Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1445: Fed up

The golden guard pointed to the distance and said:

"A few more young talents who participated in this competition are here. They are the distinguished guests of our Yuwen's house. Don't clashed in front of the mansion and let the distinguished guests read the jokes!"

"Yes!" The silver armored guard who wanted to deal with Chen Feng quickly responded respectfully, and then he whispered at Chen Feng:

"Untouchable, you are lucky this time, you can escape, don't you hurry to get out?"

Chen Feng stared at him coldly and said lightly: "Apologize!"

"What? You asked me to apologize?" The silver armor guard showed a strange look on his face, thinking that Chen Feng's words were really funny.

The leader of the golden armored guard wrinkled his brows, his face showed a touch of impatientness, his face was arrogant and cold, and he shouted at Chen Feng: "Didn't you hear it? Get out of here! Are you shameless?"

While talking, the three young people had already arrived at the gate of the mansion.

These three young people are all dressed in luxurious clothes, with very powerful magical instruments on many parts of their bodies. Their aura fluctuates, and each of them has noble temperament. Obviously, their identities are quite unusual.

The golden armored guard leader ignored Chen Feng and hurriedly greeted him.

The silver armored guards also greeted them one after another. At this time, they had disappeared from the arrogance they had just faced Chen Feng at that time, but turned into flattery with all their faces.

The commander of the golden armor guards said respectfully: "Zhou, Prince, and Zheng, are you three here? Please, please, please inside!"

"My eldest lady has been waiting in there for a long time, and when the three of them come together, they will definitely be brilliant, and this time martial arts exchanges have added a lot of luster."

His words were very pleasing, and the corners of the three princes' lips were smiling.

One of them was 27 or 18 years old, a handsome and thin-looking young man. He stretched out his folding fan and made a look that he thought was very chic and romantic.

He laughed and said: "I heard that Miss Yuwen's family hosted today. When Miss Yuwen's family was fourteen years old, she appeared in front of many rich and powerful figures in Wuyang City, she was a stunning Quartet and was known as one of the four great beauties of Daqin. ."

"But it's a pity that I have been in retreat afterwards. We only left the customs today. We can see such a peerless face the first time. It is really lucky."

He smiled slightly and said, "This time. You have to ask Miss Yuwen for more advice."

The commander of the golden armor guards laughed and said, "Master Zheng is the dragon among the people. He is handsome and unrestrained. I think our eldest lady will definitely look at you with special eyes."

The other two princes and Zhou princes were also very flattering to Zheng, and they were saying things to please.

Zhou Wu and Zheng Wang plus Yuwen, these are the five great families of the Great Qin Kingdom.

Among the five great families, the Yuwen family and the Zheng family are of the same level, while the Zhou family and the Wu family and the Wang family are closer.

Therefore, they are all very fond of Young Master Zheng. Young Master Zheng is full of complacency, shaking his folding fan, and looks arrogant.

They were about to go in, when suddenly the skinny prince frowned and glanced at Chen Feng, then let out a laugh of disdain, and said to the leader of the golden armor:

"What's the matter? Your Yuwen family is also one of the five great families, why are so unruly? This is a pariah, and even let him stay at the gate of the mansion. This is simply a humiliation to the Yuwen family."

The leader of the Golden Armor guard felt that he was greatly ashamed, and immediately screamed at Chen Feng: "Untouchables, don't you hurry up? I really want to kill people if I stay here again!"

Chen Feng looked at them and said lightly: "I was invited to participate in this martial arts competition."

"What?" After Chen Feng said these words, there was a moment of silence outside the gate.

Then the next moment, everyone laughed, and the laughter was full of disdain, and they all laughed forward and backward, as if what Chen Feng said was extremely ridiculous.

"Hahahaha, what did I hear? He actually said that he was here for this competition, haha!"

"This pariah is crazy, right? He can say such things?"

"The Yuwen family will only invite powerful young talents to discuss martial arts, and such a low-powered pariah is worthy of being invited to participate?"

"Hey, what can I say to such an untouchable lunatic? Just scrap him and finish."

The prince came to Chen Feng, looked at him up and down, and said jokingly: "Untouchables, you said you were invited to participate in this competition, do you have an invitation letter?"

Chen Feng nodded and said, "Of course there is."

"Oh, pretending to look like it!" The prince didn't believe it at all, he smiled, turned around, and said to everyone: "Have you heard? He actually said he has an invitation letter?"

He pointed at Chen Feng and said jokingly: "Then you take out the invitation letter for us to have a look."

Chen Feng said lightly: "What if I have an invitation letter?"

"If you have an invitation letter, then I will eat it!" Prince Wang smiled disdainfully.

A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth, and suddenly something appeared in his hand.

Then, the smile on Prince Wang's face immediately stagnated, and it turned out that it was the invitation letter that appeared in Chen Feng's hand.

The prince uttered an exclamation and said kindly: "It's impossible, why would you have an invitation letter?"

Chen Feng smiled and said, "In fact, I do."

The king's face flushed, and he felt that he had no face.

He became angry and screamed: "Your invitation letter is absolutely forged, untouchable. What is your intention? Where did you stole this invitation letter?"

Chen Feng stared at him with cold eyes: "How can you be sure that I stole this invitation letter?"

"Of course I am sure, how can a pariah like you with low strength be able to get an invitation letter? How is it possible to get an invitation from Yuwen's family?"

He said impatiently: "Quickly explain to the truth, or I will just abolish you!"

Chen Feng's eyes were full of anger, he took a deep breath, feeling that his patience had reached its limit.

Since just now, he has been patient today, but these people are really deceiving people so much that Chen Feng can't bear it anymore.

"Oh? Don't you?" Prince Wang sneered: "Then I will abolish your two legs first, and then abolish your cultivation base!"

Chen Feng laughed loudly, his vigor rose up, and said coldly: "Do you want to abolish me? Okay, let's try it!"

"I want to see, who of us has abolished who!"

Seeing that the two of them were about to do something, the faces of the guards around were joking:

"This pariah really doesn't know the heights of the sky, even we can't beat us, and still want to rival the Prince?"

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