard where Luo Zilan and Zhong Yuxiu lived. His expression was quite worried. He leaned against the table, squinted his eyes, and pondered.

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