Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1466: second round

"Tsk tusk..." He tusks twice, looking at Chen Feng, hanging his eyes, with extremely disdainful attitude: "How about a genius? A **** genius!"

"I have never heard of a genius that takes so long to refine the second-grade pill, hahahaha, Feng Chen, you really made me laugh!"

He proudly said: "Do you know how long I have used it?"

By his side, several attendants immediately said: "Feng Chen, my son has only used a cup of tea!"

"Yes, the time is a quarter of yours, and the refined product is of superb quality!"

"Haha, what kind of **** genius are you? Comparing with our son, it's a complete trash!"

Young Master Qi laughed and looked at Chen Feng, very proud.

There were many people onlookers around, and they all echoed: "This Feng Chen is indeed far behind Qi Zhang."

"It took Qi Zhang a quarter of his time to develop superb quality, but Feng Chen, with the name of a genius pharmacist, has spent so long, absolutely no name!"

Qi Zhang looked at Chen Feng and said, "Feng Chen, have you heard? I am now looking forward to meeting you in the next round. At that time, I will make you faceless, and I will let you be in front of everyone in Wuyang City. All ashamed!"

Chen Feng looked at him with cold eyes.

He wanted to keep a low profile and didn't want to make trouble, but this Qi Zhang was repeatedly provoking, and he had already touched the bottom line he could bear.

He has now decided to teach this surname Qi a tough lesson.

Chen Feng pointed to Qi Zhang with a cold voice: "Qi Zhang, I am also very looking forward to being able to draw a group with you in the next round!"

Qi Zhang was taken aback, then furious, and shouted sternly: "Feng Chen, you are provoking me! You are really overweight, I want to defeat you, easily, you still want to share with me. group?"

"Okay, how about we make a bet?"

Chen Feng said, "How to bet?"

Qi Zhang said: "If the two of us can be grouped together, if whoever loses, we will give the winner a hundred knocks, kneel at the other party's designated place for three days, and then call the other party three grandpas. ,how about it?"

Chen Feng smiled slightly: "Okay, that's it!"

Qi Zhang didn't expect Chen Feng to agree so simply, and suddenly he felt guilty: "Is Feng Chen relying on something?"

But then, he drove away the emotion, stared at Chen Feng fiercely, and said, "Then I'll wait for you to call me Grandpa!"

The next day, the competition continued.

There are still very few people paying attention to Chen Feng, but those people yesterday looked at Chen Feng expectantly, hoping that he could create miracles again.

In the middle stand, there were many more people paying attention to Chen Feng, all of them powerful old men.

The old men looked at Li Yu suspiciously and said, "Li Yu, are you sure that he really did it in fifty breaths yesterday?"

Li Yu laughed and said, "What did I lie to you? That is what I saw with my own eyes. You just watch it today, and you will never be disappointed."

Everyone nodded in disbelief, but still somewhat disapproved of Chen Feng.

Chen Feng slowly walked to the ring, and the person opposite him also walked to the ring.

Then the next moment, Chen Feng's opponent burst into a burst of laughter: "Hahahaha, Feng Chen, what a coincidence, what I said yesterday has indeed been fulfilled, and the two of us have really been grouped together!"

"Hahaha..." His face flushed with excitement: "Feng Chen, just wait. This time, I will let you lose face in front of everyone, and I will slap your face deeply. !"

It turned out that Chen Feng's opponent this time was unexpectedly Qi Zhang.

Chen Feng looked at Qi Zhang without speaking, but Qi Zhang thought he was showing weakness. He suddenly stepped forward, looked at Chen Feng, and said in a low voice, "Feng Chen, do you know that this time we two can be grouped together? , It's not a coincidence at all."

"It was I who used a strong relationship to put the two of us into one group. I just wanted to humiliate you severely!"

Chen Feng looked at him, suddenly feeling very ridiculous, and said with a smile: "Qi Zhang, you are really seeking your own death, why are you so anxious to reincarnate?"

"If you don't form a group with me, you might be able to go forward a few more rounds, but unfortunately, your journey to the Alchemist Conference will be over today."

Qi Zhang did not dare to believe: "What are you talking about? Are you crazy? How dare you say such things here? Do you think you can defeat me?"

Chen Feng smiled slightly: "It's not that I think, but that I will definitely be able to defeat you!"

Qi Zhang was taken aback for a moment, then laughed loudly: "Okay, okay, okay, then I'll wait for you to defeat me!"

Many people who followed this group of arenas also heard what Chen Feng said.

Some people sneered: "This Feng Chen is really ignorant of the heights of the sky, and even daring to say that he can defeat Qi Zhang is crazy!"

"Is Qi Zhang that he can match?"

"Yes, this Feng Chen is really arrogant and reckless!"

And someone immediately retorted: "What do you know? Feng Chen is a worthy daughter of a genius alchemist, very powerful!"

This is the person who has seen Chen Feng's power yesterday.

Elder Liu announced loudly: "This second round of competition, the topic is, refining a third-grade pill, and a great pill!"

"Great for money?"

Many people have heard of it.

It turned out that the Qin Kingdom did not have this medicine. Later, Chen Feng successfully refined the Great Huan Pill in Suiyang County and spread it widely. Soon all the alchemists in the Great Qin Kingdom knew about the Great Huan Pill.

The difficulty of refining the Great Return Pill is medium to high, but most people have heard of it, but many alchemists below Rank 3 have a sad expression on one side.

Because they can't refine it.

A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth: "This great return pill, I should be the first person to succeed in refining it. I don't know how many times I have refined it. I am extremely skilled."

When Qi Zhang heard the words Da Huan Dan, his face immediately showed a smug look, and he was sure of winning.

He smiled at Chen Feng and said: "Feng Chen, do you know that Da Huan Dan, I have already refined it many times successfully, the refining speed is very fast, and I am very skilled."

"I could easily crush you, this time the topic is refining the Great Huandan again, haha, Feng Chen, do you plan to make a disastrous defeat!"

Chen Feng shook his head slightly, feeling very ridiculous. This person is really arrogant. Does he know that Da Huan Dan is his own initiative?

Elder Liu announced loudly: "Now I announce that the competition has officially started."

As his voice fell, everyone on each ring suddenly moved quickly.

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